ClayByGumminesWV: Its POLL Time. E-MAIL TO

Wednesday, April 26, 2006



It Poll time tell me who going to win and if you want what order they are going to come in and also how many Dem and Rep are going to vote and how many votes each will get or how many they will win by. E-mail to me I will post the results on Sunday May 7th.

# posted by George @ 7:18 PM
hmmm, this idea is already taken by AW, cant you think of something original?
but this is my poll not that A$% hole's
# posted by Blogger George : 10:58 PM, April 26, 2006
you call him an a$$hole, yet you use a lot of his pictures and his radio station is playing on your blog?

hmmm, still its not unlikely here in clayberry.

i can see why he is doing a poll for his paper. why are you doing a poll? is it going to be rigged like your online version where we can vote for the same person over and over?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:06 PM, April 26, 2006
It's not his radio station if you don't like my blog stay the hell away.
# posted by Blogger George : 11:52 PM, April 26, 2006
you are just like link, you dont like the hard questions!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:04 AM, April 27, 2006
The poll couldn't have been rigged - MP actually got some votes.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:12 AM, April 27, 2006
Lets email a poll that someone has run once already so that the figures for CW and Jimmy can be distorted again. That sounds like a great idea!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:29 AM, April 27, 2006
Sounds like somebody's taking the online polls a bit too seriously.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:26 PM, April 27, 2006

Hmm. Ok. Now. The rumor I heard was that Frog & NotMelissa were the same person & George & AW were the same person. Yet it was also rumored that NotMelissa was, indeed, Melissa.

So, if George is cranky & hacking on AW, then does that mean that he's actually hacking on himself? Reverse psychology gone horribly wrong?

Or am I really the only person on the internet & I just don't remember posting as George & Anonymous & OMG, am I also SouthernBoy??

Actually, that might not be so bad, 'cause some of these posters come up with some pretty insightful stuff, thereby making me sound smart if I'm them, right?

Would somebody please bring me another espresso?

# posted by Blogger ROSE : 5:24 PM, April 27, 2006
was that supposed to say worm on the street.....
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:51 PM, April 27, 2006
You're me, remember? LOL
# posted by Blogger SmileyTD : 10:54 PM, April 27, 2006
:) Nice to "see" you, too, SB!!
# posted by Blogger SmileyTD : 11:04 PM, April 27, 2006
P.S. That's still one of my favorite words. LOL
# posted by Blogger SmileyTD : 11:04 PM, April 27, 2006
To be a Citizen In Good Standing in Clay County, one is required to pass along unfounded rumors periodically. I'm just doing my part.

Consequently, none of my "bubbles" have been burst. Wouldn't matter anyway, because that's not the bubble I'm living in today.

I think today's bubble will be ... hmm ... today I'll live in the bubble of thinking I might be Smiley, too. I'd really dig having that hair.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 7:44 AM, April 28, 2006
:P Since I have several personalities now, that could be a good explanation for why I sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself. haha
# posted by Blogger SmileyTD : 11:01 AM, April 28, 2006
LOL...Sounds like a plan to me. :P
# posted by Blogger SmileyTD : 11:37 AM, April 28, 2006
Um ... Smiley? Uh ... no matter what you hear, I DIDN'T DO IT! I wasn't myself. Oh, wait. You knew that. Unfortunately, I said I was YOU. BAHAHAHAHAHA

& I'm sorry about the hair, SB. I know you were looking forward to having it, but it was either chop it off or ... get caught.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 6:30 PM, April 28, 2006
Hey melissa! You would'nt by chance take them MEGA WOMAN VITIMAN'S ????????
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:02 AM, April 29, 2006
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:05 AM, April 29, 2006
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:48 AM, April 29, 2006
All you butt kissers head on up to Big Otter Links on his way there to get the grill ready. I hope they are sucking wind in not blowing it out, if so there will be no Big Otter left. Guess after today we can call it Hot Airville.
Maybe Buttwipesville
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:51 AM, April 29, 2006
The Swami says; I predict a Mr. Linkinooooger will be looking for a job come May 10th.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:52 AM, April 29, 2006
"The Hair" needed chopped off anyway, Rose. At least I don't have to worry about having split ends now. LOL

"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." My character isn't all that bad, so whatever you did while you were me will be alright. haha
# posted by Blogger SmileyTD : 1:45 PM, April 29, 2006
LMAO I just KNEW that was coming. :P
# posted by Blogger SmileyTD : 3:34 PM, April 29, 2006
The entire county was invited to Link's school rally today
Only 20 people showed.
Must have been the weather
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:21 PM, April 29, 2006
Connie by 400 votes
Sams by 200 votes
R Tanner coming in third and securing a Bd seat
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:33 PM, April 29, 2006
LOL Oh, Smiley, if only all those other people I've impersonated over the years were as generous as you are. BAHAHAHAHAHA

I didn't get an invitation to Link's shendig (I prefer hand-written personal ones on embossed cardstock - makes me feel special). Must've gotten lost in the mail, I reckon. Or maybe I should take the hint. teeheehee
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 6:57 PM, April 29, 2006
You mean Link didn't send the inveation by messanger.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:12 PM, April 29, 2006
Musta been Links Apron or maybe that letter that he didn't ask to be written.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:15 PM, April 29, 2006
on that letter he didn't ask to be written
did you notice the bulk rate permit number?
same one Link uses when he mails something out
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:35 PM, April 29, 2006
when I got the two letters I thought it was something really important since they sent two but after opening I just filed it. Right over in the trash can so I didn't take time to look at the number. If someone has the number post it I will make sure the SOS's office checks it out to see if its taxpayer funded also.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:36 AM, April 30, 2006
I read the letter and it clearly stated that it was paid for by the candidate.

So he didnt ask for it but managed to send it out to everyone? Yeah right! If you believe that I will sell you some ocean front propery in camp creek area!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:16 PM, April 30, 2006
#1 Mrs Taylor worked for Link.
#2 Ms Taylors two daughters Bunny and Jo, one a cook and one a principal work for Link
#3 Ms Taylors 3 Daughter in Laws work for Link as Sub Cooks and Aides
#4 Ms Taylors two sons both work for the Clay State Road by recommendation from Link to David Starcher and Clark Samples.
#5 Ask Ms Taylors husband Brud he is not even registered to vote.
So if My Whole family got a job I would write a letter to.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:03 PM, April 30, 2006
How many other candidates can take credit for helping to employ so many people?

Or is that a bad thing, too?

How many Clay Countians does JS employ? MP can't even employ herself.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:40 PM, April 30, 2006
So what you are saying is the linkster does and many of his follow'rs do think he is the nearest thing to GOD we got around here. HAIL MOTHER MARY!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:43 PM, April 30, 2006
any one think the link mi'ster would make a good MORMAN? Some of our greater minds will have to rerite the HOLY BIBLE now, after the book of LUKE there will be the book of LINK!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:56 PM, April 30, 2006
AWWWW what are ye all jawin about? He's only a small fish in a smaller pond.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:24 AM, May 01, 2006
LOL This site is far beyond my current comprehension. So I'll just go off on my own tangent.

I'm certainly no expert on the Bible, but don't some theologians believe James to be the half-brother of Jesus? How would that work in the overall scheme of Link being God?

Are there cosmic clues to be found in their names? The name Jerry means "ruler with the spear" in Greek. James is the English form of Jacob, which means "conqueror." Melissa means "bee, honey" in Greek. So, if it's "all in a name," are you onto something? Or not?
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 6:20 AM, May 01, 2006
I don't think it means the "spear from zipper".
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:35 AM, May 01, 2006
I don't think MP & honey have anything in common either.

But she is a lot like a bee. Always buzzing around annoying people.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:41 AM, May 01, 2006
Bee Healthy~
Eat your Honey!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:03 AM, May 01, 2006
Now that would be a down right humugeous chore, could be wrong to. That sucker just might be a little itty bitty thing!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:14 PM, May 01, 2006
Anybody ever heard of John Burroghs, the author? He once said, "The honey-bee’s great ambition is to be rich, to lay up great stores, to possess the sweet of every flower that blooms. She is more than provident. Enough will not satisfy her; she must have all she can get by hook or by crook."
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:00 PM, May 01, 2006
I am still voting post!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:35 AM, May 03, 2006
A vote for post is a vote for " MAMMA SIETA "
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:21 AM, May 03, 2006
Check out Mikes blog he updated believe it out not.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:12 AM, May 03, 2006
A vote for Post is a vote waisted.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:29 AM, May 03, 2006
Check out Mikes blog he updated believe it out not.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:35 AM, May 03, 2006
No one gives a crap about Mike and his blog. I am sure one of his many personalites updated it, but again who cares?

If we wanted to read about Mikes blog, we would go there!

Not to mention, Mike and his personalities delete posts that they dont like!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:44 PM, May 03, 2006
so do we hate mike today??? will make MP happy . cause it Mike turn today to be dump on.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:11 PM, May 03, 2006
Will make her extry happy cause shes the one doing the dumping.

AND your talking about her again. She loves that.

Keep it up & you mite not get a invite to her LOSER party.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:23 PM, May 03, 2006
Feel the love.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:16 PM, May 05, 2006
There is an air of quietness on these blogs, it could'nt have any thing to do with the election could it? JS
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:36 PM, May 06, 2006
My general philosophy is "It's not a rut, it's a comfortable groove" ... I think the blogs are truly in a rut, though.

We need something spiiiiceeey.

# posted by Blogger ROSE : 9:43 PM, May 07, 2006
The entire world has declared peace to all. dje
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:13 AM, May 08, 2006

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