ClayByGumminesWV: New Month "MERRY CHRISTMAS" TO ALL

Friday, December 02, 2005



Well this is a new time in Clay plenty of Court Action.

# posted by George @ 9:10 PM

Thought you'd left town - you've been awfully quiet!
Hey! Me, second! Me, second!!

Forgot to say MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 9:21 PM, December 02, 2005
Hey Rose how you been?
Been out of town in Lexington Ky on business. Did you give your address for your Christmas gift?
# posted by Blogger George : 9:26 PM, December 02, 2005
LOL I was just kidding about that out-of-town stuff! Almost makes one think I'm psychic, huh? I'm waiting for them to move my Dumpster before I give an address. Not sure where it might end up. You?
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 9:30 PM, December 02, 2005
I think at the Sept crpsd meeting they said the audit said pay advances maybe the auditor is wrong?
# posted by Blogger George : 10:56 PM, December 02, 2005
I read on the clayroane site before it was deleted that no body would vote for mp for commissioner because she/he were a thief well, guess what...with those comments being deleted that the word thief must have hit he nail on the head or she/he would not have deleted those posts. What is it are you embarrassed for people know the truth or is she/he ashamed they did it?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:57 PM, December 02, 2005
Moved to here

jerry said...
mpostelwait said...
I don't consider myself either. I was overpaid and I have tried twice to pay them back. I am not going to keep asking them to accept the payback.

I have brought up about the other illegal stuff going on but no one wants to hear that. The employees are the ones that run that plant, it has always been that way. The board is just there to cater to their needs and when you start trying to change that, like I did, then you get all kinds of crap and lies started on you.

She said the board ok'ed the advance of money but no vote or even talked about at any of thier meeting it that "LEGAL"
I like to see her answer that!!!
# posted by Blogger George : 10:59 PM, December 02, 2005
Moved here

jerry said...
"mpostelwait said"...

Mr. Terry S. I have tried twice to repay them in full by the only means I have available to me right now. I am not offering no more and I no longer feel that I am under any requirements to repay them.

I have been real nice so far and don't want to drag anyone else's name out there, but there is more going on than meets the eye and well let's just say that pay advances, was and is a common practice at Clay-Roane. Remember this, their new rule that they put into effect only prevents board members from taking advances.


Does this mean employee took advances was it board approved if not then the chairperson being the person she says she is should have said something but if it was approved it'll be in the minutes.
# posted by Blogger George : 11:00 PM, December 02, 2005
sure doesn't sound legal to me. And it is probably not in the minutes either. The chairperson (we all know who that is) should have stopped it but didn't because she would have had to stop HERSELF.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:05 PM, December 02, 2005

mpostelwait said...
George, I need your full name and mailing address. Thank you.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:05 PM, December 02, 2005
Copy Here

George said...
george ramsey
PO Box 182,
Procious 25164
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:06 PM, December 02, 2005
thought you didn't like cuss words mp. You turn the moderation on your site so people can't post what is really on their minds you don't words like truth and theif and dirty words used on your site then have the same respect for other peoples site as well. I guess when it comes to your site and other peoples sites you are split. Only the good on yours and then show yourself of the other peoples site. HMMMMMMMMMMMMM how good is that?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:15 PM, December 02, 2005
I may be wrong but I think they said at the meeting " A Board Taking Advances" maybe no name but if summons to testify I bet they would have a name. The auditing firm.
# posted by Blogger George : 11:25 PM, December 02, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Hey SB! I moved your posts on my blog to page 3 comments and questions, so look for them there. I wanted to save the public interest for peps that favor showing the overtime.

Anyway, WB! Thanks to Andy's site, shit has hit the fan again :) Funny how when you owe someone money from being overpaid they don't shut up about it, but if they owe you money and you try to collect, then you are the evil bitch :) Got to love the scandal of it all :)
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:27 PM, December 02, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Well you see, you are getting that $450 from the "Clayberry Enquirers" site and well, I can figure too.

I was overpaid $425.00, so by my figuring, that leaves $175.00 after I subtract the $250.00 they owe me!

Oh no, wait a minute! Damn, I forgot about the December meeting. That will make them owing me $250 plus $75.00, for a grand total of $325.00.

Gee, I will only have to pay them $100.00! Dang anonymous, I almost was not perfect there for a moment!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:28 PM, December 02, 2005
mpostelwait said...

I think that this is Crystal McKinney not Christopher but you know what, who the hell cares?

Oh to the other anonymous that I missed the slapping comment, I suppose you are one of those that never lose your temper no matter what the circumstance?

Who cares anymore? It is over and done with. So I slapped the shit out of her. I guess I am the only one in Clay County that smacked someone.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:30 PM, December 02, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Jerry.....I bet you are related to one of four people (well this is Clay so maybe all of them too).

Rose Cantrell, Jimmy Sams, Fran King or Peter Triplett.

First you start on Andy (which is fine by me) but now me?

What the hell did I do to deserve this?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:31 PM, December 02, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Ohhh the lawsuit. I am not gonna entice you all anonymouses with a response on that one.

I will say it is but the first of many to come! Look for more coming very very soon! Another one for Clay-Roane, Delta and of course the CCC, and some citizens as well.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:34 PM, December 02, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Ok you can take Clay-Roane off that list of ones that will be sued. Your right, I don't want to make the customers pay.

Hopefully next Thursday all will be settled anyway. I owe them $425 from an overpayment in 2003, they owe me $250 for four meetings.

I will give them the difference of $175.00 if they agree that the District is paid back in full for the overpayment and that I never have to hear of this again from them. Then if all agree, the lawsuit will be dismissed and we can start the new year out with a clean slate! See, I am not hard to get along with at all! Heck, I even removed the overtime to make the employees happy. Darn, I am starting to think that I am human after all.

Delta, or the "Clayberry Enquirer" as I call it and the CCC are fair game though. First up will be Delta with a defamation lawsuit, come next Tuesday (if I don't get snowed in). Unless of course, they wish to retract what ALL they have posted on their website and newspaper. Since I doubt that will happen, look for a new lawsuit come next tuesday. Not going to be no little one either. Hope the have insurance
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:36 PM, December 02, 2005
Hope she pays cash and not a Affidavit of Indigency
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:40 PM, December 02, 2005
On all these lawsuites she filing.

"Affidavit of Indigency"
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:44 PM, December 02, 2005
It looks like Jerry and Jim are the thieves. What george cant come up with your own stuff, so you have others steal off of MP's website??

Who does Rose think she is? She is Rose Almighty or something? One minute posted religious stuff and biblical things and the next being judgemental of thy neighbor?

What about Fran King? She misused Bank of Gassaway's funds by giving them to dead beat payers, got fired for it, and you still elected her!

Dont get me started on Jimmy "Has to have a plaque to remember the 10" Sams. He hasn't followed one of those in years.

Peter "I got my **** in AW's ***" Triplett is worthless as well.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:50 PM, December 02, 2005
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:00 AM, December 03, 2005
According to your website you have moderation. Seems like posting the truth hurts. You also deleted several comments this evening...i saw them online earlier this evening. 1 about not being voted commissioner, 1 about being a thief, 1 about dirty. so there is 3 positive postings that i saw that have been deleted so i would say it was your site not roses.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:03 AM, December 03, 2005
what in the world....???
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:07 AM, December 03, 2005
sounds like MP needs to take a Midol
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:23 AM, December 03, 2005
Boy MP, you are rackin' up the constituents tonight aren't ya!!! You have that up comin' election wrapped up!!!!!
I noticed an error in one of your posts. You stated “Gee that sounds like Rose's site not mine. Post only good about me or I wont post it, but I will allow all the lies about other people! “

I distinctly recall giving a rather lengthy reply to one of your friends or family (the baboon I think was how she referred to herself), because the post she made was rather inflammatory towards Rose in addition to containing statements were that not factual, but rather conjecture. There were no accolades or positive comments about Rose; it was name calling for the most part, yet Rose still posted it. The posts that aren’t included on her site are the ones that contain profanity and comments of a sexual nature that aren’t relevant to the topic anyway.

Additionally, any dumbsh*t can file a lawsuit, but that doesn’t mean they have any merit to them.


S. Boy I’ll take Kevlar…wait…does it come in pink?? >; D
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:58 AM, December 03, 2005
Lets go back to that $450 part MP owes the PSD. At no time did the PSD vote to allow her to work off ANY part of that debt.After the slapfest MP promised to pay the entire debt. When the Judge ordered her to replace the money, he didn't say anything about making payments and she didn't either. MP owes the entire amount plus the back water bill she owes for hauling water from the plant.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:35 AM, December 03, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 6:45 AM, December 03, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Gee that sounds like Rose's site not mine. Post only good about me or I wont post it, but I will allow all the lies about other people!
MP, since you seem to be so obsessed with what makes it to my blog and what doesn't, here are 2 fine examples of what DIDN'T make it:
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "12/02/2005 07:43:00 AM":

trained baboons is more like it.

so Rose how is jimmys d*** tasting these days?
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "12/02/2005 07:43:00 AM":

I just read on the clayroane site before it was deleted that no body would vote for MP for commissioner because she/he were a thief well, guess what...with those comments being deleted that the word thief must have hit he nail on the head or MP would not have deleted those posts. What is it MP are you embarrassed for people know the truth or are you ashamed you did it?
I created MY blog for people to exchange intelligent thoughts, ideas, etc. about Clay County. It's not a ME ME ME! site.

Also, I seem to recall that you asked to have your name removed from my site and I politely complied. The double standard doesn't cut it. If you don't want your name on my site, I'd suggest you stop dropping mine on others.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 7:09 AM, December 03, 2005
CB? YOU'RE MY IDOL! & you look so purty in pink.

# posted by Blogger ROSE : 7:13 AM, December 03, 2005
Ok, George, one more & then I'll leave. ;)

Here's another one that made it through the censors that's just TOO GOOD to not share:
Pooinashoe said...

Rose does not sleep. She waits.

Rose doesn't read books. She stares them down until she gets the information she wants.

Rose built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK
assassination. As Oswald shot, Rose met all three bullets with her knowledge, deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement.

The chief export of Rose is reason.

Rose recently had the idea to sell her urine as a canned beverage. We know this beverage as Red Bull.
(> <)@ Pooinashoe

# posted by Blogger ROSE : 7:35 AM, December 03, 2005
Remember when you point fingers there are 4 pointing back at you. I know this will be deleted but I least I wrote the truth and the truth shall set us free. RP your husband works under the table at SJY and that way your family gets foodstamp(SAW YOU AT GROCERY STORE) and he does not have to pay KW her childsupport. It is sad when a man does not take care of his children. You know you called the board members and gave them a sob story about no money for your gas bill and they gave you an advance on our board fee and NO it was never voted on in public or put in the minutes. The very evening you slapped the other board member you wanted the PSD board to punish an employee of the PSD for rolling her eyes at you. Sorry Rose that was before you. Why do you not just resign go back to your T.V. and computer or just clean your house and filthy yard and let the psd try to regain its dignity and move forward with the job of providing water to the citizens of CLAY COUNTY.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:21 AM, December 03, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Dang, SB, I just love the attention I get from visiting your site!

So much hostility, it is no wonder my anger manangement teacher is always booked up!

I wish I did get a check at the beginning of the month and foodstamps too, hell it would be a blessing. I dont qualify though, make to much money. Can you believe that, I live in Clay and make too much money!

You know what I hate though, is those that draw SSI and still work. I thought you had to be disabled and unable to work to get that government benefit! Who do they know that I don't?

Ok, SB, that should keep the posts coming today. Have a good one :)
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:38 PM, December 03, 2005
MP, you've missed my entire point. Perhaps I can speak more clearly this time.

Unless you personally are posting comments that you aren't seeing or you're somehow reading my mail, what makes you so adamant that I'm not posting everything?? It must matter, because it seems to be a recurring topic of discussion. I will not post the filthy comments, and yes, there are a few about YOU personally that I've chosen not to post.

I've made an (obviously futile) attempt to allow the talk about you to die down. I don't understand why you persist in instigating this stuff. You're being your own worst enemy.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 5:01 PM, December 03, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Ohhh the lawsuit. I am not gonna entice you all anonymouses with a response on that one.

I will say it is but the first of many to come! Look for more coming very very soon! Another one for Clay-Roane, Delta and of course the CCC, and some citizens as well
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:38 PM, December 03, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Ok you can take Clay-Roane off that list of ones that will be sued. Your right, I don't want to make the customers pay.

Hopefully next Thursday all will be settled anyway. I owe them $425 from an overpayment in 2003, they owe me $250 for four meetings.

I will give them the difference of $175.00 if they agree that the District is paid back in full for the overpayment and that I never have to hear of this again from them. Then if all agree, the lawsuit will be dismissed and we can start the new year out with a clean slate! See, I am not hard to get along with at all! Heck, I even removed the overtime to make the employees happy. Darn, I am starting to think that I am human after all.

Delta, or the "Clayberry Enquirer" as I call it and the CCC are fair game though. First up will be Delta with a defamation lawsuit, come next Tuesday (if I don't get snowed in). Unless of course, they wish to retract what ALL they have posted on their website and newspaper. Since I doubt that will happen, look for a new lawsuit come next tuesday. Not going to be no little one either. Hope the have insurance.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:39 PM, December 03, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Well darn, I miscalculated earlier clickers!

You see Clay-Roane owes me $250 now, but they will owe me another $75.00 come next Thursday night!

That means they will owe me a total of $325 and I owe them $425, which means I only have to pay them $100 and I will be even!!

Thanks anonymous on SBs site! I forgot all about getting another $75.00 next week!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:41 PM, December 03, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Hey SB! I moved your posts on my blog to page 3 comments and questions, so look for them there. I wanted to save the public interest for peps that favor showing the overtime.

Anyway, WB! Thanks to Andy's site, shit has hit the fan again :) Funny how when you owe someone money from being overpaid they don't shut up about it, but if they owe you money and you try to collect, then you are the evil bitch :) Got to love the scandal of it all :)
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:44 PM, December 03, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Good Gravy the same idiots are on every site! Why can't we get more than one or two on these pages?

Why all the anonymasses?? Same person over and over and over and over.

What's up SB? Hows that chat room coming????
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:45 PM, December 03, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Im sorry SB, it is probably all my fault. I have this annoying trail of idiots that follow me around everywhere I go!

I told you that you would regret inviting me
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:46 PM, December 03, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Dang, SB, I just love the attention I get from visiting your site!

So much hostility, it is no wonder my anger manangement teacher is always booked up!

I wish I did get a check at the beginning of the month and foodstamps too, hell it would be a blessing. I dont qualify though, make to much money. Can you believe that, I live in Clay and make too much money!

You know what I hate though, is those that draw SSI and still work. I thought you had to be disabled and unable to work to get that government benefit! Who do they know that I don't?

Ok, SB, that should keep the posts coming today. Have a good one :)
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:47 PM, December 03, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Why would I know about SSI? I don't draw it.

Where is Jerry? Am I that damn interesting that I need to copyright my stuff??? If I wanted it on another board, I would put it there myself!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:48 PM, December 03, 2005
Most think MP just sits in front of her puter and reads and types. There's more to her than what you can see in those packed sweat pants.
Cut and paste the link to see the other pleasures of Ms MP
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:02 AM, December 04, 2005
I think what mp is saying is that she is going to sue the blogs for slander of her name.But in the process making sure that there is nothing on her site about anyone being slandered to sue her for.therefore she is deleting mosts of the posts.BUT if you say I THINK or I Have heard that or I believe that mp says or did this stuff then you are being entitled to your opinion.Therefore you are not slandering her not really making it a known fact that she has done or said these things.Did I make any sence here.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:40 PM, December 04, 2005

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