ClayByGumminesWV: claywv

Tuesday, November 22, 2005



I'm new to this stuff but here goes.
I figured I may as well get my feet
wet and have a blog about the great
and best county in West Virginia,
Clay! So all the good people of the
world post away.

# posted by George @ 11:46 PM
I would like to comment on your blog. Ithink it wounderful and also Rose's blog which I find interesting.
Hey George! You got that foot thing mastered yet? wonder if A.W. will run for commish. again? The little fellow is pretty smart and that is what we need. D.J.E.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:21 PM, November 24, 2005
Blogs are catching on in clay i just went to poster site she has started one there.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:29 PM, November 24, 2005
Hey 3fngers no haven't got the foot thing down yet. Did you not read that postwaste has it won and sams lost.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:32 PM, November 24, 2005
Hey, thanks, Mary! I can't believe how fast this is catching on! Who'da thunk it? Hey, DJE! You gotta site yet?? ;) AW as a commissioner? I think if he's going to leave his billboard up, he should at least have a picture on it.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 11:32 PM, November 24, 2005
This time around Commissioner Sams and Jerry Linkinoooooger will butt heads. Wrong district for me. It was a wonderful time last year running for office and wish the outcome had been different.
Most interesting for me, 1070 people jumped party lines in an attempt to improve the county of Clay. Someday, change will come and most likely, not from internal forces. Keep your fingers crossed, down the road, Clayberry may have a chance. Andy Waddell
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:54 PM, November 25, 2005
Had a hecka a day had to take the wife shopping. I think the sheriff is doing a good job he just got a "I'm The Man Thing" and he not he over the sheriff office and thats it not everyone and everything else in the county.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:11 PM, November 25, 2005
Sorry about the last post. I was trying to say that Sheriff Holcomb thinks he the boss over everything and everyone in the county he is only the boss over the sheriff's office.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:06 PM, November 25, 2005
Commission election is going to be a good one this year.

You have Jimmy Sams, Jerry Linkinogger and Melissa Postelwait so far.

Can't really count any of them out yet, cause they all have their supporters.

Friends, family and money make the difference here in Clay. Going to be an interesting one to watch. Sortof like the Sheriff race last year.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:16 PM, November 26, 2005
We need Andy Waddell out of Clay. He is a trouble maker and only reports what he wants too.

Definately dont need him for commissioner either. Although he already has a say through triplett. You know I wonder what is going on between those two?

ever notice how the commission stopped receiving hell once pete came on? him and andy buddies (or maybe more) and now andy wont print the truth on the commission.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:19 PM, November 26, 2005
I think you are right on the election thing going to be a good race tis comming year. YES he quit printing about the commission and courthouse as much maybe because they are doing better than before? I know one thing when Triplett got on the commission the back door dealings were gone and I have a friend that works at the courthouse and has for 15 yrs + and says that Triplett if the first commissioner that she has seen comes to courthouse every day and spends time and from what I know and hear the commission is doing a good job.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:01 PM, November 26, 2005
Doesn't anybody remember when if you didn't have a certain last name, you couldn't run for anything or be on a board or anything? I for one am glad that we have people who's names aren't among the Top 5. I'd like to see all the people who are complaining about them do something positive for the county. We have enough ignorant idiots doing enough complainng.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:02 PM, November 26, 2005
ever think george that he quit because him and peter as so tight?

i am not saying peter is a bad commissioner butttttt i know there are back door dealings there, and yet andy wont print anything about his buddy pete

if you remember jimmy didnt speak to andy before pete came along and shut andy up.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:13 PM, November 26, 2005
when you do expose certain people, then you become the target so why say anything at all?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:14 PM, November 26, 2005
As an out of towner, though I used to live in Clay County, I have to say, I actually like Andy Waddell in Clay County. I still have alot of friends and family there and I like to be able to see what is in the news and what is going on locally even if it isn't really news.
Sure Andy does put his own spin on things, but I think any intelligent citizen can seperate the news from the gossip. Those who can't are plainly either just plain stupid or have something to hide. It's not neurology where dealing with, it's a small county newspaper and if you can't differentiate that from gossip with out getting your cottons in a wad then don't read it for pete's sake. There is always the Free Press, for whatever that's worth. Someday they'll get out the manual and figure out how to operate their website too.

As for the next election, (and when is that incidently? ) I too wish Waddell would move (actually I don't even know where he lives, but I saw this on SB's blog) I do believe he could win this one!!!!!

For the poster who wants to know "whats going on between those two" referring to Triplett and Waddell...that is so 80's, grow up!
Cartoon Network and Yahooligans have sites for people your age. Let the grown ups talk amongst themselves.

Margaret Johns
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:17 PM, November 26, 2005
Margaret, you are entitled to your opinion and i am entitled to mine.

from the looks of andy's wife, i would say peter definately looks better and they do seem quite happy in each others company.

the election is next spring. as an out of towner why do you care? you wouldnt have to live with him as commissioner, we would.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:48 PM, November 26, 2005
Hey George! I am at the courthouse several days a week and there is a few problems in the courthouse but nothing like in the past 50 years. We have a sheriff that does have an ego problem. Randy's "I'M THE SHERIFF" attitude has really caused a moral problem in his office with the deputies. They get tired of every picture or news release it is Randy telling the story and never one of them. He does take credit for every drug bust, every domestic, every offence that is news worthy. He loves to SSSTTTTRRRRREEEETTTCCCHHH the truth about who told him what and what he can and cannot do but he is doing the best job since Arnold Exline. However he says he needs another deputy why does he not hire one. He bought the deputies (MY NEPHEW IS ONE) new custom pistols, 5 x $500 = $2500.00
he bought them new shotguns 5 x $500 $2500.00 (gave the old one's to the deputies p.s. is that legal)Purchase new carpet for the office I estamate about $2500.00. So do you think for $7500 he could have hired a deputy for $500 a week that would have been 15 weeks. So even with his good cop tactics do you think we should tell Sheriff Holcomb to spend out money WISER!!
I do. We should not be asked to help someone that will not help themselves.
Lizemore Larry
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:07 AM, November 27, 2005
Wadberry for commish. Dos'nt that have a ring to it? Now if he was to take up residence at his office,Aw could run again for commish. It sounds to me like most of the clickers are you in the up coming feasco! Shut! i'll start putting up sign's tomorrow.As for all of the time aw and pete spend together, any one ever stop and think about the team effort it took to make the summer Jam a success, A benifit to all that attended and lisended in around the world. It's gona take team effort to pick and stand by the right up coming commish. Wad berry for commish. is just a nick name i put on him, but AW should and could be our next commish. we would all be proud of. D.J.E.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:02 AM, November 27, 2005
Clayberry is exactly where the blue bloods want it to be. Those five or so families that rule this 342 square miles do not want new business or new $ here. When new $ arrive, the old guard, the bluebloods, lose influence. The day when people can get jobs without knowing somoene or applying suction, Clay County will have a chance at doing better.
BUT ... then JD got caught and went to the slammer. The vacuum after his demise is yet to be filled. We have no top dog leader to pull the strings. Now instead of a group of five or so running things to suit their needs, we drift without direction.
The story is told that JD once said he preferred welfare families moving here because he could control them better.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:39 PM, November 27, 2005
The only thing that I know is the weather is crazy. For MP you are a convicted slapper on record at Clay. You are taking anger classes or suppose to be. AS for Sams and rest of the commission the are staying within budget and not going broke cut when they have to to do it.Maybe thier worst mistake was first appointing you then reappionting you to psd board.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:56 PM, November 27, 2005
OH-MY-GOSH!!! You are a complete and total wing nut! Honey, let me tell ya something, I lose my temper all the time, I got a h*ll of job to deal with and two youngns and I’m a single parent. I lose my temper a lot more than I ought to, but I well tell you what right now, I don’t go smackin the h*ll out my coworkers or kids. Is that what you do to your kid when you lose your temper with him? I bet it is.
Self-defense? HA! (picture me breakin’ wind in your honor) you are plumm full of it!!!!!!!
You say theres no money for jail bills and the like,, no money for new deputies ect. but you think there is enough money for tourism and hiking trails. You aren’t just mean your stupid too!
You are right about one thing, You are not like nobody in this town and I can’t imagine who would want you to kiss them, their a**es otherwise.

For the record I don’t know you either and don’t care too. Yikes! You are one frightening individual and not like you think either. If your so high quality that a person ought not judge you, ya ought not talk like low class trash.

It IS who you know and what there last name is and by God we know your last name is.

Im not signing my name purposley. You can call me a coward if ya want but the truth of it is after this I hope I don’t see ner hear of you again, I got no interest.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:24 PM, November 28, 2005
HAHAHA!! Wing nut! Ain't heard that in awhile. I gotta tell ya, I been on this earth quite a number of years & I ain't NEVER smacked nobody, no matter how mad I got. It's all in how high your standards are & it's plain as pig poop that some people ain't got NONE!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:24 PM, November 29, 2005
Somebody has a dirty mouth.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:32 PM, November 30, 2005
A dirty mouth and obviously a quick temper. Seems like the anger management classes arent doing much good.

I feel sorry for the kid too!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:13 PM, November 30, 2005
Great site and I love the pictures on the opening page.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:44 AM, December 01, 2005
Hello, all. I've taken a journey around all these "Clay Blogs" (are there only the 3?) and am quite troubled by what I've seen. MP is a frequent guest on all of them and seems to be the butt of many a jab. Reading these comments, I think you should all be ashamed of yourselves. I've worked with many troubled children in my life and while MP may biologically be an adult, mentally, she's a textbook case of a mentally disturbed child with multiple neurological diagnoses (i.e., personality and mental disorders, learning disabilities, etc.). Her belligerence and combative attitude are all signs of a grossly stunted maturity.

Most mature adults secure in his or her self-worth will simply walk away from confrontation. An insecure, immature child will continuously engage in undesirable behavior simply for the attention. I see this all the time in the under 8 crowd, with the same symptoms reappearing about the same time as puberty. So I repeat: you should be ashamed of yourselves. Do you treat all children this way?

Furthermore, people who create these sites and people who post a comment (self included, apparently) are also struggling with ego and acceptance issues.

MP, I urge you to seek help. Ask your general practitioner to refer you to a reputable psychologist. Mental disorders are no longer considered something to be ashamed of. I'm sure your quality of life could be greatly enhanced by the right combination of medications.

# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:38 PM, December 01, 2005
george ramsey
PO Box 182,
Procious 25164
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:03 AM, December 02, 2005
Georgie-Georgie and little Rosie to, made pumpkin ridge cry and MP to. We have no water to bath and it makes us blue. It's coming Christmas and we will be good. Just tell old santa to give us a loan. So we can get our water all turned on, and on your web site we will be gone. I'm not being mean it's only a joke. Fire one up and we'll have a toke. Merry Christmas; Happy NEW Year; I've got to go pee the water is near.

Love, Bite Me.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:27 AM, December 02, 2005
Well now let me tell you all something I know MP personally and her family. I will tell you right now she does not brag of slapping anyone and she is ashamed of it now, but you all won't leave it to rest. You all keep bringing up old news. I know for a fact that she does not hit her son at all. She won't even whip him when he does need it let alone any other time. I will tell you sweep your own damn door step before sweeping someone elses. Putting down the Postelwait name that is fine because that only shows you have a brain the size of a pea. You all act like first graders where the name calling and making fun of was ok. Well now let me tell you. You are grown adults on here and know better. You do whatever you want to MP she is able to defend for herself but you leave my nephew out of it scum bags.

signed: lick'em
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:39 AM, December 02, 2005
Dear Lick'em,
I am sure they have adaquate room for another mental case in MP Room. Let us Look at the FACTS:
#1 MP Slapped Someone
#2 MP Took money that was not due her. She signed the back of checks and cashed them.Look at the checks that signature is a binding legal contract.
#3 MP and her family receives government assistance because her husband works at the junk yard and is paid UNDER the table. FACT!!!!
#4 MP has no self respect or cannot be embarrassed or she would keep her mouth shut and let this whole issue die off.
#5 You notice none of MP's post are before noon because she never gets out of bed till Noon FACT!!!
#6 Aunt CC or Hubby RR has to escort her everywhere she is not mentally stable enough to even drive a motor vehicle.
So Give Up
MP does not have sense to Shut Up
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:38 PM, December 02, 2005

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