ClayByGumminesWV: 13 Days till Christmas!

Monday, December 12, 2005


13 Days till Christmas!

# posted by George @ 6:43 AM
Just wanted to beat the you-know-who fan club to the door & say something nice before they get started.

May the Spirit Of Christmas leave its richest blessings in the hearts of you and yours.

Southern boy you forgot one: NEVER allow yourself to be photographed with another woman in your arms. Could get kinda sticky.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:24 PM, December 12, 2005
Never allow yourself to be photographed dancing on a table at the company Christmas party with Christmas ornaments dangling from your ears & tinsel wrapped around your waist. Trust me. That would be bad.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 5:51 PM, December 12, 2005
You aren't speaking from experience are ya Rose???
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:04 AM, December 13, 2005
Moi?? Uh ... er ... um ... no?
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 6:13 AM, December 13, 2005
I hear its even worse to be photographed while dancing on the table at your company Christmas party, with Christmas ornaments dangling from your ears and tinsel wrapped around your waste if the song "Funky Cold Medina" is playing in the background.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:16 AM, December 13, 2005
or worse yet, Clarence Carter's "Strokin'" ...
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 9:58 AM, December 13, 2005
Wait. Are you sure it's "Funky Cold Medina" & not "Funky Comb A Deena" ???

Merry Christmas!
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 10:10 AM, December 13, 2005
You're right it is Strokin' I get those two mixed up each time. There was a time when they all ran together ya know!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:15 AM, December 13, 2005
...and yes, it's possible I do have chronic lyricosis. I've suffered that for years....even passed it on down to my kids!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:16 AM, December 13, 2005
Chronic lyrocosis isn't a bad thing to pass to children. However, a much better talent would be the crab walk.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 10:18 AM, December 13, 2005
even better than that would be the butt walk!!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:18 AM, December 13, 2005
LOLOLOL I was trying to take back crab & replace it before anybody saw it. I guess I'm such a crabby butt, I got confused.

# posted by Blogger ROSE : 10:20 AM, December 13, 2005
Butt walkers might rule, but THAT'S something you don't ever want to be photographed doing....uh....or so I've hum
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:27 AM, December 13, 2005
Good lord, SB, do you have to do that?? FLASHBACK!! The PTS kicks in & these visions go through my head. I don't know whether to be embarrassed or demand to be worshipped.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 4:15 PM, December 13, 2005

what???? the Beastie Boys are people too ya know!...sort of
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:26 PM, December 13, 2005
Just tried to post a comment on MPs site & got deleted. Thinking she'll make a great politician, say something, take it back, ignore what anybody else says, say somethng that completely contradicts what yu said 5 minutes ago.

# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:08 PM, December 13, 2005
We all know about your great big Christmas balls. What else do you want to say?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:27 PM, December 13, 2005

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