ClayByGumminesWV: MORE PICS!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005




# posted by George @ 12:18 AM
I was reading where Credit Acceptence Corp of Bridgeport wv is sueing people that make people runing around worried
mpostelwait said...
Have you been outside today? It is cold out there!

For all you that are wondering, I did not make it to the courthouse this morning. Too darn slick! I am aiming for Friday now.

SB, where are ya? As figured, I am now the one getting the blame for the demise of your blog! So you know what? I am staying with my own little blog and not posting on anyone no more!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:12 PM, December 06, 2005
mpostelwait said...

Glad you left the chat room open. I will check in from time to time to see if you are there!

No lawsuitin today! Bus didn't run here and my son is home! Maybe tomorrow!

Do you think $2.5 million is too much to ask for in a defamation suit? The current rate based on the cases I have reviewed in $40,000 per email!

I might just name my next post that! Everyone seems to be all psd off all the time anyway!

You kill me too! (not literally, don't want to give AW a heart attack with the good news)!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:13 PM, December 06, 2005
Maybe she need a ride. Wounder which bus no didn't run her way today have to ask legg tomorrow
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:14 PM, December 06, 2005
mpostelwait said...
If you did not want the recongnition from volunteering than why mention it?

I pay $8.95 a month for my website through This comments a questions page is a free blog provided by blogspot.

There are income guidlines for filing under a "Paupers" and for my family size, I fall into this catagory. If I win, the other party will pay the court fee, and if I lose then I will have to pay it. It's not like I am the only one that can do it.

Thanks Jesse for posting.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:15 PM, December 06, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Why is my personal finances any of anyones business?

Do I ask for yours?

Look, it doesn't matter I say or how much I try to defend myself, you are going to believe what you want to.

For all you that believe what is written on the "Clayberry Enquirers" site, well quite frankly I don't want you posting on here. They do not post the truth as any respectable news source would and if you choose to believe what they say, then you are no better than them.

Again, this is just a waste of my time, you all have done made up your minds about me.

To the poster that keeps posting on George's site (yes I still read it, just don't post on it), if you are simple minded as to where you need to belittle others over weight issues, then go ahead. You don't have to look at me and personally I wish you wouldn't. I don't need someone like you in my life, nor would I have someone like you in my life.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:16 PM, December 06, 2005
When you file a Affidavit of Indigency it becomes the working people business because us working and tax paying that pay what the owe has to food the bill
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:20 PM, December 06, 2005
Seems someone is a LIER.

mpostelwait said...
Dang, SB, I just love the attention I get from visiting your site!

So much hostility, it is no wonder my anger manangement teacher is always booked up!

I wish I did get a check at the beginning of the month and foodstamps too, hell it would be a blessing. I dont qualify though, make to much money. Can you believe that, I live in Clay and make too much money!

You know what I hate though, is those that draw SSI and still work. I thought you had to be disabled and unable to work to get that government benefit! Who do they know that I don't?

Ok, SB, that should keep the posts coming today. Have a good one :)
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:35 PM, December 07, 2005
jerry, like i said over there, you are no better than AW.

all you two want to do is stir shit. maybe she was embarassed or maybe she didnt want the public knowing her personal business.

its people like you and AW that give this town a bad name.

why dont you grow up
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:22 AM, December 08, 2005
James Andrew and Nada Mullins Waddell, Maysel, Chapter 7. Assets: $124,150. Liabilities: $137,791.25.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:41 AM, December 08, 2005
There's a sure way that no one will know your business MP. Pay your own filing fees! When you get on the public dole, privacy goes out the door.
We look for honesty in public officials. If MP says one thing on her blog and it turns out to be a lie, well, we have to question her dealings in office.
The only thing we ask is that our leaders be straight with us. Lieing is not one of the traits we appreicate
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:38 AM, December 08, 2005
Lying is not something we appreciate?

First of all, Public or Private, their finances are none of anyone's business.

Second, I can understand that she didn't want anyone to know.

Third, speak for yourself, we you say we, you include me, and I certainly don't have your five year old views.

James Andrew Waddell can't manage his finances, or else he would have not filed bankruptcy. Melissa might not be the richest person in Clay, but she pays what she can pay when she can pay it and isn't filing bankruptcy to get out of her debts. It might take her longer but she will pay them.

She still has my vote...
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:45 AM, December 08, 2005
Well if she would get a job she wouldn't have to file paupers papers at court and us working people would't have to support her.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:38 PM, December 08, 2005
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:45 PM, December 08, 2005
I think it's unfair that Melissa is requesting that her posts (I suppose the copied ones) be removed IMMEDIATELY..from Georges blog...George doesn't moderate ALL The time HOW COULD POSSIBLY KNOW THAT SHE IS BEING TYPICAL NASTY SELF TODAY?????
I think the least she could do is give him a some time to clean up his boards if he feels that it is necessary!!
HHMMMMMM.. Wish I had all that time to sit and look for shit on the web to piss everyone off..
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:51 PM, December 08, 2005
Lying is not something we appreciate?

Uhhh NO!! It's not something that "WE" appreciate. You might.. but when you say WE that includes me, and I don't appreciate ANYONE lying!!!

First of all, Public or Private, their finances are none of anyone's business.

Not true at all!! My spouse is a government employee and anyone that is curious as to what s/he makes and hour or a year can actually call his/her employer and find out this information. Or they could even visit the web site for the government. The reason being is that s/he "SERVES THE PUBLIC!!" If he/she is working FOR THE PUBLIC then what her/his job entails and what s/he earns is made available to the public!! Period. If you don't like it ---I suggest you take it up with our Government!!

Second, I can understand that she didn't want anyone to know.

I can see your point on that one! But on the same token--she put it out to the public that she did NOT receive any kind of gov./state help and wished that she did qualify. Heaven to murgatroid.. if she doesn't qualify.. I don't know if any homeless person that would either And if she truly didn't want anyone to know her financial situation...she should NEVER have went with filing pauper papers. If it had been me, I would have waited and saved enough to pay the filing fees---for some of us, it's a matter of pride.

Third, speak for yourself, we you say we, you include me, and I certainly don't have your five year old views.

WHHHOOOAA.. does that sounds familiar??? My mamma always said that "what goes around comes around.." looks to me that is has come full circle with you.

James Andrew Waddell can't manage his finances, or else he would have not filed bankruptcy.

Ever wonder if it was a combined thing--he is married ya know? But everyone is blaming Andy alone. And what if they are participating "sponsoring a child" ..and they're sending their 35cents a day for 400 poor pitiful children that are less fortunate. ???? hmmm You don't know thier circumstances, so quite judging!!

Melissa might not be the richest person in Clay, but she pays what she can pay when she can pay it and isn't filing bankruptcy to get out of her debts. It might take her longer but she will pay them.

You certainly seem to know an awful lot about her financial situation! Perhaps you know her better than the rest of us! There is such thing as filing bankruptcy and it DOES NOT cancel all your debts! And no, she may not be filing bankruptcy.. but ya know what ---she's suing enough people so she may end up getting enough money to get her a double wide and she can upgrade!!! What would they have to file bankruptcy on??? Food stamp card?? Medical bills.. no, wait those are probably paid the rest of our tax dollars!!!

She still has my vote...

Well good.. it's a free country! That's good that you are gonna excercise you right to vote! But as for me... NOPE.. NO WAY... NO HOW...

I'll vote for Andy... unless Rose decides to throw her hat in!! :)
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:50 PM, December 08, 2005
Incidently, how much are the filing fees?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:10 PM, December 08, 2005
I do believe this blog would die off if it wasn't for MP and those who just love to talk about her...

You should change the name George to MPByGumminesWV, it would be more appropriate.

# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:35 PM, December 08, 2005
Bankruptcy was set up in 20's so poor people could get a fresh start. OVer the years big corporations have used the process. When Bush got in, he changes the rules so only corporations could easily start over.
Bankruptcy court was a great opportuniy for the poor man until Bush changed the rules beginning Oct 17 this year.
Until then, it was just one more tool to financial health for poor people. That's gone now
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:10 PM, December 08, 2005
Maybe the talk about MP would finly die off if she learned to ignore all the gabberin and not react by showing her ass over an over. same could be said of her Anonymous friend. Wisht I could draw some pictures for ya cuz its beens said moren once and ya dont seem to get it.

And Jerry you should consider getting your own blog that way you can keep on to cut and paste and then all them that wishes to can join you instead of you muckin up everone elses sites with all the quotes.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:13 PM, December 08, 2005
i don't think she'll go away. I think she likes it! But just for fun... could you draw some pictures for me? LOL

muckin' up --I like that! Care if I use it sometime?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:17 PM, December 08, 2005
I seen she closed her page down while she was at the meeting tonight. I don't figure a need for it. Id say all thems thats been talkin bout her all week will go "to look". Itll be like a carnival there i reckon.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:23 PM, December 08, 2005
witnessed that myself~~shuttin' her site down to comments.I think everyone about quit postin~~cept for her & SB. I tryed to post a question this mornin' and she wouldn't leave it on there. And she talks shit about Rose only allowing nice stuff on her site. I wasn't even mean or cussin' or nuthin' and she wouldn't allow it.
Maybe she'll amuse her self enough wit all them quotes & stuff.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:36 PM, December 08, 2005
What I see is her alays copying ever thing Rose does or says. The last example would be the new page that was just for fun. Rose had one then she went and put one on too. The first sample would be that Rose said she "my site, my rules" not to long after MP says the same thing. I think shes jealous of Rose.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:57 PM, December 08, 2005
I think you've nailed it. I think she is jealous~ perhaps envious? Mockery is the best form of flattery!
Wonder how the meeting is going. I wonder if they will be able to get back up their hill~~some roads are slicker than a greased pig. I wonder.. OH MY .. I think I've caught the wondering disease. LOL

# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:43 PM, December 08, 2005
I reckon if a person is gonna have a disease thatd be one to have. Least it dont keep you from sitting comfortbly. Wisht I had a scanner. Could least hear if they get called out for assualt victims.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:28 PM, December 08, 2005
How meet'in go
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:21 PM, December 08, 2005
not even a slip slidin' car reported on the scanner-and no slapping either. (none that I've heard anyway) But we do have some towers here now that provide for some good cell phone usage-- maybe their callin it in by phone!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:25 PM, December 08, 2005
Blog people you are going to be disappointed. There were no fights, no dirty words, and not even finger pointing at tonight's CRPSD meeting.
Ole purple poker even said she was easy to get along with! She agreed to drop her lawsuit against the PSD and even paid $150 toward the $475 she paid herself.. Imean got overpaid.
Tis the new and improved MP
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:11 PM, December 08, 2005
Okay....if MP wants to be new and we all deserve a chance? MP, you got a community divided and ya pissed off a ton a people....if your making amends do you have any atonement that needs done??
Jack T.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:07 AM, December 09, 2005

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