ClayByGumminesWV: Here's the new Commissioner and next Sheriff

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Here's the new Commissioner and next Sheriff

# posted by George @ 10:39 PM
Hey thats Super Link the Stud! and Republican Dave Mullins the next sheriff all of Randy work was for nothing.
Hey notice Dave with that nice shit-eaten grin from ear to ear maybe link is part republican?
Be a shame if the new sheriff had to arrest the new commissioner.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:04 PM, May 10, 2006
You must remember, when one kisses ASS that dosent happen. Then maybe link promised dave some of his action, not so strange!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:18 AM, May 11, 2006
Yep I posted on the blogs what happened to the Losers and winners and the big turn around. It is all about Avis and Don, R.T. Sizemore and the blubloods losing control for the past 12 years. Now they have the reins again their next step is also listed and David (the queer lover) Pierson will beat out Pete Triplett next time around and also Ron (the jerk) Sirk will be on county payroll at a neat $31,000.00 plus per yr under Links command. Shortly thereafter we will have another Tanner(hypocrite butt wipe) on the school board or maybe even for assessor. Just a matter of time now for the "YES MEN" to be back in office. And we have to thank the BOE workers for yet another setback for Clay County. They are the smartest people in the world you know, just try talking to one of them and see how far it is from their eyes down their nose to you.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:19 AM, May 11, 2006
wise old owl you got the bull by the horns there and nothing truer has been seen on the blogs or in the news. Dave with Link hand me downs
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:28 AM, May 11, 2006
You people have just as much influence as Link and his henchmen. Voice your opinions. Cast your votes. Encourage your friends. Or b*tch about it all in vain.

I didn't vote for Link, but looks like he'd update his website to thank the ones that did.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:55 AM, May 11, 2006
The funny this is Randy told several of us at the bus garage he was supporting Link and then his puppet Lusty Dusty told us to vote Link for Randy. Looks like Randy drove his own nails in his coffin.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:27 PM, May 11, 2006
The funny this is Randy told several of us at the bus garage he was supporting Link and then his puppet Lusty Dusty told us to vote Link for Randy. Looks like Randy drove his own nails in his coffin.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:27 PM, May 11, 2006
Thats why the big trade will work to the advantage of the same ole sh** just a different day in Clayberry routine. Been going on for a hundred years and now they have the ball back in their court it will continue to do so again.
Just a matter of time until it will be Link,Krakulis (replace Franny)like Randy shes drove her nails also and Pierson 4 yrs from now CCC. Dave Mullins sheriff, Pawn Krajeski Co. Clerk (no more CW) Sirk (the jerk) Court Clerk. Ahhhh what a web we weave when its CW,RH,FK,PT,PawnK, and MA we have deceived to get their help in removing JS from CCC.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:43 AM, May 12, 2006
Why are people talking in tongues on this blog. I am interested in what you have to say but i can't put 2+2 together for initials and nicknames. I dont believe everything i read on these things, but i also do know where there is smoke, fire is usally to follow. Please continue, but try and be more precise. We are all anonymous it is not like someone is going to find out who we are.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:31 AM, May 12, 2006
CW=connie workman
RH=Randy Holcomb
FK=Fran King
PT= Peter Triplett
PawnK=Shawn(the Pawn) Krajeski
MA= Mike Ashbury and
JS= Jimmy Sams
Sirk(the jerk)=Ron Sirk Any more clarifying?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:53 PM, May 12, 2006
Fit MP in there somewhere. She resigned from the water board today.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:01 PM, May 12, 2006
count the votes just one more time
we can't believe its true
there's just no way this could've happened
someone oughtta sue!

some don't like the Super Link
some don't like Gem E
some don't vote for anyone
some vote for all - like me!

it seems quite odd that ol' Em Pee
would up & quit just now
almost like she just can't live
without Gem E somehow

you'd think she'd gloat and carry on
like she's always done
"look at me! i'm still here!"
"you lost! you lost! i won!"

life without the famous ones,
Em Pee and ol' Gem E ...
i wonder how this will affect
that little ol' Ann Dee

let's all vote for him next time
would he win? i think he can
Mel & Link, together forever ...
Em Pee can lead the band.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:34 AM, May 13, 2006
Thank You for taking a picture of Poor Sick Gene King! Many of us did not know how sick Gene Is but word from the board office is they told Kim Sams that Gene would die soon and they would appoint her to his position to try and make her loss a little better!! So if you see Gene give him your sympathy according to Dr Link he is in bad shape.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:29 PM, May 13, 2006
That would make JS the only logical choice to replace MP.

The people vote them out, the politicos appoint them back in.

Ya gotta love that.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:28 PM, May 13, 2006
mother goose the next time I run into ann dee I will ask him to pucker and let you know if his mouth is round enough to pass the kissing test but I doubt the machinery that is "ALL POWER" will allow him into their ring
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:34 PM, May 13, 2006
time for a new stack
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:02 PM, May 15, 2006
Come on George, every one has made peace!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:33 PM, May 28, 2006
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