ClayByGumminesWV: See who teaming up in election also in the Name of the FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST

Sunday, February 05, 2006


See who teaming up in election also in the Name of the FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST

# posted by George @ 11:37 AM
heres ya nother blog
Randy teamed up with Fran till they got elected then she tried to pull that stuff about stopping off duty deputies taking familys to ballgames in cruiser at taxpayer expense(Belt had wreck), and giving the used shotguns to deputies (called various gun stores to have county commission taken off of gun registration), and stopping illegal payment of vacation to deputies that was against WV state code so now he has to get Link in there that "knows how to play the game" He said hes still stuck for 2 years with greasy arsed Peter and the Fat Bitch Fran but Link can handle them. So Link up with Link.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:08 AM, February 06, 2006
I can't get that link to work.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:55 AM, February 06, 2006
racing8fan copy and paste the link into your address bar and click go it works, i used it this morning.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:51 PM, February 06, 2006
It worked that time. I don't know what I was doing wrong. :)
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:25 PM, February 06, 2006
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:10 PM, February 09, 2006
Brainiac where have you been. Sheriff Holcomb already gave his staff a 200 a month raise the first of February including 200 for the new deputy paxton hired in december. and now he wants to give them a one time bonus. plus they get 50 every night they are on duty for staying home and answering any calls that come in. I figure the deputies are doing pretty good money wise since the new sheriff took office.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:28 AM, February 11, 2006
All that I can say is this....Bend over taxpayers,grab your ankles and Kiss your house goodbye as our government is going to take it away because of a few that have a case of the DA (Dumb A**)and all they think about is how much money they can rob the Taxpayers out of. They knew what the pay was when they took the job and now that they been in it for a year they deserve one raise after another. Well here the raise they deserve and the CCC needs to be the one that gives it to them... (Get off your dead A&&es and onto your dying feet and do the job we already pay you to do.. Yes the sheriff done a fine job for the first four months he was in office but I guess we will have to wait for election time again to get the Law Enforcement in this county to make a few arrest and hold the Druggies, Thiefs, and others that like to destroy your property just because they know they can get by with it. Come on out to the next CCC meeting and raise a little smell about whats going on in the county with noone doing anything about it then if they want another bonus let them put a few criminals in jail and keep them there so that we have a better and safer community in which we can raise our families and have our homes in without fear of being burned out or broken into if we participate in some school or community activity. The one that have stolen from your neighbors are free as a bird and the ones trying to stop them are just about out of money,time and patience. So everyone come over to Wally World this week end and get you a good supply of 00Buckshot as its the only way we are going to get this crap stopped. If they show up at your house uninvited shoot first and ask what they wanted afterwards.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:00 PM, February 11, 2006
Oh by the way the sheriff just got another $3500.00 into his budjet to pay the vacation pay for the deputies also on top of the $200.00 per month for courthouse employs..How much raise did you get the first of febuary 2006.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:04 PM, February 11, 2006
I think you are wrong about paying the bonus because Randy was mouthing off at the Arnold trial that this would be the last arrest his boys made until the lazy assed county commission quit acting like every dime came out of their pockets and gave him the money for his deputies bonus. He said he and his family would never support not one of the three in the next election. That he was with Linkinogger this time and next time it would be David Pierson for Peter. He said he was putting the hurt on her hinness Fran by not towing any drunks or illegal cars he did not give a f_ _ k he would let them drive them drag them or sit on the side of the road he did not give a shit. He would show them he learned a few tricks in Braxton County.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:12 PM, February 11, 2006
Isn't it the Prosecuting Attorneys job to keep the thugs in jail. The Sherrif can only arrest them. It isn't up to him how long they stay in jail or even if they stay overnight. What are you talking about?
And not that it's your business but I happened to get a raise last pay (2/01/06). And it was a pretty nice too.
Maybe you aren't getting one because you don't think before you speak and you have a bad attitude.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:54 PM, February 11, 2006
I think the Commission is right in not paying. Ole greasy ass Pete been against from the beginning and I'm proud of him for that. If Sheriff Poopy wants to sue that just do it and quit runnning his jaw about it. If here like gassaway or braxton county so much he should just quit and get the hell out. Maybe he likes braxton because they steal money in the sheriff office there.
Now on Dave Pierson as a school board member he voted to sell a school to a church group and they turn down a group of kids for a sleep over way to treat the kids PIERSON, don't forget he's running again for school board and also he supporting Jerry Link for commission and TG Cruckshanks for county clerk people that stub there nose at you because they are better than us plane folks.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:18 AM, February 12, 2006
Maybe MP should move to Braxton Co & run for commisioner there. She likes to be around stolen money.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:07 PM, February 12, 2006
From Carpenter and a few others in dear old Braxton County they were mighty glad Mr Holcomb won the election and they parted in good graces Eating dinner at Shoneys my wife and I had a conversation with several folks from the Braxton courthouse and they said their if he had been unsupervised their budget would have been in the toilet.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:25 PM, February 12, 2006
Let us not forget that Poopy was elected by the people of this county and like everyone else he has only one vote to cast whether it be for DP, TG, Link or whoever but as far as Link or the others they are not a shoe in as of yet. Poopy can go against whoever he wants this election but will have to remember his term also will come up and the ones hes against now may be the ones that save his hide or put him out of office... The political system works both ways, for or against and I wouldn't get to upity in thinking I could control how the people of this county will vote when the time comes. It has been known that up until the votes were counted old so and so had the election won but soon as the votes started coming in old so and so got farther and farther behind. It has been known that people in this county back you until you are so far back in the corner you couldn't get out if Kings wrecker was pulling you. What comes over the devils back comes through under his belly sooner or later or what goes around comes around.
As for Poopys lawsuit he has that right to file it but he will also have to have some Laws changed in Legislature to make it Leagal for the CCC to do and I don't see that happening anytime in the near future and besides with the county broke where is the money supposed to come from ????? his salary??? be a good place to start wouldn't it.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:30 PM, February 12, 2006
Saw Randy and Wifee riding in style with Mr and Mrs David Pierson to the big Clay County Bank Shindig followed by Telford and his son TG it does not take a rocket scientist to figure this own out except where was the Link.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:26 PM, February 12, 2006
He was already there, holding them a parking space.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:17 PM, February 12, 2006
I can tell Sheriff Holcomb one thing for sure the 60 of us voters that gathered at the Lizemore firehouse Thursday night will NOT be voting for his but again. He better enjoy his job Link gave him driving bus. Yes We saw him driving bus one evening week before last. Looked good our sheriff driving a bus with Link waving at him. Lets see that evening Miles drove a bus, Belt drove a bus, and Sheriff drove a bus I think the sheriffs dept loves Link. 3 out of 5 in one week were working for the bd of ed.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:19 PM, February 12, 2006
Its called prosperity for a few in the land of plenty (or double dipping) in the land of (the good ole boys club) Clayberry.. It has always amazed me that only a few could get a job in Clay Co. and the ones that could just fell from one to the other.. It is something that the sheriff and all the deputies have a job but yet they find time to have a Bus Driver job also..Wake up Clay Co. its about time others were hired that need the jobs and not just the ones who fill the spaces now. Its about time the "Good Ole Boys" club got a breakup. I agree with the ones that gathered at the fire house the other night Poopy nor Link deserve your votes. Also read where the rest of the Links Crew were all going to the big CCB fest in Charleston the other night. Bout time to set the record straight on them also. Now that you know whos hanging out together and patting each other on the back its time to show them the force of the Voters so get out tell your neighbors and get them registered to vote and out to the voting places as its the only way its going to change... Connie Workman has both the knowledge and know how to run the clerks office and she has worked the underdog job for years and deserves to continue doing so as we don't need the bill from the GreenBrier to train someone to do the job she is already doing. I for one don't mean to bash law enforcement but someone has to do it. They all look mighty fine in them stuffed shirt uniforms starched so they can wear them a week without getting a wrinkle in them, course sitting in the courthouse eating do-nuts and drinking coffee don't cause many wrinkles as they just fill out a little more stuffed.. Its no wonder your homes are broken into and everything you have worked your life away for is stolen theres noone minding the store, so to speak and the thieves know that so they have no worries...Oh by the way a lot of the ones meeting at the firehouse the other night..... some of America's finest Thieves were there..
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:02 AM, February 13, 2006
Just to set the record straight, Connie W. and her hubby attended the CCB fest, as you called it. Link was not there.

So, does that put Connie in your group of "those people hanging out together and patting each other on the back?"
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:09 AM, February 13, 2006
southern boy, you certainly know how to point out the obvious.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:39 PM, February 13, 2006
For years gone by it has always been the same here and people apply for jobs here. Do they get them???? No because the good ole boy system is working, will work and continue to do so and people have gotten used to their applications being put in file 13 better known as the trash can and there is people who would work and could work if not for the system here. As for me getting a job, forget it you couldn't tamp me in a work cannon and get me to work here or anywhere else. I work one day a month whether I need it or not and some months I just use direct deposit so I don't have to wait in line..I am quiet accustomed to the couch now and noway am I leaving it for something as petty as a job.
As long as the mentality that exist in Clay Co. that is here now it will always be the same way the same ones working two jobs drawing two paychecks getting two pensions and the rest paying for it cause its alright in the "Good Ole Boy" system. Nothing wrong with the same group running the county hogging the jobs or getting the pensions from the same ole taxpayers and their families. No use trying to make a change of any kind in this county as long as the populous backs that kind of thinking.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:50 PM, February 13, 2006
I hope they continue to carpool to various functions. It shows a refreshing consideration for the environment by saving gas & cutting down on pollution, displays frugalness AND portrays a willingness & ability to get along.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 10:57 PM, February 13, 2006
I bet CW didn't have no BOE brown on her face though. As for the rest that ain't chocolate on their face either.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:43 AM, February 14, 2006
hahaha I love it when a plan comes together
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:55 AM, February 14, 2006
There are jobs outside of Clay to be had. They generally pay better and have better benefits, course they require some travel. But at least its an alternative to laying on the couch
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:00 PM, February 14, 2006
There's not a thing wrong with laying on the couch it hasn't stopped a welfare check nor a food stamp yet. You all just keep up the good work and keep them coming in. Also maybe this year I can get a COL raise since gas has gone up so much it takes a big bite outta my check just going to the Post Office on check day and the three or four trips I have to make everyday. I usually run out of Bud Lite by noon. Also if anyone knows anything about HUD do you think they would help get more funding for us? My slumlord needs some more money to fix up the place a little better. I can use some new carpets and windows that tilt inwards. Also the siding is bad and the roof can use some of that Colored tin I see everyone else getting. I hear that Dept of HHR helps put some of that stuff in also. That big grant we got sure was a blessing to help with the energy bills this year also. I don't know about any jobs out of the county as I never looked for one either here or there. Maybe someone could get them people over at the Christian Center to lower their prices some also as its hard to buy stuff for the woman and 6 kids and get enuff to go around.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:21 PM, February 14, 2006
You do know you can get free coats for all the kids from the Salvation Army, right? Not just 1 each, either. You can get a nice dressy jacket, a warm coat, a raincoat, etc. Complete with gloves & hats & scarves if you want. If you can't make it to the Salvation Army, the Red Cross will come right to you OR you can call any of our area churches.

Also, don't forget we have some excellent local organizations that will provide you with free, nutritous food so you can keep your food stamps for Twinkies & Cheetos & stuff.

& really, this time of year, the utility companies can't cut you off, so I'd just skip paying them altogether until spring. Then, you can file a complaint with the PSC, saying they overcharged you or something & buy yourself some more time.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:59 PM, February 14, 2006
Also, you can get the twinkies and cheetos and pop and fruit punch which doesn't really contain any fruit but it is bright red, at Go Mart. Shoot you can even get a peice of fried chicken with some tater wedges for the same price you can a whole roaster chicken at the grocery store. But you know what, you don't have to bother with any cooking. Sure it costs three times more than the grocery store but you don't have to be bother pushing that old buggy up and down and up and down the rows, that can wear a person down you know. Just go to Go Mart. They take food stamps and they'll even bag it all up for ya.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:58 PM, February 14, 2006
Well if you like that one try this one out as its the new trend to free loading anonymouses... You get your disability social security going and run a couple used clothing stores and resturant, logging business and then get a divorce so your wifeie can draw SSI. Sound like a nightmare???? Happening all over the county right now. Works like a charm all you have to do is have a power bill or gas bill in a different building after the divorce becomes final. Wifeie can draw food stamps also cause after all that $500+ she gets a month SSI is not enough to pay all the medical and household expenses. Its called Beat The System. Oh by the way churches also donate to help out also.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:07 PM, February 15, 2006
Hahaha SB its called work ethics with a little pride instilled thru the years.. The shame of it all is there are some that actually try, guys and gals in low paying jobs and can't get the medical card, food stamps or any other help no matter how they try. One day rest assured there will be a judgement on these people who are scamming the sytem, scamming the people, scamming the churches but most of all scamming themselves and I hope they get some hard working honest to goodness people to stoke the fire to keep their A**es cooking for their misdeeds. Now back over to my couch. Most of it done all in the guise of Christianity is what burns my A**
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:13 PM, February 15, 2006
DUCK! Rose ain't feelin the love no more!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:13 PM, February 15, 2006
You know what, if SS or welfare or whoever opened up volunteer positions for people who have the ability to find these low lifers who suck the system dry when they are able bodied and able to contribute to society, I'd do it. Insurance companies have people who look for ones laying off on workers comp and such does welfare?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:28 PM, February 15, 2006
Hey! I am so feeling the love!

Where's George? I'm ready for some new pictures!
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 10:45 PM, February 15, 2006
Tommy Young Jr. is off home confinement and cars are being stolen again. Phone trucks that is!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:04 PM, February 16, 2006
I'll be glad when some of these fkn habitual criminals get their damn heads blown off or put away for some serious time instead of just gettin fanned thru the revolving door at CRJ.

And I hope that whoever does it gets a nice dose of the same lightweight justice that their targets did.

Or a medal.

This sh*t has gone on long enough.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:38 AM, February 17, 2006

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