ClayByGumminesWV: County Commission Meeting

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


County Commission Meeting

JESSE getting Baptized

I was at the Commission Meeting Monday nite. Wallback flooding and TEN COMMANDMENTS

# posted by George @ 11:51 PM
I went to the meeting Monday nite and it was a lot of bs. People need to get a life and work on better things. There is a hand full of people who keep harping on the ten being up that will get the county in a lawsuit. My thoughts is if it bothers them that much move the h@## out of clay! Hurt the tax base by you leaving. Ha HA you won't.
The whole meeting was about the Ten Commandments?? We really need to work our commissioners a little harder.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 7:08 AM, November 30, 2005
I was also at the Commissioner meeting. I felt that it was a voter rally by Jimmy Sams. Dewey Tanner and Ronnie Conley stated that Jimmy Sams had called them to attend the meeting. They called the gentleman in the back row that preached and Rev. Jimmy Duffield. It was obvious that it was a hand picked house. However I was very proud of our lady county commissioner for running a meeting with some order by limiting the length of the comments and when insults were flung and threats made that she would have them removed from the courtroom. The flooding problem has existed in that area for 50 years that I can remember and I was shocked that the Ravenswood Ranting Lady could first JUDGE politicians by stating that someone is taking payoffs, then stating that she had not been told the truth (LIED TO) and the so say she supported the ten commandments and was a Christian. Do you see when you support the 10 you need to look at your own life before we judge.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:29 PM, November 30, 2005
Anybody that gets elected to office gets to be called 'the honorable'. Before you vote for ANYBODY, think about how sick it's going to make you to have to call them 'honorable'. Makes me want to write in my dogs name on the ballot.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:40 PM, November 30, 2005
"mpostelwait said"...

Mr. Terry S. I have tried twice to repay them in full by the only means I have available to me right now. I am not offering no more and I no longer feel that I am under any requirements to repay them.

I have been real nice so far and don't want to drag anyone else's name out there, but there is more going on than meets the eye and well let's just say that pay advances, was and is a common practice at Clay-Roane. Remember this, their new rule that they put into effect only prevents board members from taking advances.


Does this mean employee took advances was it board approved if not then the chairperson being the person she says she is should have said something but if it was approved it'll be in the minutes.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:12 PM, November 30, 2005
mpostelwait said...
I don't consider myself either. I was overpaid and I have tried twice to pay them back. I am not going to keep asking them to accept the payback.

I have brought up about the other illegal stuff going on but no one wants to hear that. The employees are the ones that run that plant, it has always been that way. The board is just there to cater to their needs and when you start trying to change that, like I did, then you get all kinds of crap and lies started on you.

She said the board ok'ed the advance of money but no vote or even talked about at any of thier meeting it that "LEGAL"
I like to see her answer that!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:13 PM, November 30, 2005
So MP is gruntin’ and groanin’ about how the employees run the show and the board members allow it to continue. According to the Handbook for PSD Board Members that’s exactly how it should be going. Amazing what you can find on the internet and I don’t even get to stay at the house all day look search for it.

The Handbook for Public Service District Board Members (WVRWA) states:

"Modern utility management demands that the governing body attend to all aspects of its responsibilities while leaving the staff free to carry out their duties."

"It is critical that you and your fellow board members don't micro-manage or meddle in day-to-day operations of the system."

"...local officials and employees need to avoid even the appearance of misconduct."

This book is available to all WV PSD board members, free of charge, from West Virginia Rural Water Association. Clay-Roane needs to get copies for its board.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:20 PM, December 01, 2005
Take them down and keep religion out of Government like it should be!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:55 PM, December 02, 2005

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