Sunday, January 08, 2006



# posted by George @ 10:36 PM

You know you're just asking for the copy & paste thing, right? LOLOL

If we had a jail, police would put fewer miles on their vehicles, spend less on gas & waste less time going back & forth.

How'd we do with the old jail??

(I gotta copy & paste this on my own site ... LOLOLOL)
Hi! Rose Gota hide way over here. D.J.E.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:32 PM, January 08, 2006
LOL Hey, 3fingers! Who ya hidin' from? You should know by now you can't hide from anybody or anything in this town ...
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 7:00 PM, January 08, 2006
Hey 3fingers welcome back you can post all you want here. Let's get a prison in clay what say's you or anyone else?
# posted by Blogger George : 8:31 PM, January 08, 2006
Ya know, as a parent, I think a jail is a great idea & I think that before the ribbon cutting takes place (before it's open for business), every school-aged child in this county should be taken there on a field trip. Maybe that'd deter some of them from a life down the wrong path. At a minimum, it'd scare the hell out of MINE! LOL

Think about it. Clay has a huge drug problem. I know when I was in high school, the "drugs" were ones you can now buy OTC at GoMart. Some kids smoked a little home-grown, but the bigger issue was pills. The problem has grotesquely escalated & there's not a stinkin' thing anybody can do about it. Take 1 druggie off the streets, 7 more step up to take his place.

Wouldn't it be at least a little discouraging for them to know The Big House was just down the road?
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 8:49 PM, January 08, 2006
I don't think anyone that gets involved in drugs is scared of anything anymore. Everyone has become so desensatized to everything. And its been said before, why wouldn't someone want to spend time in the there; three free square meals a day and warm dry place to sleep.
I don't think it would be the least bit discouraging. You know how that particular element in Clay is anyway, they'd all want to be the first ones in behind bars just so they can say they were.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:26 AM, January 09, 2006
Hmm. Great points, Anon. However, I'd like to think there are a lot of kids in elementary school today who will grow up to be influential, law-abiding citizens. There are a lot who already have a lot of influence over their classmates. Don't you think that if we could reach those kids early enough, they might be able to change the world?

Maybe they should wait & do the field trips after the residents arrive. Been a long time since I was in a jail, but I recall a very distinct aroma ...
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 8:49 AM, January 09, 2006
That would be a good idea to show the kids what it's like in jail. I'm wondering if that would be permissable though. I don't see the schools letting such a field trip occur for "safety purposes" I'm thinking would their reason. (Mt. Olive would make the better impression on them!)
I do think a jail would be a good idea for Clay County. It would be the perfect "engine" for establishing some other much needed mental health services in the county. Plenty of grant money in that you know!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:00 AM, January 09, 2006
Aside from gardening supplies SB, what are your ideas for getting some money into Clay County. Drugs and stolen firearms seem to be the most profitable business in the county, but those that trade in that arena don't seem to be sharing.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:23 AM, January 09, 2006
And there is nothing wrong with grant money, it's out there, it might as well be used.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:24 AM, January 09, 2006
SB, I've got lots of property up here on my mountain. We could probably work out a deal & get you set up as a resident of District C. Assuming you're not already, I guess. Filing fee is only $203.50. Deadline to throw your name in the hat isn't till midnight on the 28th. C'mon. Whaddaya say?
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 1:26 PM, January 09, 2006
LOL Yeah, well, we all are, but most of the people who might "remember" were probably as ... uh ... *youthful* as you were, so I think it doesn't matter anymore.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 1:53 PM, January 09, 2006
Hey Rose! You say you've been in the big house????????Just kiding! anyways while i was in town this morning with my pop getting the dog food, bird food, cat food and some people food, stoped into the co. clerk's office to look and see who had signed up so far. One person for the school board and the one and only, LinkInPoopy for the ccc. Got home and there was LinkInPoopy in my mail box! That OLD boy sure gets around!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:55 PM, January 09, 2006
I agree with Southern Boy on most counts. It would be nice if Clay had some viable business. Few ever seem to survive though. Are they badly run or is there not enough market for what's being sold?
Grant money isn't a bad thing to get, particularly for such a financially ailing county as Clay. There is certainly a need for it. I noticed on JL's site he said he was going to be writing grants. I wonder what they will be for?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:58 PM, January 09, 2006
In the past year I believe we have a county commissioner that has been writing grants or at least she has had her picture in the paper a lot. The BDA has been the main focus of many of the grants. I heard she wrote a big one (90,000) for the Pros Attorney and Sheriff for home confinement and community service officer but the sheriff shot it down last spring. He told a bus driving friend of mine he did not want that money because he could not be in full control and had to share with Samples and Cruickshanks and he shared with nobody.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:27 PM, January 09, 2006
Shame on you, POOPY, for turning down that money. Maybe JIM and LUCY could have used there fair share and done even a better job. Shame Shame!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:40 PM, January 09, 2006
Who would have been in control of the grant money that the sheriff turned down?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:46 PM, January 09, 2006
Probably the ccc!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:58 PM, January 09, 2006

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