Thursday, December 29, 2005



# posted by George @ 11:29 PM
It was predicted that SHERIFF Holcomb would have the county in a law suit b the end of his first year I guess he kept his promise.
Whats up with this not signing checks
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:07 AM, December 30, 2005
What happened George?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:12 AM, December 30, 2005
From what i hear he has a personality conflect with himself and the commission and is taking it out on the employees of the county
# posted by Blogger George : 12:31 AM, December 30, 2005
Can't wait to get the full story on this one!

Realistically, though, this county has a history of being a bunch of sheep (don't even go there!). Where 1 goes, the rest will follow, if that's what they're told to do.

You've got to admit, it certainly livens things up when an elected one strays from the script.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 9:01 AM, December 30, 2005
Another year has come and gone
another takes its place
another year of ol' Em Pee
and her "say that to my face".

another year of ol' Ann Dee
and his rag of scandals many
that no one will admit to reading,
but makes him a quite a plenty.

another year of politicians
with bodies made of rubber
how else could they get their heads up there
in spite of all that blubber?

another year of lies and cheats
but not so much of stealing
all the thieves have been cut off
and my, they are a'squealing!

another year of have/have not
and chronic wanna-be
another year of the same ol' thing
in good ol' Clayberry.

Mother Goose
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:00 PM, December 30, 2005
I think that the Sheriff should haul MP in for being stupid.

I'd offer 1/2 of my wages to pay for HIS vacation if he would do that one little bitty favor for me. Think about it sheriff??? I'm sure others would be willing to give some moolah for the cause!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:58 PM, December 30, 2005
how much is 1/ of pay anony?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:18 PM, December 30, 2005
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:18 PM, December 30, 2005
why are ya willing to match it? ;)

FYI 1/2 would be right around $1500.00. Hard earned money. No stamps, no medical cards, no LEEP, clothing vouchers, no free lunches, ZERO assistance from ANYONE.
Except self, okay--okay.. my wife's too.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:48 PM, December 30, 2005
My wife's help too. Sorry forgot that part. :) LOL
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:49 PM, December 30, 2005
WVchic said...
Well said Mother Goose.

Rose & the other bloggers: sorry, I haven't posted in a little while. Ya know--holiday, company, enough food to make ya sick. Kids wired on the candy that "santa" brought them. LOL Madness--sheer madness I say!! (which by the way, I do NOT remember getting when I was a wee one. hmm?)
Glad to see everyone is still here. :) Be safe and have a happy new year!!
hahahha this is what I get for having two windows open at the same time LMAO. I meant to post this a couple of hours ago.. but apparently I lost track.. hahahahhah sorry for the confusion folks!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:53 PM, December 30, 2005
I'm Right
I'm Boss
Everyone else is stupid
The written law mean nothing
I control the judges
I control the State police
I worked in Braxton
God askes me for advice
I can do what I want to
I have 8 years to make this county mine
I will be Jim Paxton's Chief Deputy for 4 years
I will be sheriff 8 more years
Bufford T Pusser has nothing on Me
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:43 PM, December 31, 2005
I dont know if that was poetry or what. But you better keep your day job. If you even have one. That was stupid!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:50 PM, December 31, 2005
Hi everyone i live in clay and am really sick of all the political bull crap, it will never change because money talks and bullshit walks, maybe we will see some of our political guys in charleston as the ones that we are seeing on the news now for vote fraud. it has been going on for years and will continue to go as long as we as voters allow it to.I think that our fatsheriff fits the title of BOSS HOG. Don't you all think so.
Livin in clay county
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:43 PM, January 01, 2006

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