ClayByGumminesWV: 03/22/2009 - 03/29/2009

Friday, March 27, 2009


Parasite! Does a parasite have six legs????

March 25 p Clayberry, you can breathe a little easier. The CCC rolled back your tax burdens over $13m this morning. After Darryl and Darryl voted for the bogus increase on Feb 17th, Commissioner Fran King asked the two to relook at the issue. To rethink the ridiculous increase. Darryl and Darryl refused.
March 25 p By the way, every single other county in state with mineral reserves under Mom and Pop farms voted for the people and NOT use bogus tax value numbers to increase tax burdens. That's every county except one, Us.
March 25 p For her remarks in public, Slinky (Darryl #1) told King she was a bad Commissioner. She was NOT suppose to ever ever talk out in public against the other two. Bad girl !
March 25 p Upon smelling the rat, rats, the ace cub reporter filed exoneration paperwork to roll back those bogus increases on all 1100+ parcels of minerals.
March 25 p This morning, Slinky said he had been getting phone calls on the matter. In weeks past, Fran King also confirmed a number of upset taxpayers. This morning, as smoothly as possible, the motion was made and passed to accept the Prosecutor's advice and roll back the $13m+ increase.
March 25 p It was very important for Darryl and Darryl to make sure the Mel Gibson look alike receives no credit for his following the code exoneration process. Why? They have to look like it was just an oversight. A simple little mistake. They sure don't want the electorate to think the CCC tried to shift the tax burden from big coal to private home owners.
March 25 p Just a year or so back, during a public meeting on growing County Clay, those in attendance came up with good ideas on how to improve life in the county of little. Jerry Slinkinoooggoooer presented his best thinking too. To solve all our problems: 1, add more beds at the nursing home and 2, run the ace cub reporter out of the county by midnight.
March 25 p Based on his own words, we certainly know what the Slinkster thinks about newspapers reporting the truth and public officials catching double H when they behave like out of control delinquents.
March 25 p This morning newbee Commissioner Mike Pierson (Darryl #2) showed his hand. Mikey said the Communicator and this web site does nothing but tell out right lies, twists and distorts. He told little Mr Handsome, the rotund one, YOU ARE A PARASITE on the county!!.
March 25 p He said we made up all this stuff to make money on the backs of good and deceit leaders. We make the place look bad.
March 25 p Pierson is right about the rest of the world thinking this county is full of dumb bunnies. Unfortunately, Darryl #2 is blaming the messenger when the message (their actions) is the problem.
March 25 p As for making money, ANY money, Wrong! Last year, year before and on back, the Mel Gibson Look Alike has made $0 for his 23 hour a day effort to improve life in Clayberry. Zip, Zero Ninguno.
March 25 p Having no prior public experience, no prior leadership in public positions, and no formal training for public office, we think Mike Pierson is in over his head.
March 25 p This morning Mr P. admitted to that and things (decisions) were zipping through. Always gullible, we continue to think Mikey Pierson can improve and become a good Commissioner. His choice of dimly lit words this morning is making that opptomision harder to hang on to. Getting the Jerry Slinkinooooger brown stuff off his nose and thinking on his own would be a good, fresh start for Commissioner Mike Pierson, Darryl #2.
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March 26 p Lets get back to the parasite and Commissioner Pierson.
March 26 p Pierson is peed at the ace cub reporter. Yesterday during a CCC meeting, Darryl #2 called the Mel Gibson look alike: A Parasite on the county. What he did was show his hand to the world. He said what he had been thinking for years.
March 26 p Since coming to office in Jan of this year this site and newspaper, the Communicator, has raised the issue of double dipping of tax dollars by Pierson. The issue of being paid as a teacher and then being paid at the same time as a Commissioner. So serious is the impropriety, the School Board paid $500 for a Charleston Suit to tell em: Get an Ethics Commission opinion. If here was ever such an ethics ruling, it hasn't been made public.
March 26 p Since coming to office, we raised H over the number of unlawful meetings held by the Commission away from the public. Not to mention the number of sit down meetings between Slinky and Mikey (Darryl #1 and Darryl #2) where they consider the public's business without benefit of public notice.
March 26 p Since coming to office, Mr Baldy successfully lodged a campaign to roll back tax values on Mom and Pop mineral parcels amounting to well over $13m. The CCC had every intention of breaking it off in the citizens of the county and do so without Crisco! Their backdoor scheme was shot down for the good of the county.
March 26 p Those three items are enough to make any behind closed door operators mad. Pierson says he gets up each morning and reads his Bible preparing himself for the day. Pierson says he's in office to help the people of the county. How refreshing.
March 26 p Pierson thinks the media reporting the facts is bad. He said Wed that such independent fact based, first hand, seen it with our own eyes, reporting hurts the county and keeps good people from running for office.
March 26 p Mikey is part of the school system. He's a company man. has been for 34 1/2 years. In that capacity he's been told what to think and do.
march 26 p So early in office and so much doo doo on him.
March 26 p As an elected official we expect and demand more. Clayberry (he doesn't even like that word!) demands him to stand on his own two feet. We demand him to be thinking for the good of the county instead of walking in lock step with Slinkinoooooger for the good of the school system.
March 26 p It's time for Commissioner Mike Pierson to use his own brain or step aside.
March 26 p Can't help but think of the Neil Young line: to mean so little to you means so little to me.

# posted by George @ 2:09 PM 22 comments

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