ClayByGumminesWV: Big fight in Town!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Big fight in Town!!!!!!!!!!!!

# posted by George @ 3:30 PM
red heads and blonds, who won!!!!
what was the fight over,
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:54 PM, May 22, 2007
Those 2 look familiar
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:08 PM, May 22, 2007
I told dat b*tch to shut her mouth
or I'd smack her in the chops
she jus' kep' yakkin so I puncht dat slut
& someone called da cops.

She pulled my hair, I smackt her mouth
& called her a coupla names
she smackt me back so I tweakt her titty
a'fore the mayor came.

He puffed all up & tried to be macho
til he saw the high we's ridin
that's when he knowed we'd whoop his a*s
& his gonads went to hidin'.

It weren't jus' cat fight, ya sissy boys
we was fightin' for a reason.
'at stupid b*tch had on white shoes
& gawd, they's sooooooooooo last season!

'sides all 'at, 'at b*tch is ugly
& my man, I heard she screwed.
soon's his home confinement's up,
I'm gonna whoop his hairy a*s, too!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:27 PM, May 22, 2007
What kind of green shirts do you have working? They won't pay child support, won't help their children that are really their children. I think there should be a law to make them pay. Other people have to feed their children. Some kind of law you have in WV.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:35 PM, May 22, 2007
Name names.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:41 PM, May 22, 2007
Just may have to!!!!!!!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:51 PM, May 22, 2007
What do you mean? a lawman won't feed his children? Shame on that @#*#&*d.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:48 PM, May 22, 2007
remember back in 86, a green shirt by the name of brown, got relocated from here for getting a 15 year old knocked up. And the so in so was married, also. Braxton got a taste of him for awhile until he pulled the same trick up there.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:50 PM, May 22, 2007
One girl was Regina Carpenter. Does anyone know who the blonde is?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:42 AM, May 23, 2007
I think some one should check on these GREEN SHIRTS, call Charleston about the hanky panky going on.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:36 AM, May 23, 2007
The green shirts are doing what they have always done in Clayberry. Wait until Mister goes to work and hop in bed with Misses. Can't say I can blame them for that though. If miss is willing and mister don't know it washes right off. If you are the misses that hopped into bed and was left with the Greenshirt trademark, well its not a onesided deal. You got the end result so take care of it the old fashioned way. Raise it and supprot it yourself, as you asked for it when you shucked your bloomers and should have to pay for the crime and do the time. After all the little rat you set the trap for belongs to you to.
Sooooo life goes on!!!!!!!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:16 AM, May 23, 2007
I know some children that are legal green shirts children... that are treated the same as dirt, no money.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:38 AM, May 23, 2007
It is time that Green S*i-t zipp their pants and do the work that they were hired to do.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:41 AM, May 23, 2007
I wish I had time to get in a fight in the middle of town at 2 in the afternoon. Too bad I'm stuck at WORK all day long, supporting most of clay county. I wish they'd tell me who my $200/week goes to so I could show up at their house and make sure they're looking for a freakin job.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:27 AM, May 23, 2007
In that first shot it looks like the big girl is puttin the boob-lock on herself.
One thing is for sure-
Those arent WWF Divas.

Hey AW-
Maybe you could start your own Girls Gone Wild page. Seems to be plenty of local talent.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:10 AM, May 23, 2007
i believe that would be called a take down. if you look close ther is two extra feet sticking out from under the blond.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:00 AM, May 23, 2007
Maybe they are fighting over green shirts....
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:08 PM, May 23, 2007
Probably a couple of lisbo's fighting over who got to much lisbo.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:38 PM, May 23, 2007
Who is the green shirt that won't pay child support? Let him pull me over... I will punch his light's out.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:26 PM, May 23, 2007
I think when Hawgs wrestle in the street they should have to be Nekkid so Arthur the (castro mayor) can have an interesting job for once in his life.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:04 AM, May 24, 2007
I just wish I'd been around to sell tickets
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:08 PM, May 25, 2007
I work in clay and i pay my child support but the mom would like to spend the cash on going out to the bar's !!! and some judges say the kids need to be with the mom??? OK then!!!!!!!!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:35 PM, May 31, 2007
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:47 PM, June 02, 2007
where was poor ole poopy when this was going on he just loves to be top cop
well this round goes to the mayor

mayor 1 poopy 0
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:38 PM, June 02, 2007
poopy was out chasing missing dogs
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:59 PM, June 02, 2007
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:17 AM, June 03, 2007
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:20 AM, June 03, 2007
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:21 AM, June 03, 2007
let's see how friends he has when election comes around again, BYE BYE POOPY
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:04 PM, June 03, 2007
until we fix the voting system i dont think its gonna make that much difference seems like the same people ALWAYS gets elected no make what
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:08 PM, June 03, 2007
does anyone know how the sheriff got the name Poopy because I have friends in other states that think it's funny and want to know
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:49 PM, June 03, 2007
In Braxton Co. his nick name is Crazy, how he got the nick name poopy, a good guess is maybe, could be, might be full of shit, naw that could'nt be!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:35 AM, June 04, 2007
so does that make poopy
poop crazy
crazy poop
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:52 PM, June 04, 2007
I heard he was shot at once and it scared him so bad he Poopy himself.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:37 PM, June 04, 2007
great i like both suggestions

he crapped himself and he's full of it.

works both ways
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:48 PM, June 04, 2007
talkin bout fights, that fight up Big Otter is back on
that crazy dude that wrote all them signs is back at it again,
this time its about some Starcher guy molesting a handicapped kid and being arrested 6-4-07
anyone know who that was?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:06 PM, June 07, 2007
Jeff Boggs Is Getting a Restraining Order!!!!

# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:22 PM, June 07, 2007
Nice lookin rump on that heifer.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:14 AM, June 08, 2007
( Ira Starcher ) at least he is not on the Clay Co. jail bill.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:08 AM, June 08, 2007

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