ClayByGumminesWV: Politicaly Correct. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Politicaly Correct. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

There once was a girl named Em PeeWho caused a lot of trouble.There once was a boy named Ann DeeWho printed it on the double.Em Pee didn't like Ann Dee,or so we all were told.she got fed up with all his "lies"and made a move quite bold.she wants to sue the ass off himbut really can't afford she filed papers as pauperand over her head he did lord it.she keeps doing stuff that makes him laugh'cause it keeps his papers might not think they like each other, but a conspiracy i am smelling.Mother Goose

# posted by George @ 12:43 AM
Why would somebody brag about having a 4" winky? Because they used to be caled 3 dueces. 2" 2x 2s
Mother Goose, she had some fun
one dark and frigid night
she wrote some poems and had some laughs
and offered her insight.

I think you might be surprised
to know just who she is.
it might be who you think it isn't
or just a rhyming whiz.

To save yourself from her words
and from her wicked prose,
stay out of the papers and out of the news
we're fed up with your woes.

To save yourself some heartache
and save yourself some sorrow
don’t step on the toes that belong to the ass
you might be kissing tomorrow.

Mother Goose
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:50 AM, December 10, 2005
4in is wounderful.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:31 PM, December 10, 2005
I think the size doesnt matter much. its whether or not ya know what to do with it and if you do it right.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:57 PM, December 10, 2005
Yes I made weather was fair. Resting this weekend have to go to Dayton Oh this comming week doing all this so hopefully I can be home with family for Christmas.
# posted by Blogger George : 12:10 AM, December 11, 2005
Ol' Em Pee and ol' Ann Dee,
sittin at the courthouse,
they don't know that i'm right there,
bein quiet as a mouse.

i heard her say, "i love you, prong"
he said, "a kiss you just must gimme"
she puckered up and he did, too
when suddenly, along came Gem Ee.

Gem Ee said, "now, cut that out! it just ain't right!"
"and i won't have it, dammit!"
"get out of here! go on! go now!"
"your foggin my commandments."

So ol' Em Pee and ol' Ann Dee,
they left there hand-in-hand.
just another day in the life
of good ol' Clayberry Land.

Mother Goose
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:13 AM, December 11, 2005
There once was a girl named Em Pee
Who caused a lot of trouble.
There once was a boy named Ann Dee
Who printed it on the double.

Em Pee didn't like Ann Dee,
or so we all were told.
she got fed up with all his "lies"
and made a move quite bold.

she wants to sue the ass off him
but really can't afford it.
so she filed papers as pauper
and over her head he did lord it.

she keeps doing stuff that makes him laugh
'cause it keeps his papers selling.
you might not think they like each other,
but a conspiracy i am smelling

Mother Goose
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:14 AM, December 11, 2005
you may not believe the things you read,
but then again, you might.
just because you can print it,
that doesn't make it right.

but that's what makes america great
and why we have free speech.
instead of filing lawsuits,
practice what you preach.

just because you come under fire,
you don't have to fire back.
instead of going to the courthouse,
just crawl back in the sack.

you might not think they like each other,
but it's plain for all to see.
she just does it for his attention,
Ma Lissa loves Ann Dee.

Mother Goose
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:15 AM, December 11, 2005
Ode to Four Purple Inches by Mother Goose
once a loser bought a toy,
all purple hard and nasty.
figured she better tell everybody
that it wasn't very classy.

so she signed her name to her review,
for all the world to see.
then got pissed cause she got googled
by a man named Ann Dee

he only has four inches,
but he's a happy little man.
it ain't big and it ain't purple,
but he does the best he can.

you might not think they like each other,
and i don't wanna diss ya,
i think i'm saying what we all know-
Ann Dee loves Ma Lissa.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:15 AM, December 11, 2005

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