ClayByGumminesWV: The poopster at work!!!!!

Sunday, January 01, 2006


The poopster at work!!!!!


I can't even afford to have a baby without my paycheck ! 13 months and holding.


# posted by George @ 11:08 PM
I really don't have anything to say, I just wanted to leave the first comment here. teeheehee

Then again, having nothing to say never shut anybody in these parts up!

Clay County workers get paid
• Sheriff’s spat with commission delayed checks
By Charles Shumaker
Staff writer
As scheduled, Clay County employees received paychecks Friday afternoon.
But that didn’t look likely earlier in the day as Sheriff Randy Holcomb refused in protest to add his signature to county checks. He is arguing with county commissioners over some of his deputies’ vacation days.
Holcomb protested penning his signature, one of three required on county employees’ paychecks, because county commissioners have refused to allow three sheriff’s deputies to cash in their unused vacation days from 2005, Commission President Peter Triplett said.
Holcomb signed 34 paychecks for Clay County employees just after 3 p.m., County Clerk Connie Workman said.
“This is a little struggle with the commission and he’s taking it out on all county workers,” Triplett said.
Holcomb was given until the end of work Friday to join Workman and Triplett by signing the checks for employees and elected officials. Had the sheriff ignored his duty, the county would have filed a legal motion to force him to sign, Triplett said.
He said county law requires the elected sheriff to be among the signatures on paychecks. The only exception to that rule allows the sheriff to refuse his signature if the county does not have the money to cover the paychecks.
Clay County has the money, Triplett said.
The courthouse struggle dates back to at least November, when three of Holcomb’s deputies were required to work to cover a murder trial despite their requests for vacation time, Triplett said.
“The needs of the county and the balancing of work schedules take precedent over vacation requests,” Triplett said.
The deputies, three of five the county employs, still have unused vacation time that they could carry over to next year.
Despite a state civil service rule that only 30 days can be carried over each year, Triplett said the County Commission has made it a habit to allow employees to keep more than 30 days of unused vacation time they have built up.
“I don’t see anything wrong with [the carryover],” Triplett said. “But our policy is, and has been, that you can’t cash it in for money.”
Holcomb’s request is for $1,700. His three deputies are owed pay for three, five and 13 days of unused vacation time, according to a letter the sheriff sent to Commissioners Triplett, Fran King and James Sams on Dec. 27.
Holcomb did not return phone messages seeking comment Friday. The dispute will be discussed at Wednesday’s County Commission meeting.
Triplett said Friday morning that employees were upset about the dispute that delayed their twice-monthly paychecks.
“They’re not real happy here,” he said. “There are employees who live for those checks.”
Workman, a nearly 30-year county employee, said the dispute is unlike anything she has seen in the courthouse.
“We all depend on those paychecks,” she said.
To contact staff writer Charles Shumaker, use e-mail or call 348-1240.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:50 AM, January 02, 2006
I think someone imformed the sheriff that he was wrong.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:31 AM, January 02, 2006
So it's all over now? The deputies pissed cause they didn't get paid? Look for em to put in for vacation at the same time. Like a holidya weekend. Or call in sick.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:52 PM, January 02, 2006

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