ClayByGumminesWV: Another day in CLAY.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Another day in CLAY.

# posted by George @ 10:13 PM
How much cash does she want?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:22 AM, March 12, 2007
Way to go Mr. Cantrell! It is always nice to see someone doing something good for our county and be recognized for it. That is awesome!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:05 PM, March 12, 2007
Way to go Mr. Habjan It is always nice to see someone doing something good for our county and be recognized for it. That is awesome!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:05 PM, March 12, 2007
Now there is three pictures Clayberry should appreciate having on a website. Good upstanding citizens working for the good of their bank accounts.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:07 PM, March 12, 2007
How do you get that Mr Cantrell is working for the good of his bank account? This is what was previously stated! The mentality of this blog is that everyone is out to line their pocket or the only reason they do something is for their own personal gain. It is sad that you have became a society as such. Every person has good in them, I pray that you do not become a group of people taking joy in negativity. I admire Mr Cantrell for his dedication to himself(for walking) and to the community (for picking up trash). Mr Habjan was not a good businessman and now he will suffer his own fate but lets not condemn all to the same catagory. Shame on you! Yes you that is snickering and finding humor in the trouble you have stirred and the rumors you have spread. Shame!!Shame!! Shame!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:07 PM, March 12, 2007
I remember when Hadjan got the gas co .HE and his crew work on leaks and put in news lines.Just like the new co is doing now.SO what will the future hold.Another out of town or state co to rob us.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:51 AM, March 13, 2007
Well now look at that now mind you, There Might be a Gas Shortage so we raise it up over 32 cents in a weeks time just it case it happens. We get to stuff our pockets no matter if theres a shortage or not. So let the gauging begin again. Maybe the profits will be more then 30 billion for the first three months of 2007.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:33 AM, March 13, 2007
thought i seen somewhere that Rockefeller[JAY] is coming to town. that is BIG OTTER town on the 25th. TRUE OR FALSE
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:22 PM, March 15, 2007
Go to Aw's archives-March 14 am
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:26 PM, March 15, 2007
i wonder, is the new JG Bradley campground located in the flood plain?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:28 AM, March 16, 2007
I think they need to lay three more rows of blocks just to get it up to Flood Plain requirements. If you are in town and see Pat Beets tell him to get over there and check to make sure that its being built to specifications. Also while you are at the courthouse check at the Assessors office to make sure all the permits were filed for and the many $25.00 fees, site surveys, flood plain map was followed and they have collected the $750.00+ to make it legal to build the buildings. It would be a shame for the electric company to turn down the campsite because its not done correct and the fees not collected. It does have a stream located nearby and is prone to flooding and even moreso now that all the Widen and Lilly Properties are going to cause even more flooding which is the reason for the Flood Plain Ordinance to cover the coal companies A$$ to start with. If it don't pass, watch how fast AMVEST gets out of Clayberry.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:02 AM, March 16, 2007
Did I hear someone say Pervert?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:54 PM, March 16, 2007
No we cant take about good citizens.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:38 PM, March 16, 2007
If the job at the water plant is like the one for the town of Clay its filled before its posted.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:46 PM, March 16, 2007
i wonder; the fact that Telford and the FBI agent for this area have an old and on going friendship, will this make a difference in the treatment of the incident of TG and the child porn allegation. are we now engaged in the process of a cover up.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:30 AM, March 17, 2007
A coverup? Nah, not in Clayberry.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:33 AM, March 17, 2007
Delete Delete Delete- poof the evidence is gone. But wonder who is gona be driving a new chevy. Pervert--PERVERT--pervert
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:40 AM, March 17, 2007
do you suppose that maybe they were tipped off in advance of the coming raid? nah, no way
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:43 AM, March 17, 2007
Should we even suggest the cops(feds) are the crooks, don't forget the chevy man, OH MY God! What is this country coming to?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:17 AM, March 17, 2007
And the plot thickens!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:38 AM, March 17, 2007
Sounds like school board material to me.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:40 AM, March 17, 2007
Think if he had won the election and was the county clerk the computers in the courthouse would have had been taken.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:42 AM, March 17, 2007
If they did confiscate the court house computers it would be a site for all to see what coverups are going on there also. It would probably shock you to death to know all that goes on there I bet and he didn't win the clerks job.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:34 PM, March 17, 2007
Now that JImmy Sams is no longer monitoring the bag phones given to the Clay Ambulances I wonder if there has been anyone watching over that mistake.
I see where many thousands of dollars have been spent unwisely but was there anyone fired for misuse of funds?
Another good under cover story for AW to check into.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:37 PM, March 17, 2007
If I remember right Jimmy and Fran voted for the phones and Prez Triplett was the only no vote.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:44 PM, March 18, 2007
Your memory is correct but who is monitoring the usage of the phones now that JS is gone?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:09 AM, March 19, 2007
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:50 AM, March 19, 2007
I would like for you bafoon's to understand that the "bag phones" saved my son's life. They used those after he was in a serious accident to talk to the hospital to be instructed to clear his airway start a trak and administer medications that would not have been used. So if a few dollars spent kept you from knowing every move they make by it not being broadcast on the scanner so be it. However it that is your concern go to the courthouse and find out the amount of the monthly bill that is our option as taxpayers but remember a small amout a month may save many lives.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:36 PM, March 19, 2007
I want to know when Slappin Joe Morris' court date is???? I have called and been given the run around, not sure, dates changed, blah blah blah.

What the heck is going on with this case? Anyone??? Anyone???
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:53 PM, March 19, 2007
Cellphone or bagphone may have saved your sons life and again it may not have but thats not the point of having someone monitor the calls or the bills for the phones.
Point is as a taxpayer I don't intend to have to pay for phone calls to Sex for dial calls or anything related to that. TV cable has been used for Porno flicks that taxpayers have had to pay for and for many other unautorized usages.
So keep your bloomers out of a knot as they make you starve for air.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:59 AM, March 20, 2007
Another courthouse employee gets city water at Lizemore while other communitys have to wait. Tell me working under the thumb don't pay off. Another campaign promise paid in full of course.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:51 PM, March 20, 2007
The Fed raid was last wednesday. two days earlier Ms TG was seen beating on the side door trying to get in.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:03 PM, March 20, 2007
seen in the gazette where our elite politicians are trying to add .045 cents tax to a gallon of gas for bridge and road repair. seems to me twasn't too long ago that CECIL UNDERWOOD added .15 cents tax too the gal. for the same purpose. wonder where that money is going now.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:10 PM, March 23, 2007
Try around $.52 cents tax to the gallon already for road and bridge repair. Also throw in the excess lottery money used for the same purpose. Kinda looks as if the Almost Heaven Roads should be paid in PURE GOLD instead of the kobble stone job we always get for roads.
You have to remember the great job the good ole boys with the Pink Equipment does on the road jobs they do. Using half what they are supposed to use and spreading it everywhere but where its supposed to go.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:32 PM, March 23, 2007
.52 cents per gal. rd. & bridge repair. is that state or state & federal, or does the Fed contribute a % in addition to the .52 cents. how much? how much total tax per gal--state & federal. I wonder if the Gov. has heard about all this?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:51 AM, March 24, 2007
It was the GOV. idea, where have you been? asleep? maybe stupid.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:48 AM, March 24, 2007
there you go again, equateing me with yourself and your relatives. just because i've been suffering from the tired eyelid syndrome for twenty years. maybe i don't know as much as you do but betcha I got more gas. brown beans ,,green onions & "yes" ramps.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:14 PM, March 24, 2007
Total tax on gas in Wv is $.94 which makes Federal governments share of $.42 now. But like they always say when you got something good to sell, they never did charge enough for it.
Joe Mansion has to be the worst governor ever on record for the state and thats including Braindead Bob (Wise) and Arch Moore. He is robbing us blind just like his uncle A.James Manchin did when he was in office. How many will vote for the IDIOT again when his term is up. Not many that I have talked to unless Don Blankenship selects a Pansy to run against him. Between these two I don't know who is hated the most but they are running a close race.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:56 PM, March 24, 2007
Well said!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:53 AM, March 25, 2007
According to statistics shown on AW's site the world has become a better place to live with 650,000 Iraqis dead already. Is there anyway we could multiply that by a 1000 times and let it drift over on the rest of the Arab countries? Maybe drop a couple of nukes on Iran while in the process of eliminating some more of the Camel Jockeys.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:40 AM, March 25, 2007
well said!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:18 PM, March 25, 2007
i like cheese
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:34 PM, March 25, 2007
New gas line for Fran.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:17 PM, March 26, 2007

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