ClayByGumminesWV: Jimmy better watch out I may be trading you off.

Monday, January 02, 2006


Jimmy better watch out I may be trading you off.

Look like you out Jimmy.

# posted by George @ 11:59 PM
For Melissa,
I want to begin by saying I don't know you and I don't think you know me, I left Clay County along time ago.
I am ashamed to let people know I was raised in Clay County, the filth that is wrote on some of these blogs and what is written on Clayberry.
Now for some comments and reflections" I am not trying to give you advice" just some things I have come to understand with age!!!!
You cannot beat the system in Clay County.
You don't have the right name, such as, Dunn, Price, Nichols, Mullins, Sutten, Morris, Smith and so on, some of the names that I knew are not in charge any longer!!!!
You can not win by getting in a Pissing contest with a skunk!!
You will get warts if you messed with a toad
"Like Frog-blog"
I remember when Wabble Wabble Wabble came to Clay with his head stuck up the beavers ass,
I know where he came from and I know where "the Beavers" came from!!!
In other words, I would rise above the people that belittle you, because that the only way they can feel good about themselves, by putting other people down, isn't that a shame.
Melissa from now on, please think before saying something that brings you down to their level!!!
I am definitely on your side!!!!!
If you would like for me to send you an e-mail, I can tell you lots of things, whose car was parked behind whose house after the old man left for work!!! also the names of some of the higher echelon of Clay that I have seen drunk in Charleston with their legs wide-open, the back seats in several different vehicles...Ha Ha
My name is Billy B.
PS, in my time we did not have the computer to hide behind, if someone made a comment about you, "as they do about you today" on these blogs, you with catch them out and go toe to toe, not to say that I was bad or mean but they only said it one time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is amazing how things comes in full circle, the ones that look down their noses at me in Clay, "several years later" I ran into some of those higher up "women" from Clay, you cannot imagine the different, they tried to get me to noticed them... not in my lifetime!!!!!!!!!!!!
As Pappy would say, if they had all sticking out, that they had stuck in them, they'd look like porcupines!!!! P U!!!!!!!!!
Hey, I'm just wondering if anyone else is having trouble with Internet Explorer hanging when opening the front page of George's blog here?? This is the only website that it appears to be happening on, so I thought I'd ask if I'm the only one with that trouble.
# posted by Blogger SmileyTD : 12:23 PM, January 03, 2006
Mine has been doing it to. It says runtime error and then closes. Sometimes it freezes and then closes. Glad to know I won't have to go buy another computer anytime soon. They are too expensive.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:15 PM, January 03, 2006
Hehehe...Why, thank you, Southern Boy! ;)

Thank you to the others who answered me as well. It seems that those of us who are having problems are having the very same things to happen when trying to view the main page.

For now, mine's working the opposite way of your's Melissa. The last few times that I tried using my bookmark for the site, I got the Blogger message stating "the blog you are looking for could not be found". When I tried linking from another blog, it worked just fine...with no error messages or IE hangups. Maybe I just wasn't holding my mouth right or something. LOL We'll see. you happen to have a hidden counter on your page? If so, that may accidentally be causing the glitches. (I had a very similar problem with my MSN group when I put a hidden counter on the welcome page, but the visible one worked just fine.) Please understand that I'm just trying to help. :)
# posted by Blogger SmileyTD : 10:45 PM, January 03, 2006
found alive
# posted by Blogger George : 11:58 PM, January 03, 2006
only one survivor
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:55 AM, January 04, 2006
Look who's back. Go ahead and use your flippy name, MP. Noboyd else stays up that late. nobody else uses that creative thing on their site. go ahead and tell everbody to grow up and get a life.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:39 AM, January 04, 2006
"Noboyd" is correctly spelled "Nobody".
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:04 PM, January 04, 2006
No, wrong again, now look in the mirror and repeat after Me, I'm sorry residence of Clay County for making people living in other states think we are all stupid, repeat that 100 times!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:37 PM, January 04, 2006
Residence = a place to live.
Residents = people who live there.

Who is making who look stupid?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:51 PM, January 04, 2006
I can't see!!
I can't spell!!
I Can't type!!
But I don't live in Clay Co.
ha ha ha
Now who stubid ??????????
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:15 PM, January 04, 2006
Uh ... grammar wars on George's blog? LOL & it's only Wednesday! WOOHOO!! Wonder what Friday night will bring??

What was that kid's name on Fat Albert? The one that talked like "Iba beba stubid" ... or something like that??

Which witch is which?
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 5:38 PM, January 04, 2006
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 5:38 PM, January 04, 2006
OMG~~Do my annonying fans miss me that much?

I feel the love in this room!

Actually "Melissa" in Greek is "Honey Bee".

"Melissa" is also an herb.

MP~~I'm still around :)
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:48 PM, January 04, 2006
Mush Mouth ~ Fat Alberts friend's name was Mush Mouth Hey! Hey! Hey!

# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:34 PM, January 04, 2006
Bee Happy! Eat yer Honey!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:40 PM, January 04, 2006
Mush Mouth! That's it!! Why can I never remember that? It should be easy, eh?
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 10:44 PM, January 04, 2006
Yeahba itba shouldba!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:05 PM, January 04, 2006
Dianne Weaver said...
This is on all MikeD and his familys blogs:

justmee2005, with all due respect, the appropriate thing to do is request permission to add a site to your links list. In the case of the Hur Herald, you failed to do so. Please remove from your links list.

Thank you, Dianne Weaver, co-editor
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:22 AM, January 05, 2006
From the hurherald site (cant you and your kin read?):

The information on these pages, to the extent the law allows, remains the exclusive property of Bob and Dianne Weaver and The Hur Herald. All information may be freely used but must not be sold or used in any type of commercial endeavor, or used on any web site without the express permission of the owners. ©Bob and Dianne Weaver, The Hur Herald, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:37 AM, January 05, 2006

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