ClayByGumminesWV: Commission Race Heating up

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Commission Race Heating up

# posted by George @ 11:17 PM
Say it aint so Link. I did not misrepresent the cookbook, I did not setup website on school computer or school internet, I do not update site on school time or equipment , I did not use my school email on election stuff. I did not misuse my position in any of this. What about the Levy money a detailed list on expenses, what about the 500,000 wireless grant what YOU said way wireless internet.
mornin', George!

Did Link ever give up his Superintendent salary? How much publicity did Clay get from that little whizzer?
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 7:13 AM, January 12, 2006
I'm voting for Jerry Linkinoggor.

I dont care how he funds his campaign.

Nobody is talking about the Thousands of dollars of deficit he cured.
Make that HUNDREDS of thousands.

Nobody is talking about the improvements to the buildings.

Nobody is talking about the tech upgrades.

Nobody is talking about the quality of the bus fleet.

The wireless thing is a bummer.
I was looking forward to getting in on that myself.

AW likes to crack on the test scores.

If parents would send their kids to school and tell them to learn something and behave, instead of ignoring everything they're told and seeing how much of a distraction they can cause, they might know something when the test comes up.
Im sure some do, but its the ones who don't want to learn anything, don't have an appreciation for the importance of an education, who are dragging down the efforts and average scores of the rest.

Give up his Superintendent salary???

I dont recall hearing him say he was gonna take on the most stressful, high responsibility job in the county for free.
Why in the world would he do that??

I'd question doing that more than anything else.

The man has a family to raise and bills to pay.

He's intelligent, articulate, and presentable.

He's recognized throughout the state as a competent leader.

Right there's enough to probably keep him from getting elected in Clay County.

I know its fun to rip and tear and crack on the candidates, but when you're voting on people to fill leadership positions, try to elect people with leadership skill.

# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:51 AM, January 12, 2006
oh, those rose-colored glasses.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:20 AM, January 12, 2006
"Give up" as in disclose, not donate to charity. Personally, I don't give a rip how much $$ anybody makes. However, those in public office are subject to public laws, which say public salaries are available to the public. The more one tries to cover something up, the more others must assume there's something amiss.

If self-serving lawmakers, ACLU butt corks & others of their ilk would stop insisting that children have more "rights" than parents have authority, children would be much more conditioned for learning. Teachers are trained to teach "classrooms"; classroom are made up of lots of individuals. If the hands of the educators weren't bound so tightly, they might actually be able to reach every child in those classrooms & raise the scores to the moon. "No Child Left Behind" ?? Not exactly the most appropriate name for that one.

You forgot his hair. He's got great hair.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 12:32 PM, January 12, 2006
In response to nobody's fool. (had to be a family member of linkypoo's) I send my child to school everyday. She/he has not missed any school. My child has a learning problem which makes it a little harder to learn what is taught. If the teachers would get off their ass and try to help the students more on a 1 to 1 basis then they could and would get the hang of it. All you who went to school in Clay knows that the teachers usually pick a few kids out and are rougher on them than normal. Causing them to get over whelmed and just not like school. Therefore, after hearing they are stupid, don't know anything, couldn't learn it if the answers were given to them. That is the stuff that causes a child to NOT want to listen to the teacher.
Perhaps, Linkypoo's wife will like this comment. Since she is probably the one who put it here.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:53 PM, January 12, 2006
No relation to Link.

If you don't want to vote for him, then you can keep JS or give MP a shot.

It's your choice.
I've made mine.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:09 PM, January 12, 2006
to nobodys fool: please explain to me why the board of education paid the IRS 2 2/3 million dollars. then buried the accounting in vendor sales. been asking for six months. ain't got no answer yet. look in partial finanicial statement in free press.
why do we only get part of a financial statement? because the overpaid people in the education system don't want the public to know how much they're overpaid. show us you're not overpaid. will someone get a bonus for pulling the ivydale school deal off? WHO? if so whos acc't will it go into? heard another fellow asking today if he was now in the right district to run for co, comm. the lone stranger
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:10 PM, January 12, 2006
If ole Link were as wonderful as nobody's fools would have us believe, then why does Link think he needs to mail all those fliers, set up a web site, etc., etc., to get folks to come out and vote for him?

My opinion of Link was formed many years ago and it ain't changed. I don't care what face he puts on for the campaign, it's still him. No vote from me. Guess I'll skip that one when I vote because no way in hell will I vote for Link or Sams. Sure hope someone else files from whom I can vote.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:26 PM, January 12, 2006
Nice hair? He's about a step and a half away from a comb over! And that is NOT nice!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:25 PM, January 12, 2006
Is that JIMMY SAMS sissy in law hand in hand with the COMMISH
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:00 PM, January 12, 2006
I think he is whistlin' Dixie. You can tell by the look on the kid's face behind him. That could be YOU, SB - "WTF??" LOL
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 4:54 PM, January 13, 2006
Hi! Rose I decided not to run for co. commish this time. I had a little talk with Fran todayand said the reason why was because I did'nt have a high class education. She said, 3fingers, that has'nt stoped any body else in clay co. I think there is a moral in this story some where? D.J.E.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:17 PM, January 13, 2006
3 Fingers
Fran is right. Common sense is what we need most. Why should the people that lead us be so much more educated than us. By the People and For the People.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:27 PM, January 13, 2006
Link is bringing in $79,000 annualy as Superintendent
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:49 PM, January 13, 2006
I wonder if the linkster has to take a peeeeeeeeee test like the most of the rest of the staff has too?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:27 PM, January 13, 2006

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