ClayByGumminesWV: What you will find searching on the internet.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


What you will find searching on the internet.

UC/WC Defaulted Accounts
The information contained in this file is updated daily from the West Virginia Unemployment Compensation Tax System and the West Virginia Workers Compensation System.
If there are any questions about information in the file, please call
304-558-2451 (Monday-Friday 8:00-4:30) - Unemployment Compensation
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The file was last updated on FEBRUARY 18, 2006

City/State: PROCIOUS WV FEIN: 550761620 Agency:Workers Compensation - 304-926-3400 ext. 5025

City/State: CLAY WV FEIN: 550679326 Agency:Workers Compensation - 304-926-3400 ext. 5025

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City/State: PROCIOUS WV FEIN: 500715210 Agency:Workers Compensation - 304-926-3400 ext. 5025

City/State: PROCIOUS WV FEIN: 550715210 Agency:Unemployment Compensation - 304-558-2451

City/State: IVYDALE WV FEIN: 550710104 Agency:Workers Compensation - 304-926-3400 ext. 5025

City/State: CLAY WV FEIN: 550630765 Agency:Unemployment Compensation - 304-558-2451

# posted by George @ 8:37 PM
Hair color is different, the glasses are still the same.

(Hey Look!! I'm first this time!)
Andy, do you take all the pictures you have on your web site. Or, do you just lift them from other places?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:21 AM, February 20, 2006
Andy, do you take all the pictures you have on your web site. Or, do you just lift them from other places?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:28 AM, February 20, 2006
Some one orta string him up by his 4 inch wizzer for DAM near never gettin his RAG out on time, but come to think of it , that would'nt work cause it ain't long enough to tie a knot in!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:33 AM, February 20, 2006
Some one orta string him up by his 4 inch wizzer for DAM near never gettin his RAG out on time, but come to think of it , that would'nt work cause it ain't long enough to tie a knot in!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:33 AM, February 20, 2006
Andy(George), if you would spend less time putting pictures on you blog, you could get your rag out on time.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:26 PM, February 20, 2006
nobody reads that d@#n paper anyway so why should everyone be angry about it??????????????
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:44 PM, February 20, 2006
3 cheers for the KKK!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:13 PM, February 20, 2006
this was on jail birds website:

Marina is not currently incarcerated nor is several of these individuals listed.

If justme could read all Marina's charges were "dropped" and she was being harassed from local law enforcement.

This blog is harassment and stalking to those that are no longer incarcerated or are sexual offenders.

You cannot list sexual offenders with the intent of "harassment" and it is clear that "harassment" is present.

If you or a loved one is listed on this blog, I urge you to contact Sheriff Holcomb at 587-4760 or Prosecutor Samples at 587-2702 to file charges.

They will have to take your statement and blogger will have to release the owners records via a supeona. If the owner is found to be a false identity, the IP address will be used to identify the individual.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:27 PM, February 20, 2006
Looks like the law would be more concerned with their officers being accused of harrassment than an obscure website supposedly harrassing a convict.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:52 PM, February 20, 2006
I made these same statments a week ago on the jail bird site and they were deleated, then the party involved came up with a new url and changed the name. The intimidation of a person having served there time, is a crime in it's self.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:23 PM, February 20, 2006
exactly anonymous which is why it is deleted again.

harassment is against the law
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:16 PM, February 20, 2006
Harassment my a*#.
Everyones a victim arent they? WAH!!!!! WAH!!!!! WAH!!!!!If you dont want anyone to talk about the stupid illegal stuff you do then dont do it. Simple as that. Am old enough to get senior citizen discounts and in my long life I aint never done nothing stupid enough or illegal enough to land me in the can. Its not that hard to live that way. Its a matter of how selfish a person is. Its all about greed.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:00 AM, February 21, 2006
To the anonymous that wants to get that blog shut down, I warn you ,ya got to step on a few toes in the process. You got to go over the heads of the local law, both state and county. This has to be a first step.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:20 AM, February 21, 2006
to the anony. at 12:00 21/06 Thats easy to say in some cases! And on the other hand it's as much a bunch of BULL SHIT as a pee wee hir mon movie.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:31 AM, February 21, 2006
Meaning what exactly???
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:39 AM, February 21, 2006
So their picture appears on a website. Why not? Maybe if they were caught stealing and they had to stand in front of the courthouse 5 days a week 8 hours a day with a sign around their neck saying I AM A THIEF they would think twice before they did it again and it would not cost us taxpayers 48.50 a day for them to lay on thier ass at Flatwoods and watch TV.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:13 AM, February 21, 2006
the blog is gone yahhhhhhhhhh no more jail birds!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:30 AM, February 21, 2006
The jail bird blog can still be out there, only under a different url and name. All ya got to do is look through the different ones and just might find it. One thing for sure, you-all know the person behind it!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:53 AM, February 21, 2006
Well I liked the Jailbird site myself as it made me aware as to who to bust with a load of double 00 buck if I catch them around my place. But it don't really matter cause if you show up here univited and look cross eyed your shot anyway. Take no CHANCES and Take no PRISONERS. Shoot first and ask what you wanted later if ur still breathing if not it didn't matter anyhow.Just remembers Trespassers will be shot Survivers will be Shot again.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:36 AM, February 21, 2006
smileytd you were in go-mart at 12:20PM today.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:49 PM, February 21, 2006
have learned of possible alternative comm. by telephone during power outages and telephone cable problems. outgoing calls may be possible. local comm. is not. haven't learned if long distance incoming calls can be received. still digging.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:56 PM, February 21, 2006
Oooooh, covert operations to find the owners of blogs! & it has to start with Sheriff Holcomb & Prosector Samples. ROFLMAO Ooooooh, scary!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:18 PM, February 21, 2006
Yes, I sure was in Go-Mart around that time today. Umm...did I speak to you? LOL
# posted by Blogger SmileyTD : 3:18 PM, February 21, 2006
Just thought of something. Were you at the courthouse when I was there as well, Sherlock?
# posted by Blogger SmileyTD : 3:30 PM, February 21, 2006
No. Maybe, didn't see you.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:59 PM, February 21, 2006
Ok. *scratches head*
# posted by Blogger SmileyTD : 4:07 PM, February 21, 2006
hey smileytd you're a nice looking, cuddly looking gal. if i were younger i'd be on your door step every night yowling or yodeling. i'm thinking could she keep her mouth shut, would she keep her mouth shut. some of those recipes can't sit still thinking about them. maybe a casual meeting someday.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:59 PM, February 21, 2006
hahaha Smileytd and sherlock what time were you at the courthouse today....I was there also hahaha guess we dodged each other again huh? Smileytd also saw the first colts foot coming up today. Ah shoot thats a dead giveaway
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:34 PM, February 21, 2006
LMAO...and I thought I looked like Hell warmed over today. The last thing I expected was to come in here and see anyone talking about ME, of all things. LOL

And yes, Anonymous, that sure was a dead giveaway. hahaha I'm thinkin' it was right before noon that I was there. Maybe Sherlock could tell ya' for sure. ;)
# posted by Blogger SmileyTD : 11:02 PM, February 21, 2006

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