ClayByGumminesWV: The Snow's a little late but here!!

Monday, December 26, 2005


The Snow's a little late but here!!

# posted by George @ 11:23 AM

I just looooooove bein' first. teeheehee

Only 5 more days to make 2005 memorable!! If you haven't been on the scanner yet this year, you'd better hurry up or you're gonna miss your chance!
I commented about the snow in Clay before and someone pretty much chewed my head off. I'm not out there, so I can't be sure it's actually snowing there, but I do love the pictures! I do know it's a little bit chilly out there! So everyone keep warm!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:19 PM, December 26, 2005
CB, it actually did snow here this morning. We didn't see a whole lot of the white stuff, however. (At least not where I live.) What we did get seemed to melt off fairly quickly. It is kinda' cool tonight (29 degrees on my front porch). Could be worse, but I am still thankful for those extra blankets on the bed. :)

Hope everyone had a great Christmas!!
# posted by Blogger SmileyTD : 12:30 AM, December 27, 2005
Got 1 more Christmas coming, then we're done! Gotta celebrate with the out-of-towners as everybody's schedule allows, ya know!

The snow's almost all gone. According to the weather people, it's going to be in the upper 50s this week! I can deal with that a heap sight better than the frigidness of last week! Or was it the week before??
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 10:19 AM, December 27, 2005
Where is everbody? MPs lectric get shut off?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:02 PM, December 27, 2005
George? Where are ya, man? Ya need some help??

It's almost 2006!!!
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 10:09 AM, December 28, 2005
MP is a fat cow!!!! MOOOOOOOO!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:10 PM, December 29, 2005

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