ClayByGumminesWV: Water, Fire, and Housing

Monday, April 16, 2007


Water, Fire, and Housing

# posted by George @ 11:18 AM
How can anyone treat the elderly like they have at Anderson Heights? God Bless Fran King for caring enough to try and clean up the mess and find my rent money that disappeared.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:56 PM, April 18, 2007
Why??? why?? why??? why is this been an ongoing situation for the people that live up on that hill and why cant anyone get anyone to do anything about it. I personally do not know anyone that lives there but for goodsakes, just because the apartments are for low income people do not make them low class people. They deserve to live like everyone else. I believe someones head so roll for that, that stuff that I have heard about that place, makes me sick. I wouldnt let me dog even live there. Come on.......unbelievable.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:44 PM, April 18, 2007
She also got her sister-in-law a job at the apartments
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:16 PM, April 22, 2007
Perhaps this will give an insight to the reason the lady wasn't arrested: She works very closely with Randy Holcomb and the Lucy Cruickshanks. I know this to be a fact. If she knows anything you can the two mentioned above will know ALL tha she knows. EVERYTHING. She is in their hip pockets. Sounds like a good enough reason to for Randy to want her out of jail. Think about it.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:56 AM, April 27, 2007
I brake the law i go to jail.WHAT THE HELL GOING ON You kiss up to RANDY you can do what ever.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:04 AM, April 27, 2007
That's exactly it! Spy for Randy and Lucy and tell everything you know, you have a free pass to do as you please.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:02 AM, April 27, 2007

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