ClayByGumminesWV: Political Time

Monday, December 12, 2005


Political Time

Silence gives consent.-- Canon Law

"Better to have him inside the tent pissing out, then outside the tent pissing in." Lyndon Johnson

Hell, I never vote for anybody. I always vote against. "W.C. Fields

"I don’t want loyalty. I want loyalty. I want him to kiss my ass in Macy’s window at high noon and tell me it smell like roses. I want his pecker in my pocket." Lyndon Baines Johnson

"Be a listener only, keep within yourself, and endeavor to establish with yourself the habit of silence, especially in politics." Thomas Jefferson

"No poor bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making other bastards die for their country." George Smith Patton

"If one morning I walked on top of the water across the Potomac River, the headline that afternoon would read: PRESIDENT CAN'T SWIM." Lyndon B. Johnson

"Noise proves nothing--often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she had laid an asteroid." Mark Twain

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill

"When a man assumes a public trust he should consider himself a public property." Thomas Jefferson

# posted by George @ 11:26 PM
That handwriting on the water bottle on the sure does look familiar!
Oh God, George, don't get her started on those quotes again!!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:14 AM, December 13, 2005
Gotta scoop: I was in Fas-check buying a Communicator for myself and my friend. The guy behind me also bought 2 papers. AW the publisher of the Commmunicator asked the guy what are you going to do with 2 papers? Read one and wipe your A*S with one. Then another guy asked for a paper and AW asked him how many do you want; one to read and one to wipe your A*S on. The guy said no thanks I will just take one. Seems like AW should be a little more conciderate of the people that pay hard earned money to by the paper, money they could use for other things like toliet paper or a loaf of bread. Shouldn't AW keep his personal habits out of other peoples business. Or did AW wake up to find a reindeer in his butt this morning.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:12 PM, December 13, 2005
Way to recycle Southern Boy!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:18 PM, December 13, 2005
This was posted on another site and it was promptly removed... so, will you leave it? My personal opinion is that: The TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!!! But then again, do we REALLY want the whole truth about her running around out there? I doubt the world could stand it!!!

mpostelwait said...
A Reindeer in his butt? Oh, Santa will not be happy with AW!

Mike, did you see any horns? Was his butt flashing red? ~LMAO~

One would think that he wouldn't be so rude to those that keep him fed! We recently learned that he likes to hang out in bathroom stalls and listen in on conversations, so wiping shit is probably the best thing to with his paper!

Thanks for the scoop Mike....

SB! You are good at that arn't you? ~LOL~

3:43 PM

Thank you MP!!

ANON said:

wipin' shit is fun for him?? (AW) well, i guess it would be, since he does enough cleaning up the SHIT you are putting out there!! Let me tell ya sista.. he's just keepin' you in check!!

That keeps him fed??? (his paper)

Wow.. and imagine that.. he's selling papers for a living and you're collecting almost $5,000 in FOOD STAMPS!!! At least he's not sucking the system dry. Let me guess, you'll remove this post. Because the TRUTH is not and WILL NOT be tolerated here on your site!!!

Get a life.. and I hope the wait for your Christmas gifts (at the Catholic Church give away) isn't too long.. but then again with the extra padding you could handle it huh???

What's the matter? Too personal? Well you seem to be okay with it, when its ripping AW a new ass!!

All is fair in love & war!!!
Cheerio, to you and yours!

5:50 PM

I think it's only fair that if MP is copying other persons work.. that we can copy hers.. I said thanks didn't I MELISSA??? :)
And a smiley face to boot!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:07 PM, December 13, 2005

Mother Goose
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:16 PM, December 13, 2005
This is just to clarify, this "IS" currently posted on your site...

Hmmm.. and you don't see where you copied anything? you even thanked AW!!
Up the meds please and save us all the trouble of keeping you in line!! :) and ummm.. oh yeah.. Thanks!

Sunday, December 11, 2005
Jimmy and Andy sitting in a tree.......
I copied this from AW's website (thanks AW);

While listening in on a conversation during a pee break, it sounded like Commissioner Sams was assuming a hands off approach to helping the PSD until criminal MP resigns from the board.

Dec 11 am It's not often that we say something good about Commissioner Sams, but this time, good thinking Jimmy.

I asked;

Jimmy Sams is going to refuse to help the customers of CRPSD until I resign from the board?

Jimmy Sams is going to punish those who helped put him in office over his hatred of me?

AW is saying good job Jimmy Sams for turning your back on CRPSD customers?
posted by mpostelwait @ 9:50 PM 21 commen
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:21 PM, December 13, 2005
Once again, you stand corrected. What I meant to say was EXACTLY WHAT I MEANT TO SAY! Only you don't and won't face the truth...
Here is what was actually posted readers:

ANON said:

wipin' shit is fun for him?? (AW) well, i guess it would be, since he does enough cleaning up the SHIT you are putting out there!! Let me tell ya sista.. he's just keepin' you in check!!

That keeps him fed??? (his paper)

Wow.. and imagine that.. he's selling papers for a living and you're collecting almost $5,000 in FOOD STAMPS!!!

At least he's not sucking the system dry. Let me guess, you'll remove this post. Because the TRUTH is not and WILL NOT be tolerated here on your site!!!

Get a life.. and I hope the wait for your Christmas gifts (at the Catholic Church give away) isn't too long.. but then again with the extra padding you could handle it huh???

What's the matter? Too personal? Well you seem to be okay with it, when its ripping AW a new ass!!

All is fair in love & war!!!
Cheerio, to you and yours!

5:50 PM

6:55 PM

is was posted on another site and it was promptly removed... so, will you leave it? My personal opinion is that: The TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!!! But then again, do we REALLY want the whole truth about her running around out there? I doubt the world could stand it!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:26 PM, December 13, 2005
here is another bit o' info to clarify.
you are very welcome MP!

mpostelwait said...
Who else do we know that addresses everyone as readers?

Hmmmm, sounds very familiar to me, but the anonymous could be anyone, or could he?

Could he even be the one in control of the "Clayberry Enquirer"? Maybe or maybe not!

Readers.....I have heard that before! Gee, I wonder where?

And the TRUTH is that you know absolutely nothing about me or my life so don't try to pretend that you do!

7:01 PM

Anonymous said...
there goes that "Wondering" disease" again.

better see a doctor about that!

And no, MP.. I'm not AW! I assure you. I am much taller and have lot's more hair! :) I look more like jodie foster than mel gibson.. but I guess, like everything else.. you can believe what you want.

And AW has the balls to put his initials on his work... and well, I don't have any balls at all. Guess that explains that, now doesn't it?

7:04 PM
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:30 PM, December 13, 2005
Can you say SYBIL?

# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:30 PM, December 13, 2005
I read something somewhere about someone or another having big (christmas) balls. hmmm, care to jump on over to the singles blog?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:32 PM, December 13, 2005
I think at least ONE of them could say SYBIL!!

# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:33 PM, December 13, 2005
I have a question MP. (Being sincere here) If, you in fact do NOT read AW's paper.. nor do you choose to wipe with it.. How do you know how he addresses his readers???

# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:35 PM, December 13, 2005
Glad to see your among the living WVChic!

Jack T.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:43 PM, December 13, 2005
Good God You anons that keep cut and pasting everyones quotes -especially- from more than one person confuse the hell out of me. Who is saying what? As SB says -WTF- are you talking about?
the only thing I got is that some feller on her has great big chrissma balls.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:46 PM, December 13, 2005
Well hello to you too Jack T. !! And Merry Christmas as well.

How you doin'?

# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:48 PM, December 13, 2005
Doing good WVChic how goes it over Clay County way.

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Whats the limit tonight? {; P

Jack T.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:07 PM, December 13, 2005
Lotta things I am, innocent aint one. I do stand by. Sometimes its not worth it to get into it.

Jack T.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:20 PM, December 13, 2005
I'm doing okay. But there seems to be an angry dog here on one of these blogs ... careful while roaming around these parts. :)

Not to mention a very p'd off father goose..let me tell ya, this stuff would've scared the crap outta me when I was a kid.
Mother goose is doing well, still has her special way with words. Lovely lady!
And as of yet, I've not set a limit...wait maybe I did, and now I've forgotten . ????????????
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:31 PM, December 13, 2005
hey.. forgot to sign that. Guess, my limit IS up. LMAO

# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:40 PM, December 13, 2005
Oh I seen that mean ol dog earlier. I notice when WV got goin he didnt come back. Chickensh#t!!

Now I seen Ma Goose, not Pa Goose. He got the golden tongue too?

Limits are for sissys

did you see the game on mps board? Shes a nut i aint figured out yet.

take it easy wvc!

Jack T.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:40 PM, December 13, 2005
My my, aren't we a nasty bunch of bloggers this evening. How did I end up with a red nosed reindeer stuck up my butt? Usually I just take a look at the blogs, laugh and move on. Tonight is different.
I make it a point to never call MP a big fat arss in public. Nor do I mention MP having the morals of a rutting sea lion. And I surely wouldn't call her stupid Fing cunt.
If I don't do it, you shouldn't either!
that little white boy, Andy Waddell, ace cub reporter
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:46 PM, December 13, 2005
damn. Them Christmas balls is way bigger than mine. THanks, little man. You mighta just took the heat off me.

# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:54 PM, December 13, 2005
I find it funny that AW posts under anonymous and then three anonymous right after him post in support of him.

I am assuming here but something smells like a lie.

You people are weird. You move from insulting one to talking about another one's balls.

As for AW, I seriously doubt he would ever say that to MP's face or else he would be tasting his balls.

Not that I support either one, but there has to be something better to talk about.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:38 PM, December 13, 2005
If you put MP's brain on the sharp edge of a razor, it would look like a pea in the middle of a four lane highway
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:48 PM, December 13, 2005
You guys sound like a bunch of five year olds in need of something creative to do!

Live and let live.

Sweep your own doorstep before you sweep someone elses.

Let those without sin cast the first stone.

Love thy neighbor.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:53 PM, December 13, 2005
Hey MP: Here is your answers to these Questions:

1) did you see any horns?
Answer: The horns were so far in his butt, they were sticking out his nose! LMFAO

2) Was his butt flashing red?
Answer: Not only was his butt flashing red but the top of his little round chubby head was flashing to...! Hee,Hee, Haa, Haa
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:54 AM, December 14, 2005
I'm all big and fat and shit. I've never actually left clay county, but I heard it's nice. maybe one day...
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:10 AM, December 14, 2005
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:24 PM, December 14, 2005
to the posting (copied and pasted)Anonymous said...

12:24 PM, December 14, 2005

WTF? Is there a meaning to this? If so tell us what j/k means. Please?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:33 PM, December 14, 2005
How did you copy my name? I am contacting blogger!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:18 PM, December 14, 2005
it was supposed to say pastelwait, my last name, but I cant type. besides, using the same name isnt illegal
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:56 PM, December 14, 2005
Before everybody freaks out, you don't know me. I'm not from WV. A guy I know found this webpage and accused me of being related to whoever mpostelwait is, because of my last name. So chill out. I was just making fun of some boondock hick town politics.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:55 PM, December 14, 2005

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