ClayByGumminesWV: Summertime in CLAY!

Monday, July 03, 2006


Summertime in CLAY!

# posted by George @ 7:07 AM

& that's all I have to say at the moment.
Those kids in yellow t-shirts are enrolled in the Youth Advantage Program here in Clay. They volunteer their time to do community service projects in Clay at least once a month. A good thing in Clay for a change.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:22 AM, July 05, 2006
Wow. Mention something good & the whole conversation dies.

Perhaps you should've said something like, "Those kids in yellow t-shirts haven't been corrupted by the thugs YET" ...
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 11:07 PM, July 06, 2006
People wont comment on good things. Sad state this county is in. That is why it is what it is and it will never change.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:32 AM, July 07, 2006
worhed at cleaning up the old ivydale dump location this morn. cut grapevine out of road, picked up some loose stones, dumped stones in ditch, trimmed up bush, ice place to pass some time , pleasant, no loudmouths around, no boom boxes, didn't see any rattlers or coppermouths.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:49 PM, July 07, 2006
Hey, is it true that if you smell cucumbers in the woods, there's a copperhead nearby??
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 5:10 PM, July 07, 2006
sorry. meant to say puked
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:25 PM, July 07, 2006

That ain't what my granddaddy said.

I thought if you smelled puke in the woods, it meant there was a yelpin' stretcher nearby??
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 8:30 PM, July 07, 2006
Rose you outdone me agin. what's a yelpin' strecher?

to be truthful i have smelled that cucumber smell in the woods. never could locate the source. didn't find no copperhead either. have heard the same saying from older people though.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:42 AM, July 08, 2006
yep Ms Rose if you smell cucumbers in the woods all the oldtimers made that claim of a copperhead being there.
Also rotting red oak can attribute that smell also.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:10 AM, July 08, 2006
done got it Ms Rose. i got one o' them yelpin' strechers on my back porch. you got any coyotes down your way. overheard two fellows at Go-Mart talking. one said he could sit on his back porch of an evening and see 25-30 in a field close his house. from Valley Fork, i think. hain't nothing close my home but water dogs.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:25 PM, July 08, 2006
Coyotes will kill anything they can get to that is weaker then what a pack can drag down. That means kids are liable to be taken just as well as small dogs, cats elderly defenseless people. They will kill anything that they can feed their young on. So I don't have alot to say for anyone sitting on their porch watching 25 or 30 of them. They are one of the most devastating things that is in this state at present, a nuisance to all concerned and if they are not killed out once more then we can have nothing as farmers or parents or grandparents. When you see one of the sneaky things just think what is going to happen when they get rabies among that pack. Why not shoot them instead of watching them destroy your neighborhood? When they kill something on a farm it is taken from your table and the farmer increases his prices to compensate the damages.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:17 AM, July 09, 2006
LOL A yelpin' stretcher is ... I guess it depends on which kid you ask. PawPaw's scared us all with 'em at one time or another.

When I was a kid & he told me about it when we'd go up camp, I'd 'bout pee my pants waiting for daylight so I could go to the outhouse. Yeah, it took me awhile to figure out that the outhouse wasn't exactly a requirement in an emergency.

In the minds of my own children, yelpin' stretchers have (at least) 2 heads, rows & rows of razor-sharp teeth & evil, glowing red eyes.

All I know for sure if is you ever see one up close, you'll never live to tell about it. Or so says Pops.

My husband says we've got coyotes up here, but I'd think they'd be noticable when there's a full moon & I've never seen or heard one.

Then again, maybe the yelpin' stretchers scared them all away.

Or ate them.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 10:40 PM, July 09, 2006
It ain't the coyotes, bears, or Go Devils we have to worry about in Clay County, it's the politicians.
The two legged varmints are much more dangerous
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:35 AM, July 10, 2006
Yelpin' stretchers won't eat politicians.

But politicians might snack on yelpin' stretchers.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 6:14 AM, July 10, 2006
i don't know Rose Marie, we usta have dingbats flying around. pappy always said iffn we didn't kill them we'd marry an ol Battleaxe. guess i let one get away.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:09 PM, July 10, 2006
Do battleaxes know they're battleaxes or is that like having ugly children & not realizing it?
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 9:57 PM, July 10, 2006
The ones who know they are battleaxes have another name that also begins with a b. They know it and love it!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:59 AM, July 11, 2006
Crazy cat or Krazy cat was a comic book, started along about 1915 or so. hey Rose, you figure Mr. cat had a battleaxe for a mother? You get my drift?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:16 AM, July 11, 2006
iwas a problem child. twasn't me. my parents were the two biggest problems i had. wouldn't mind a damn word i said, now its' the givernment.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:53 PM, July 11, 2006
Why live just across the street from an old battle axe. I'm gonna go ask her if she realizes she is one. I'll get back to ya on this!

P.S. What attracts one of those yelpin' stretchers? I want to get whatever it is and put it on her front porch. After I get my answer that is!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:00 PM, July 11, 2006
sssssssorry folks i thought Rose said whelping stretcher at first. i figuted out what i thought that was . seems i might have been mistaken.
thought it might be one of them dilater things used to stretch the whelping hole so the little whelp can pop out. as if they need stretching. OH well no ones perfect.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:05 AM, July 13, 2006
it pears to me that Pixie and SILLY GOOSE might be one and the same person. little connivin' goin' on here i think. better watch out Rose i think silly goose is out to insert his whelpong stretcher into Uranus.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:46 PM, July 13, 2006
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:05 PM, July 13, 2006
The dialog about the dilator is dirty.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:21 PM, July 14, 2006
well!!!!! seems that dirty dilator has shut the party down. someone better wash it. it might become malodorus. also better keep an eye on uranus. seen in the paper, now that a new fiscal year has arisen, that the Gov is planning a comlng out party and all the druggies are going to be invited. parties are going to be held at each regional jail that seemed to be what i read. are you invited? maybe it's for high society people.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:00 AM, July 16, 2006
I take it, you won't be going then?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:42 AM, July 16, 2006
no. gonna be tending my rose garden. listenibg to the pitter patter of raindrops on my roof and listening to the howling of the goats outside my door. who could ask for more.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:14 AM, July 16, 2006
Tending your rose that just a sweet way of saying that you have to shovel out your outhouse?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:07 PM, July 18, 2006
you're right. i don't get welfare and am not a sucka** so i cant' afford one of those fancy things that you poop in.

but you seem to be good with s**t whoever you are. bet you got a lot of relatives in the county to.

bet you're one of those people the service men are dying for so you can lay around home and sucka** and pick the dingle berries out of your bosses a**.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:41 PM, July 18, 2006
Who said I have a boss?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:32 PM, July 18, 2006
Mr. Crazy Cat, you're a hoot! I apologize for messing with you. You have a really good sense of humor. I just wanted this blog to start having fun! If everyone was as cool as you are, we'd all have better days. And, no, I am not on welfare...LOL
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:14 PM, July 18, 2006
having a little fun is a nice objective. but i am of a more serious turn of mind. while i try to insert a little humor in my comments at times, quite often it goes over peoples heads.

i like to use the blogs to get answers to things that are puzzling me.

for instance did they ever locate the generator that was stolen from the telephone co. over in Adonijah. it was done so openly seems someone should have seen it being taken.

it seems to me that there is a conspiracy among the police to keep the public from knowing what's going on. by not releasing info. to the public there is no way of knowing whether the police are involved in criminal activities or not or whether they are really doing anything. they could even commit murder, and since they are the ones who investigatem it could be covered up quite easily.

my question. was the generator ever recovered and if so who had stolen it?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:19 AM, July 20, 2006
Call the Coroner.

This blog is dead.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:01 PM, July 22, 2006
the dog killed it.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:22 PM, July 22, 2006
You all go back through all these39 comments, count how many times the feline wanta be made an ass out of it's self and you'll see who pertty well shut this down.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:07 AM, July 24, 2006
there's always someone jealous. check the blogs and see how many times an anon. comes up with an original comment. nearly always they must wait for someone else to say somrthing. and then the anons. jump in and critize. Baaaaaaaaaa Baaaaaaa
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:35 PM, July 24, 2006
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