ClayByGumminesWV: Things are really slowing down in the big town of Clay!

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Things are really slowing down in the big town of Clay!

# posted by George @ 8:13 PM
I see the commnicator made a stab at one of the commission candidate's, just think makes a fellow who likes purple passions to rethink.
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# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:32 PM, December 11, 2005
Kinda slow around blogs this weekend must be something in the air.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:32 PM, December 11, 2005
i cannot wait for her get in the race
so she can throw shit in your face

i do not have much money
and so i'll do what you want, honey ;)

you are a wicked witch
and most, would think you were a bitch
but i for one, think that there is a hitch

jimmy put her in,
and now he's a bit chagrin

for the bad that he's been doin'
And the media is aviewin‘ .

I haven’t the time
Nor the care
To follow that bitch anywhere!

So-- as for the election
I couldn’t care less
And to be exact,
I wouldn’t second guess.

If this county wasn’t so crooked
Then we would see it’s best!

I have only this left to say
I’d vote for Rose ANY DAY!!!

# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:37 PM, December 11, 2005
You could probably go look in her underware drawer and find the purple prong if someone had the nerve and protection to move her panties around in drawer. If she hadn't put her name to an item that never should have been put on the internet in the first place then people wouldn't know that she even had the purple prong. Since, she doesn't want it and nobody wants to buy it then maybe the best place for the purple prong and her is the trash can.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:19 PM, December 11, 2005
I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.
- Voltaire
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:27 PM, December 11, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Ohhh the lawsuit. I am not gonna entice you all anonymouses with a response on that one.

I will say it is but the first of many to come! Look for more coming very very soon! Another one for Clay-Roane, Delta and of course the CCC, and some citizens as well.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:31 PM, December 11, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Ok you can take Clay-Roane off that list of ones that will be sued. Your right, I don't want to make the customers pay.

Hopefully next Thursday all will be settled anyway. I owe them $425 from an overpayment in 2003, they owe me $250 for four meetings.

I will give them the difference of $175.00 if they agree that the District is paid back in full for the overpayment and that I never have to hear of this again from them. Then if all agree, the lawsuit will be dismissed and we can start the new year out with a clean slate! See, I am not hard to get along with at all! Heck, I even removed the overtime to make the employees happy. Darn, I am starting to think that I am human after all.

Delta, or the "Clayberry Enquirer" as I call it and the CCC are fair game though. First up will be Delta with a defamation lawsuit, come next Tuesday (if I don't get snowed in). Unless of course, they wish to retract what ALL they have posted on their website and newspaper. Since I doubt that will happen, look for a new lawsuit come next tuesday. Not going to be no little one either. Hope the have insurance.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:33 PM, December 11, 2005
MP: why the lawsuits on the citizens? Are they not the ones who you will need to be voted into office? And which citizens would that pertain to? The ones that dont like you?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:33 PM, December 11, 2005
mpostelwait said...
Dang, SB, I just love the attention I get from visiting your site!

So much hostility, it is no wonder my anger manangement teacher is always booked up!

I wish I did get a check at the beginning of the month and foodstamps too, hell it would be a blessing. I dont qualify though, make to much money. Can you believe that, I live in Clay and make too much money!

You know what I hate though, is those that draw SSI and still work. I thought you had to be disabled and unable to work to get that government benefit! Who do they know that I don't?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:35 PM, December 11, 2005
Take a look at these:
mpostelwait said...
Ohhh the lawsuit. I am not gonna entice you all anonymouses with a response on that one.

I will say it is but the first of many to come! Look for more coming very very soon! Another one for Clay-Roane, Delta and of course the CCC, and some citizens as well.
aa said...
mpostelwait said...
Ok you can take Clay-Roane off that list of ones that will be sued. Your right, I don't want to make the customers pay.

Hopefully next Thursday all will be settled anyway. I owe them $425 from an overpayment in 2003, they owe me $250 for four meetings.

I will give them the difference of $175.00 if they agree that the District is paid back in full for the overpayment and that I never have to hear of this again from them. Then if all agree, the lawsuit will be dismissed and we can start the new year out with a clean slate! See, I am not hard to get along with at all! Heck, I even removed the overtime to make the employees happy. Darn, I am starting to think that I am human after all.

Delta, or the "Clayberry Enquirer" as I call it and the CCC are fair game though. First up will be Delta with a defamation lawsuit, come next Tuesday (if I don't get snowed in). Unless of course, they wish to retract what ALL they have posted on their website and newspaper. Since I doubt that will happen, look for a new lawsuit come next tuesday. Not going to be no little one either. Hope the have insurance.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:37 PM, December 11, 2005
Check this one out: from an earlier post:
mpostelwait said...
Ohhh the lawsuit. I am not gonna entice you all anonymouses with a response on that one.

I will say it is but the first of many to come! Look for more coming very very soon! Another one for Clay-Roane, Delta and of course the CCC, and some citizens as well.

I do believe it says "some citizens as well"
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:38 PM, December 11, 2005
It is just wrote there in plain site. No misunderstandings there. And I do want to go and sue people for saying and quoting you.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:43 PM, December 11, 2005
it soon will be time to cast your vote,
think long and hard about this.
pretty soon, we'll ask ourselves,
who do we want for commish?

first we have the one we've had
for years and years on end.
what's he done and how's he done it
and do we want him again?

then we have the educated one
whose reputation's a little ... fuzzy
look at our schools and ask yourselves,
if he wasn't there, where was he?

next we have the troubled one
you all know who i mean.
not real bright and not very nice,
but she likes to be heard and seen.

of the three, there's only one
who's neither pending nor yet filed.
won't someone give me a better choice?
one who doesn't raise my bile?

it sounds like the beginning of a real bad joke
about a liar, a cheat, a thief
who walked into a bar one night
for a whore to make them complete.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:44 PM, December 11, 2005
Well Honey No Suit Was Filed Against Delta,AW,CCC or anyone else other that clayroanepsd. Right
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:49 PM, December 11, 2005
dont know for a fact. Could have been or may not have been. Who knows for sure. Lets ask AW
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:50 PM, December 11, 2005
When MP says she doesn't receive food stamps. she's fibbing. When she filed pauper papers two weeks ago, she reported $10,000 in annual ncome of which $4780 was in stamps. The only thing MP did Friday was drop her suit against CRPSD.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:25 AM, December 12, 2005
What a big bunch of POO PEE this is... you all have way too much time on your hands , In stead of blog..most of this is one big log that needs a wipe and one big flush but the poor towns sewer wouldn't do it soo round and round it always said if you can't say somthing nice shut the hell up....Have a wonderful CHRISTmas and a stinkie new year!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:08 AM, December 12, 2005
How do you know she's lying .Maybe you got your info from a wrong source.Do you believe everything that you read .And if most of you people read this blog and then you would know that most of the stuff that you COPY and paste on Rose's blog and this one is that half of that stuff is already on here several times.George it gets annoying to read the same copied post over and over and over.Still love the blog's tho.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:32 AM, December 12, 2005
George you should have a counter on here that deletes double posts.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:38 AM, December 12, 2005
when you say you'll "serve the public"
they put a target on your ass.
they aim to maim and shoot to kill
and do it just for laughs.

when just a few can rile your wrath
and plant hardness in your heart,
expect the rest to be on you
like stink upon a fart.

to all you "public servants"
and those who wanna be,
one vote can make or break you
and it might belong to me.

be careful what you say & do
if you think we'll forget it, NEVER!
the life of a fart is fleeting,
but crap can float forever.

Mother Goose
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:30 PM, December 12, 2005

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