Saturday, December 31, 2005



Humble Pie !!!!

Thats where he would be if he didn't sign FRIDAY!

# posted by George @ 5:00 PM
He looks good in there dont he?
Can you just see it- Beating his chest saying I WAS the Sheriff if he hadn't signed them checks. He be eating humble pie with poop because he be back to old job of the turd master
Golly Ned, who in a world voted for Pooooooie for sheriff, that right there tells you the mentality of the folks in Clay County, take their gun and badge away, they would be scared to leave their home without someone running shotgun!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:31 PM, December 31, 2005
I read a "threat" of sorts towards the Sheriff on this site earlier today. They have DISAPPEARED!!!! Hmmm!! Well, anyway--I have this to post!!

I think people should watch what they say.

It's one thing to voice an opinion but to say what was said in that little post was a bit much!! If the person that posted that comment is too stupid to figure out the law... let me tell you what I have observed.

When the sheriff was "targeted" with the bombs, it took a matter of hours before THEY (feds, or local cops or whoever.. I really don't know.) but THEY KNEW where the anonymous "tip" came from. Does that make anyone else wonder???? We could be farting into the silence of the night.. or ARE WE?? Do they know??

I believe that they have access to a lot more than they have or will ever tell us! (which I also think is a good thing, for the STUPID people in the world)

So, to the person that said our Sheriff had better watch for more than bullets.. I suggest you sit and sweat it out... wondering if THEY know and can track who you are!!!!!
Think about it, the "tip" was made from a pay phone at AMMA.

WHO was monitoring the calls? Hmm? Who? If they can track down such things from a pay phone, imagine what they can and DO know about you right now! And myself included for that matter. But I have not a thing to hide, so the thought of that doesn't frighten me in the least!!!

To those that are putting "threats" out to the Sheriff, I suggest you study up and get really smart before you try to out-smart him!!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:12 PM, December 31, 2005
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:02 PM, December 31, 2005
The same type of threat is still over on Rose's Out with a bang blog. Is that the one you are talking about.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:20 PM, December 31, 2005
yep, sorry. I just posted on rose's blog.

It was originally on rose's I suppose. but w/ the amount of bloggin I do, i was confused.

that's why i came over here to apologize to george and everyone else. that post was NOT on this blog. Sorry!! Don't crucify me over it. I'm human, I make mistakes, not often, but I am capable of them. lol
and for the record, it's NOT bs.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:27 PM, December 31, 2005
The Poopster was hired by the voters of Clay County to shoot, kill and eliminate.
That's what's he's doing.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:05 AM, January 01, 2006
I know that's not exactly what I was voting for when I voted, but I do think he is doing a good job of getting some of the skank off the streets so to speak.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:03 AM, January 01, 2006
The sheriff is to uphold the law. He is not above it like he thinks he is, he broke it when he refused to sign checks and if he had not signed them friday he would have been in shit up to his ears.If he runs the county like "I" have been there in person when he has said that then the county does not need to elect other people then the people should go to charleston to state house and lobby for just the sheriff to run all countys and it would save us a bunch of money. Well if just little ol me jerry not god not above the law or governer president or anyone else just my wife servent.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:42 PM, January 01, 2006
If ther Sheriff was so worried just about his deputies is that not descrimination against the FEMALES in his office or the other workers in the courthouse (mostly women) that may have wanted extra money for their vacation. Were they even asked? I believe this is a much deeper issue.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:47 PM, January 01, 2006
Thank you Gloria Steinem. I think the sheriff was called on his bluff is all that happened. Employers have until the end of the business day to issue signed paychecks and he did just that. I doubt much issue would have been made, had AW, the silver spoon, not stirred the pot once again. Holcomb got called on his bluff and I bet not only does it not happen again. I bet there will be some policys written or rewritten and this will all blow over just like everything else does. So the deputies didn't get their vacation pay and neither did anyone else. Whats the difference?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:27 PM, January 01, 2006
Jer~ He didn't break the law. The law would have been broken if he didn't sign the checks at all on Friday. He signed them. No laws were broken. No one went home without a pay check. get past it.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:27 PM, January 01, 2006
They need a policy on AW and him not getting all the scoop.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:00 PM, January 01, 2006
why get past it he did it he was wrong we will never let it die or be forgetten he is not above the law or anyone he thinks he runs every thing in the county but he does not and he has to learn that.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:07 PM, January 01, 2006
So what did he do wrong? He signed their paychecks by the end of the payday? Were was the law broken? Where was the harm done?? Huh Jerry??? Huh? HuH Huh?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:37 PM, January 01, 2006
Was he gonna refuse to sign his own paycheck, too?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:20 AM, January 02, 2006
he the sheriff he the sheriff that all you hear from him. A lady who was in the sheriff office heard him say with her own ears that he was not going to sign checks at all he was leaving on a plane thursday evening with larry g and jerry link from school syatem going to game and taking his stamp with him so that makes him guilty and a lieing asshole because he was still here friday evening
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:33 AM, January 02, 2006
Lying and guilty of a crime are two different things Jer.Of course the sheriff could be guilty of lying, but that's not what anyone was talking about. Also, heresay isn't admissible in court. I heard you were a real asshole from someone who heard it with their own ears. Does that make it true?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:37 AM, January 02, 2006
when that lady is willing to go to court it is. His ass overrun his mouth and he got called
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:06 AM, January 02, 2006
and what would they gone to court over? The fact that Holcomb "said" he wasnt gonna sign the paychecks but then he did??

You're right he did get called on it. I've said that twice. But he didn't break any laws. He didn't do anything "above the law".

to the anon that asked if he was gonna refuse his own paycheck - that's a good question! I wonder if he would have right before he was to leave out of town for a big football game.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:10 AM, January 02, 2006
Good lord. Give a break already. He signed the freaking checks. He's enjoying a football game (shortly). He was just trying to prove a point. His guys (deputies) deserve their money. PERIOD!! If for any reason I can't take my vacation, I WOULD want my money!! I have worked all year to get my vacation pay. Why wouldn't I deserve it? It makes no sense to me at all. The county may be strapped for money, but it makes no sense that they (deputies) chose to stay and serve our county and did NOT take a vacation---that does NOT mean that they don't deserve their vacation money.

Jimmy, in my opinion is a worthless good for nothing piece of POOPY!!!! He is about as underhanded as they come. And he will smile proudly in your face--as he is turning the KNIFE in your back. He sickens me, and it is NO surprise that he was backing the sheriff--he IS up for re-election ya know?

Which by the way--some one should investigate the "other paper" for the way they deal with politicians money!! For ads and such. I for one KNOW for a fact that there is a certain rate for each ad that is placed in the "other little paper" and that an elite few politicians did NOT pay for their ads. (JS) sure, the checks were handed to the "other little paper", a reciept was given and then the checks handed right back to the "politician". I KNOW!! When other opponents came in the rate was jacked up and payment in full was LEGITIMATELY made!!! It sickens me to the very core of my being. But ya know, THEY will always have control (the business owners in town) because they have pull.. from more places than one would think. And trust me, I DO KNOW!! Throw at me what you will, I don't much care. What I have stated ARE facts, reveal who I am.. not a chance. I know things about this town and the underhanded dealings, I would NEVER endanger myself to "reveal" shit!!!

Suffice it to say, we do indeed have a "family" of sorts in Clayberry!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:23 PM, January 02, 2006
and for the record, I'm not andy. he knows NOTHING of what I am talking about. I wish maybe he did. He would have the balls to bust the "family" and could give a rats ass about what ANYONE thought.

I do know my facts!! Whether anyone believes me or not. I don't care. But I do have first hand knowledge of things that I have stated. Libel? I don't think so. I could give info that COULD be traced down. Not just a fantasy--there IS a paper trail!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:29 PM, January 02, 2006
Doesn't even really have to be a paper trail. If it happens, it gets covered up regardless. Either that or certain people get favors to keep their mouths shut. One of these days, a real "investigation" will take place in Clay & everybody will fall over dead from the shock of it all.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:39 PM, January 02, 2006

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