ClayByGumminesWV: If you don't like the pictures who cares.

Saturday, December 17, 2005


If you don't like the pictures who cares.

# posted by George @ 6:48 PM
just more proof that Postelwait is a CRIMINAL (copied and pasted from AW):
CRIMINAL POSTELWAIT Since the last edition of this near award winning newspaper, Clay Roane PSD Boardster Melissa Postelwait brought suit against her own PSD. She sought $250 from the financially strapped water provider for services she performed (Board pay is $75 per meeting attended). During the Dec meeting of the group, criminal Melissa dropped the suit and agreed to work for free until the PSD gets on more solid footing.
MP is the person who can’t afford to pay her tap fee for the Punkin Ridge water project extension and was so desperate for money, she wrote herself pay advances from the PSD while other Boardsters went without pay. Vendors also went without payment or with partial payments. So how did MP cover the cost of filing suit? She filed pauper papers.
Pauper papers allow those without the means, to file civil suits at no expense to themselves. With the pauper papers public documents (now), some interesting observations. On Nov 29th Criminal Postelwait claimed to have just $10,000 in “net” annual income which included $4788 in food stamps. On that same document she noted monthly household expenses amounting to $1250 per month. With only $10 on hand as liquid assets, there’s little doubt she qualifies as a pauper. Ain’t no sin there for the purple persuader! Shoot, she can file all the slap suits she wants and it won’t cost her a thing! Here’s the interesting part.
Back in April when she was charged with battery for slapping fellow Boardster Susan Beard in the snaazoo, her public defender disclosure form was quite different. Back in April she reported a monthly income from her husband of $800 per month or $9600 per annun plus $4560 in food stamps. When added up, that’s $14,160.00. As far as we can tell, the hubby still works for the same guy and hasn’t take a pay cut. So what changed in 6 months? Only the figures provided under penalty of perjury.
Oh by the way, cantankerous Melissa has sent word she plans to see this newspaper operation. She wrote in an email: I am asking this one time and one time only. Unless you can prove what you say about me on your website and in your newspaper, by some form of legal order stating that I am guilty of embezzlement, fraud, theft or anything else, I am going to ask that it ALL be removed. If you choose to ignore this request, I will no other option than to seek legal remedies. Libel is a serious form of defamation and I will pursue whatever legal remedies that I have available to me.
Of course there is one sure fire way for Criminal Postelwait to avoid public ridicule. Straighten up or resign from office. Many in the community prefer the second choice.
George, please put a stop to this copying and pasting stuff.

It is really getting old.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:27 AM, December 18, 2005
There used to be slander over on lifeinclay, but somebody got her industrial strength panties in a bunch & said take her name off there. funny she don't seem to mind it everwhere else.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:44 AM, December 18, 2005
she doesnt even mind it when its on her ownsite
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:20 PM, December 18, 2005
Are you talking to hear your head rattle?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:49 PM, December 18, 2005
when you use the same sayings when you post with your name and then post as anonymous its easy to tell who you are
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:01 PM, December 18, 2005
enough with the boobs already. Everyone has boobs, everyone had seen boobs, some people are boobs.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:11 PM, December 18, 2005
Bosom! Bosom! Bosom!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:21 PM, December 18, 2005

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