ClayByGumminesWV: Election 2006

Monday, November 28, 2005


Election 2006

It's election time comming up so lets see who running and who's going to win.

# posted by George @ 10:36 AM
Commission meeting tonight wounder who will show up maybe js cw jw mp n3 who knows may be a good one for sure I plan to be there if I can.
History of Twelve Days of Christmas
There is one Christmas Carol that has always baffled me. What in the world do leaping lords, French hens, swimming swans, and especially the partridge who won't come out of the pear tree have to do with Christmas?

Well just read on:

From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for the young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning, the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church.

Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember.

1. The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ.

2. Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.

3. Three French hens stood for faith, hope and love.

4. The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

5. The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books.

6. The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creating.

7. Seven swans a swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit--Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership and Mercy.

8. The eight maids a milking were the eight beatitudes.

9. Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit--Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.

10. The ten lords a leaping were the Ten Commandments.

11. The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful

12. The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles Creed.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:47 PM, November 28, 2005
A Deck of Cards
A Deck of Cards

It was quiet that day, the guns and the mortars,
and land mines for some reason hadn't been heard.
The young soldier knew it was Sunday,
the holiest day of the week.

As he was sitting there, he got out an old deck of cards
and laid them out across his bunk. Just then an army sergeant came in and said, "Why aren't you with the rest of the platoon?

The soldier replied, "I thought I would stay behind and spend some time with the Lord. You see, since we are not allowed to have Bibles or other spiritual books in this country, I've decided to talk to the Lord by studying this deck of cards."

The sergeant asked in disbelief,
"How will you do that?"

"You see the Ace, Sergeant? It reminds me that there is only one God.

The Two represents the two parts of the Bible, Old and New Testaments.

The Three represents the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost.

The Four stands for the Four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

The Five is for the five virgins that were ten but only five of them were glorified.

The Six is for the six days it took God to create the Heavens and Earth.

The Seven is for the day God rested after making His Creation.

The Eight is for the family of Noah and his wife,
their three sons and their wives - the eight people God spared from the flood that destroyed the earth.

The Nine is for the lepers that Jesus cleansed of leprosy. He cleansed ten, but nine never thanked Him.

The Ten represents the Ten Commandments
that God handed down to Moses on tablets made of stone.

The Jack is a reminder of Satan,
one of God's first angels, but he got kicked out of heaven for his sly and wicked ways
and is now the joker of eternal hell.

The Queen stands for the Mary.

The King stands for Jesus, for he is the King of all kings.

When I count the dots on all the cards, I come up with 365 total, one for every day of the year.

There are a total of 52 cards in a deck; each is a week - 52 weeks in a year.

The four suits represent the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.

Each suit has thirteen cards - there are exactly thirteen weeks in a quarter

So when I want to talk to God and thank Him, I just pull out this old deck of cards and they remind me of all that I have to be thankful for"

The sergeant just stood there. After a minute,
with tears in his eyes and pain in his heart, he said, "Soldier, may I borrow that deck of cards?"

Please let this be a reminder and take time to pray for all of our soldiers who are being sent away, putting their lives on the line fighting for us!

Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need.I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.


Please stop for a moment and say a prayer for our servicemen and women all around the world.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:52 PM, November 28, 2005
So if the US government determines that it is against the law for the words "under God" to be on our money,
then, so be it.

And if that same government decides that the "Ten Commandments" are not to be used in or on a government installation, then, so be it.

And since they already have prohibited any prayer in the schools, on which they deem their authority,
then so be it.

I say, "so be it," because I would like to be a law abiding US citizen.

I say, "so be it," because I would like to think that smarter people than I are in positions to make good decisions.

I would like to think that those people have the American Publics' best interests at heart.


Since we can't pray to God, can't Trust in God and cannot Post His Commandments in Government buildings,
I don't believe the Government and it's employees should participate in the Easter and Christmas celebrations which honor the God that our government is eliminating from many facets of American life.

I'd like my mail delivered on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving & Easter.

After all, it's just another day.

I'd like the US Supreme Court to be in session on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving & Easter as well as Sundays. After all, it's just another day.

I'd like the Senate and the House of Representatives to not have to worry about getting home for the "Christmas Break." After all it's just another day.

I'm thinking that a lot of my taxpayer dollars could be saved, if all government offices & services would work on Christmas, Good Friday & Easter.

It shouldn't cost any overtime since those would be just like any other day of the week to a government that is trying to be "politically correct."

In fact....

I think that our government should work on Sundays (initially set aside for worshipping God...) because, after all, our government says that it should be just another day....

What do you all think????

If this idea gets to enough people, maybe our elected officials will stop giving in to the minority opinions and begin, once again, to represent the 'majority' of ALL of the American people.

SO BE IT..........
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:56 PM, November 28, 2005
Fair enought for now but it will be a election topic are you for or against them.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:58 PM, November 28, 2005
Hey, George! Thought I'd come over here & see what's going on, but it looks like pretty much the same ol', same ol'.

What do YOU think about the Ten Commandments? Personally, I don't see what the big deal is. If you're trying to live them, fine. If not, it's not like you have to stand there & stare at the plaque all day. I understand the seperation between church & state, but surely to goodness there are bigger issues to spend our tax dollars on.

Love your site!
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 9:22 PM, November 28, 2005
Thank's Rose. I like them in the courthouse in school anywhere they want to put them. Now to put it to rest instead of Democrats and Republicans we have christians and others or ten supporters and non ten supporters and that how we would vote and they would run that would solve the whole mess.
# posted by Blogger George : 10:08 PM, November 28, 2005
LOL George, the whole mess is never gonna be solved! People will always find something to moan & groan about, even if they have to make it up!
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 10:42 PM, November 28, 2005
Mark...I don't believe the Government and it's employees should participate in the Easter and Christmas celebrations..I agree but they sure except that 1 time christmas bonus.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:15 PM, November 29, 2005
One of the most famous campaign slogans of all time is "a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage" (Franklin Roosevelt).

Here's some suggestions for Clayberry slogans.

"A hand in every pocket and a head up every a**!"

"I'm one of you, I've been in jail, too!"

"Vote for me and I'll make sure you all have water. I'll slap the p*ss out of all your neighbors!"

"10 commandments bumper stickers for every car that can make it to the courthouse!"

"I didn't do your sister. She told me she was your cousin!"

I gotta million of 'em.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:50 PM, November 29, 2005
Nice site Hope it grows
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:32 PM, November 29, 2005
mpostelwait said...
I don't consider myself either. I was overpaid and I have tried twice to pay them back. I am not going to keep asking them to accept the payback.

I have brought up about the other illegal stuff going on but no one wants to hear that. The employees are the ones that run that plant, it has always been that way. The board is just there to cater to their needs and when you start trying to change that, like I did, then you get all kinds of crap and lies started on you.

She said the board ok'ed the advance of money but no vote or even talked about at any of thier meeting it that "LEGAL"
I like to see her answer that!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:07 PM, November 30, 2005
Jerry said...
"mpostelwait said"...

Mr. Terry S. I have tried twice to repay them in full by the only means I have available to me right now. I am not offering no more and I no longer feel that I am under any requirements to repay them.

I have been real nice so far and don't want to drag anyone else's name out there, but there is more going on than meets the eye and well let's just say that pay advances, was and is a common practice at Clay-Roane. Remember this, their new rule that they put into effect only prevents board members from taking advances.


Does this mean employee took advances was it board approved if not then the chairperson being the person she says she is should have said something but if it was approved it'll be in the minutes.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:10 PM, November 30, 2005

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