ClayByGumminesWV: Another Day Another ???

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Another Day Another ???

Let's see what we can do today to make Clay a better place.

# posted by George @ 11:19 AM
Wounder where her neighbor worked and got hurt to get ssd. How did the family court case go on child support of your husband that he not paying. Let's see you phone bill about 80 a month electric 50,gas 50, dtv 60, website 10,food 200 ,ect thats 450 dollars a month on what no ssi,ssd foodstamps husband dosen't work of course kids would not get a check they would have no reason so where does it come from maybe the CRPSD board???
Anonymous said...
Remember when you point fingers there are 4 pointing back at you. I know this will be deleted but I least I wrote the truth and the truth shall set us free. RP your husband works under the table at SJY and that way your family gets foodstamp(SAW YOU AT GROCERY STORE) and he does not have to pay KW her childsupport. It is sad when a man does not take care of his children. You know you called the board members and gave them a sob story about no money for your gas bill and they gave you an advance on our board fee and NO it was never voted on in public or put in the minutes. The very evening you slapped the other board member you wanted the PSD board to punish an employee of the PSD for rolling her eyes at you. Sorry Rose that was before you. Why do you not just resign go back to your T.V. and computer or just clean your house and filthy yard and let the psd try to regain its dignity and move forward with the job of providing water to the citizens of CLAY COUNTY.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:31 PM, December 04, 2005
Well just how do you pay since you hubby don't work you don't work you or kids or hubby doesn't get ssi or ssd or welfare sh just how the heck do you pay and live????
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:44 PM, December 04, 2005
No you file charges against the utilties when you ant pay to stop them from shuting them off. PSC site CASE NO. 03-1555-T-C

PO Box 182,
Procious, Clay County,



OF WEST VIRGINIA, doing business as
a corporation,


CASE NO. 03-1043-G-C

P.O. Box 182, Procious,
Clay County,


MOUNTAINEER GAS COMPANY, doing business as
ALLEGHENY POWER, a public utility,


go search psc at
and see for ourself
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:50 PM, December 04, 2005
More cases to search for
CASE NO. 99-1521-PWD-PW
CASE NO. 02-0303-PWD-C
CASE NO. 03-0151-PWD-C
CASE NO. 04-0283-G-C
CASE NO. 03-1043-G-C
CASE NO. 03-1555-T-C
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:14 PM, December 04, 2005
I do work if and when you get all of these lawsuits filed and I get served you will know where I work and we will find out where you get your money for sure and maybe will go see if you paid for these suites you file or say you don't have the money and will see if we can investigate that.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:19 PM, December 04, 2005
Not a darn thing plan on being at courthouse tuesday to watch you file that suit
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:24 PM, December 04, 2005
You are the one that took money from the public illegally and have not expalined how you pay your bills when nobody works and your family get no goverment help so you say. I did not take any money so I don't have to explain squat.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:30 PM, December 04, 2005
You say having a local place to pay your bills is a excuse not to pay them? So that means ever other bill you pay is local and you can go to town and pay it? If you can go to town to pay why not go to the post office in town? Stamps is only 37 cent. I guess someone who makes too much to qualiefy for welfare can buy a couple of stamps. Not only that why do you need notice of shut off. When you don't pay your bill you should know it's gonna get cut off.
Plus when you got a bill for only $6 for three months in a row dont you question that? You probably thought you were getting away with something. I happen to know from personal experience that the gas company is willing to work out a payments even if there wernt no error in billing and you just are just behind for whatever reason. A person who files suit every time something dont go there way is just a person who is failing to take responsibility for thereselves and their iresponsible actions. You dont got my vote next year.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:32 PM, December 04, 2005
Yor are a public offial according to the state of wv and as such the people can say anything about you when you have done something wrong like taking money and lord forbid slaping a fellow public offical and getting convected of it you are now a criminal in the state of wv
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:34 PM, December 04, 2005
I am firm and I do believe what aw says.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:34 PM, December 04, 2005
You haven't said which meeting so we can search the public records to fine where you got the money with board approival. It have to be in the record or it's illegal you should know that as much as you keep up on the law.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:37 PM, December 04, 2005
Just so you cant delete

mpostelwait said...
That is incorrect anonymass. I might be a public official, but that doesn't give anyone the right to spread libelous lies about me.

5:38 PM, December 04, 2005
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:41 PM, December 04, 2005
Same thing here too

mpostelwait said...
You will find out, when past board members are called into testify in my upcoming lawsuit.

Again, Crystal was in charge on meeting minutes so you should ask her. She has already said on record and in front of TV3 that the 2 advances I got where approved and paid back.

5:39 PM, December 04, 2005
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:42 PM, December 04, 2005
Everyone gets behind in their bills one time or nother. That dont mean we all sue the utilitys trying to get out of it. You dont pay a bill and it get cutoff. You go pay to have it put back on, suck it up and learn from the mistake.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:23 PM, December 04, 2005
Pretty Cool Gifts at Not Bad Gifts April
• April 27 pm During Monday night's County Commission meeting, Clay Roane PSD Chair Melissa Postelwait announced something GOOD GOOOD GOOOOD. Postelwait received an invitation to attend a Ceremony at the Statehouse. Postelwait felt that Gov. Manchin would award them a long needed $50,000 grant to help with the Punkin Ridge water line extension project.
• April 27 pm This afternoon Commissioner Triplett said the big ceremony had been put on hold due to a "technical" reason. Technical? Did the Governor's pen run out of ink? Did he sprain his wrist? Did he run out of checks?
• April 27 pm In Feb. Business Development Authority Chair Leanerd Williams said postings on this site killed a deal with a potential tenant at the Filcon Industrial site. We now know that "potential" tenant was just using the BDA for leverage to get what he wanted in Roane County. The BDA was duped again.
• April 27 pm During Monday's Commission meeting, this site was mentioned as a place where Govt. big wigs picked up the notion that our appointed leaders were buffoons and idiots. Late Monday, Postelwait called for a boycott of this site and The Communicator.
• April 27 pm Maybe, just maybe, the Gov. learned of the PSD's unaccounted for $50,0000 missing since 2002... maybe he learned the PSD was $50,000 in debt and had little means to pay the debt, maybe the Governor realized Clay Roane PSD did not separate cash processing duties... the PSD did not maintain a detailed list of customer deposits, the PSD did not safeguard the records during the year, the PSD did not separate its operations and record keeping accounting function, The PSD did not provide adequate control over travel reimbursements, the PSD had unauthorized expenditures for reimbursements, and the PSD does not closely scrutinize salary reimbursements... or at least that's what Clay Roane PSD's accountant told them during the last audit!
• April 27 pm It's time to shoot the messenger, boycott this site and would someone please tell Mr. Manchin to stop reading this site. We sure don't want him and others thinking our appointed leadership is incompetent!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:27 PM, December 04, 2005
MP site may 15

• Teresa Cummings reported to me that her family's company, Cummings Logging, just recently fired Crystal for bad book keeping and they had to go to someone in Clendenin to get it all straightened back up. Whether that is true or not, I do not know, but it does make you think
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:30 PM, December 04, 2005
From the site CURRENT NEWS
• April 26 am Last night over 50 people attended the County Commission meeting and witnessed Clay Roane PSD Chair Melissa Postelwait out of control and ready to get arrested again. Not sure if someone had crapped in her oatmeal or she had PMS (Public Mean Streak) but something was wrong with her. Here's the skinny...
• April 26 am With Postelwait running off at the mouth on nepotism, poor performance within the Queen Shoals PSD, and how things are really looking up at Clay Roane PSD, Postel made it clear to Commission Jimmy Sams, she didn't care about the law, had little regard for the law, and had every intention of going after Sams. After moving forward, within a couple feet of the Commissioner Sams, Postelwait, "ANOTHER BATTERY CHARGE DOESN'T AFFECT ME ONE BIT!" The intent was clear, Postelwait was ready to open up another can of whoop butt.
• April 26 am Sams motioned for Sheriff Holcomb to intervene As Holcomb rounded the corner, Melissa yelled out, "CALLING OUT THE GOONEYS???????" Somewhere in there, another guy told Sams he was acting like an A-hole. The crowd was up. Mouths fell open, They couldn't believe what they were hearing and seeing.
• April 26 am Not nothing if Postel supporters were ready to start a brawl or whether Postel was ready to claw some eyes out, with finger on the pepper spray button, Holcomb, " Get your A** out of here!!.. THE BEST THING TO DO IS TO SHUT UP!" With Postelwait yelling something about expressing her opinions and "THIS IS A PUBLIC MEETING..", Holcomb escorted the Chair and supporters to the back door.
• April 26 am Postelwait stands charged with Battery after slapping the not out of fellow Board member Susan Beard April 14th just after a stormy Clay Roane meeting. She remains free on a $500 bond.
• April 26 am Yesterday, Postelwait called for a boycott of this site and the Communicator. We now know why. With out of control actions like hers and with state funders reading this site, her actions have to be kept from the public. Is it any wonder USDA has pulled Punkin Ridge financing until calmer leadership is found and conservative financial management is in place.
• April 26 am Before her latest beiserk streak, Postelwait said she had it all worked out with RUS, that the funding issue was no big deal to begin with! She told the gathering she had two pieces of good news. One, Clay Roane PSD was awarded a 27+% water rate increase for their high caliber leadership and two, the Governor planned to cough up some additional grant monies this Friday. Postelwait will be representing the county in Charleston for the award ceremony. Wonder if Jimmy Sams will ride down with her Friday?
• April 26 am There's a lot more to this story and we'll get around to that in tonight's post and in Friday's Communicator. In the mean time... Last week, the CCC tried unsuccessfully to remove the out of control and dangerous to be around Postelwait from office. The next step is to go thru a costly Court case. With her already attacking one Board member and with little regard for the civil conduct last night, she has to be considered dangerous in any setting
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:38 PM, December 04, 2005
from mp site
April 17, 2005

• What about all those financial documents they gathered? Where and to whom did the money go?
• I can tell you this, it certainly didn't come to me!
• Since this is going to get ugly real quick, I really can't tell you what all I have up my sleeve. I can tell you that you too will be scratching your heads when it comes out.
• The State Code is very clear on why and how a board member can be removed. I can tell you now that I do not meet the qualifications. Sound cocky to you? Well I am not cocky, but I tried to have three board members removed from office before I was appointed and then one after I was appointed, and let me tell you, I had all kinds of violations on them and I still didn't get anywhere.
• Think it will be different because of a criminal complaint? Think again. A board member's personal time is just that, it's personal. Unless the specific vioaltion occured on district time (during a meeting) or on district property, then it is considered personal time and nothing can be done.
• Think I am lying? Call the PSC at 1-800-344-5113 and speak to the legal division about removing a board member.
• Well as old timers say, sit back and watch. It is going to get very interesting from here on out.
• Not sad but very interesting and very revealing.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:39 PM, December 04, 2005
from mp site

Clay-Roane PSD News and Updates

• Clay-Roane met in regular session on Thursday January 13, 2005. Below are some highlights of that particular meeting.
• The Amma project will be completed in October 2005. The funding agencies have already told the board that we need a second maintenance person and a second maintenance vehicle. Our office manager says that the only way we will be able to do so is to pay off some of our monthly debts. Now there is two ways to do this. One, we can seek a loan and pay off the debts, or two, we can use the Amma deposit account money. Now this is not "robbing" as the other web site stated, they will automatically put it into our regular account in October 2005, so taking it now to avoid a loan doesn't seem like "robbing" to me. Yes I did push the board hard to use the money now. We have to hire one more person and obtain one more vehicle. If we use the money now to pay off monthly debts, not only we will be saving interest for 9 months on those debts, we will also be able to put money into a seperate maintenance account monthly for any future emergencies. I am relisting this item on the agenda again for February.
• I do believe that Susan Beard and Dave Saulsgiver are financially incompetant. That is my honest opinion. It doesn't mean that I don't like them, I just don't think they deal with the financial part very well. As for Gary Whaling, I don't think he is financially incompetant, I think that he doesn't take the time to think things through. If you notice, he often changes his vote. Gary Whaling is an intelligent person, he knows what needs to be done financially, and I think after he gets to think it through, he will make the right decision (he usually does).
• As for the Nepostism policy, yes I did put it on the agenda, but it wasn't because I wanted Thomas Coon hired back. When we hired Mr. Deems to replace Thomas, I raised an objection because our nepotism policy states that no one that is related to a board member can be hired. Mr. Deems as well as Mr. Coon, is my cousin. Mr. Deems was the most qualified for the position, and there for it was my opinion that the policy should reflect that the most qualified should be hired, regardless of their relation to a board member. If they are related to a board member, I feel that the particular board member abstain from voting. That away we can hire the most qualified without fear of being accused of Nepotism.
• Thomas Coon did ask for reemployment with the District. He was asked by Gary Whaling (not me) to attend the meeting and he did. He spoke with the board in executive session and the board decided not to rehire him full-time. The board did offer him an emergency work position, which he declined. However, he can reapply when the second position is opened up officially if he is still interested, as well as anyone else that is interested in the position. Seems most board members were upset that Mr. Coon had quit without giving notice. I reminded them that Mr. Dale Deems had too quit without giving notice, yet the board offered him another position with the district. That didn't set well with some board members, they left the meeting in a huff.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:42 PM, December 04, 2005
mpostelwait said...
George, it was board approved by three board members. Crystal was responsible for meeting minutes so you would have to ask her why she left it out.

Want the board members names and phone numbers? I will give them to you.

4:21 PM, December 04, 2005
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:47 PM, December 04, 2005
George said...
Was it said at a regular public meeting and if so which one.

5:22 PM, December 04, 2005
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:48 PM, December 04, 2005
But you you you had to approve the minutes if they weren't right it was you "DUTY" to say so since it one of your public offical's duties to do.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:01 PM, December 04, 2005
ahhh ahhh ahhh MP.. no using names on here.. you'll be held libel...
Naughty girl .. naughty girl naughty girl...
nothing for you for christmas. you've been nothing but a BITCH this year (and a few before this one)
Signed: SANTA
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:00 PM, December 04, 2005
Why don't we ask mp why the Clay Roane PSD paid all of her long distance phone bill for her home phone????????
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:26 PM, December 04, 2005
Maybe help pay for her toys.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:37 PM, December 04, 2005
SB is considering shutting down his blog because of the ignorance of a few.

Please take minute to go over and encourage him to stay :)
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:37 AM, December 05, 2005
This same thing is on the clayroane site, with her name. i saw SBs site last nite and the 'few' would be her and hers.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:41 PM, December 05, 2005

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