ClayByGumminesWV: Wounderful Clay County WVa

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Wounderful Clay County WVa

# posted by George @ 11:33 AM
about that flashing on the news. i aint been flashed either. lot of people would like tp flush me though cause i drink up all the root beer.
take a look at the sidewalk in the pic of everyone standing in front of the library. still looks like that.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:12 PM, May 10, 2007
Who really gives a flying fu#k about the sidewalks?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:10 AM, May 11, 2007
Nobody apparently.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:17 AM, May 11, 2007
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:41 AM, May 11, 2007
guess clay got the last laugh on filcon man i gruess leonard williams bunch got won in court i hope paige willis has to pay the lawyer fee since he is the one who signed it over lets all ask big man willis the next time we see him.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:07 PM, May 11, 2007
Looks like some BAD HAIR DAY pictures to me. Definetly got the Frizzies.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:23 AM, May 12, 2007
You probably have talked the High Street mess to death, but there r stuff that needs to b said.
You mentioned some woman and u seemed not to know her name. I think it is Lisa Hidlebreck.

She works hard.

She works 4 Barbra Shamburger in town and it scares me 2 think she only gets $300 a month working 4 a lawyer. I sure don’t want someone like that handling my case.

She said her car had been vandalized.

True story. Her car was vandalized cuz she was so mean 2 some people. She made a friend of the overseer of the place, made all kinds of complaints against people she didn’t like, tried and sometimes managed 2 get people thrown out of their homes. She didn’t tell Fran King that she is 1 of the people who stand on the landing and smoke pot. Drug test her. Find out. She didn’t say that she has someone living with her that ain’t on her lease and take the handicap parking space with his handicap thingy hanging from her window. When she was asked about the guy she told the other tenants that since he kept a separate address he didn’t have 2 b on her lease and could stay as long as he wanted tho the rest could only have company for 2 weeks. She has even called the police on people parked 2 unload groceries cause they were in “her handicapped parking space”. Her only handicap that I can see is being fat.

No matter what Sherry did or didn’t do, there r still stuff going on at High Street. Lots of people in this town think it our own local tenement. It’s not going to get any better till the management cleans the place out. Miss Hidlebreck may b a good place to start.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:04 AM, May 12, 2007
maybe if more poeple came forward and told what realy go on things mite change. intill this happens it will be the same.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:43 PM, May 12, 2007
Sounds to me like someone has'nt been layed in awhile.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:31 PM, May 12, 2007
Terry needs flashed...rumor is his wife shows them to everyone but him...
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:18 PM, May 12, 2007
Who is that frizzy headed hag in the red dress? She looks like she is straight from hades.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:22 AM, May 13, 2007
those two aprtments buildings aren't going to change with Commissioners hiring inlaws instead of responsible business managers.
Read the Communicator
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:54 AM, May 13, 2007
I think we all need layed more often!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:52 AM, May 13, 2007
I s everyone in Clay related. When is someone not related. If your bro or sis marries 10 times do they all stay related to you. Damn every one in clay is related if yu count who has kids by who as inlaws.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:48 AM, May 13, 2007
thait a dam lie
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:01 PM, May 13, 2007
This blog is being arrested for blatant ignorance bordering on stupidity. You are all hereby ordered back to first grade for remedial English language.


(That means Go Now.)
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:53 AM, May 14, 2007
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:02 AM, May 14, 2007
will you cut me loose from the class for a little kickback. baaaaaaaaaahaaahaaaaaaa
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:26 PM, May 14, 2007
Fearless Fran does it again. After being throttled in a public hearing for hiring her boyfriend as 911 director, giving him $1200 a month for a PART TIME position and a BRAND NEW company truck and hiring her daughter to be his assistant last summer (wasn't even on the agenda), she has the nerve to hire her sister-in-law as the new site manager of the Maysel Manor and High Street apartments and did not even advertise the job.

"In your face" Clay County voters. Fearless does as she pleases.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:54 PM, May 14, 2007
Then by all means VOTE HER OUT THE NEXT TIME if you don't like what she is doing or you are not willing to do anything about it yourself. It is a no-brainer.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:12 PM, May 14, 2007
Yes by god vote her out she is the only damn person that has ever hire a relative or lover. The olny thing is she is single most the time we are married and hire our lovers. How dare her work with the kids, and defent the old what a bitch I will be the first to vote her out. Lets be like Jeff Boggs and hire our sister in law or Mike King and hire a depuitys wife. Mike asburys wife and connie Workmans daughter work at bank where county money is kept. but Franmy is a damn bitch and it is all her fault. Randys wife was hired as a school cook. Deputy belt and Slack are sub bus drivers I am sure they deserve these jobs I bet they are all related to fran.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:56 PM, May 14, 2007
Has anyone seen any jobs advertised in Clayberry that has to do with working for the county government, BOE, or the Town of Clay? Not lately has there been the first job posted as being open but you always see new faces just suddenly appear. Usually members of the family though.
You never see an outsider get a job anywhere around this county because it has not been posted as vacant. When a job opening comes up it is usually filled and then may be posted. Jobs are usually made just for certain people in the county and the rest either go elsewhere and work or take Welfare and all the benefits they can get.
Sure is a cozy place to live, work and play if you know who to blow that is.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:28 PM, May 14, 2007
i LOVE fearless fran at lest she stands up for the old and kids/ O see her every day at the court house where is the full time one
don;t kick the ass of the one you may someday need to kiss
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:40 PM, May 14, 2007
Me To
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:44 PM, May 14, 2007
Maybe the people thah are mad is the ones she sat in on interview before her sister-in-law interview. Maybe she gave some words of advice she heared in them interviews to the nurse. She is at courthouse about every day a little bit Jerry is there some too and Peter is there everyday at lunch and on his days off. I see him all the time I stop in everyday around 1pm and see him there and Fran sometimes.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:47 PM, May 14, 2007
And may the truth be told.Be seen and talk alot.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:05 AM, May 15, 2007
And if asked just say I dont recall saying that.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:08 AM, May 15, 2007
don;t kick the ass of the one you may someday need to kiss
Just because you work at the courthouse or this is just your style of keeping up with politicians I have an old asying for you.
Kissing A** is not my style but lay down and I'll Sh*t in your face. Good motto and lifelong standard from the old to the new. Apply it to your life and work and you will get along just fine.

Its the norm in Clayberry to hire only family or friends or luvers as they won't have to do anything but show up on the job. Look at the courthouse as it looks like a pig stie most of the time. More dirt and filth on the floors then between the parking lot and the river.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:57 AM, May 15, 2007
Weel Nepotism started back when I was looking for a job in the seventies with the "3 horsemen" remember them Ray Noe, Andy Starcher and Murry Smith. It has and always will exist. Workers for the state road had to vote right and buy the most votes. Workers for the school system had to finance there cars at the right bank or boroow money there. I moved but my family still lives in Bickmore and I keep up on the news. The school system in notorous for this. Vernal Taylor wrote a letter supporting Superintentant Linkinoggor for elections. Why would she not? She took care of him for 25 years her daughter(Laverne) is principal at HE White and two grandaughters(Shawna and Elizabeth) work as teachers,one daughter in law is an aide( Debbie), one daughter in law works as an alternate cook (Stephanie), one as and alternate aide(Patricia), two sons(Toby and Timmy) work on the state road. Glad to see someone getting the jobs!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:28 AM, May 15, 2007
Here we go again-

Bitching about people working.

Would you rather have them laying at the house while you support them?

I dont care who works where as long as I dont have to subsidize them.

It just shows that that family has enough pride to go out and get an education and a job.

Vernal has worked hard all her life serving kids in this county. Maybe you or yours at one time or another. IF she has instilled a work ethic in her kids, then good for her.

That beats the hell out of showing them the ropes at DHHR and SSI for another generation.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:54 AM, May 15, 2007
Then why is everyone griping. Clay is a small county only certain families work and certain families collect. So what if a sister in law or a daughter gets a job most likely some body else would not want it or it would lower their check. Go Fran find everyone a job!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:25 AM, May 15, 2007
Thats right show your ignorance open mouth remove all dought. I think it the perception not if it legal or not. She supposly was part of the interview process if so than that not good. I'm glad Pete tries to keep thing in the light as to meetings and following open meeting laws not like the SCHOOL SYSTEM who are a bunch of Dumb As#es when it come to knowing and following the law. The School Board is elected and the ones the are responsible for the meeding and agenda not the Supper It thier As# on the line and hqve to answer to the people who they think are nobody.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:37 AM, May 15, 2007
Well I guess when the get another School Board member on commission they will have the control then. They are running a slate this election Sirt for assessor, Pierson or Krauklis for Commission,
Brian Holcomb for circuit Clerk,
Jeff Davis for Prosecuting Attorney, and if Krauklis don't run for commission look for him to run for Sheriff.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:43 AM, May 15, 2007
Anon at 10:37 :

How can you know so much about the school board and still look so ignorant in print?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:01 AM, May 15, 2007
How many jobs does Brian Holcomb and his wife already have in the school system 2 contract bus runs, Brian is teacher and does not have a degree or fulfill the required classes, and wife is sub secretary but did I mention Brians wife is gene Kings Niece.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:55 AM, May 15, 2007
I guess the only good thing about Fran is that she has a small family. Now that she has given each of them a job, some of us may have a chance at the next one.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:08 PM, May 15, 2007
I hate to brag on Andy too.


# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:37 PM, May 15, 2007
Nice try Andy we all know this blog is you and peter's.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:57 PM, May 15, 2007
FYI....Shawna is a daughter in law...and thank God those people are a group who like to work...too many here don't
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:17 PM, May 15, 2007
I work here and I dont have a relative or a lover within a 100 mile radious.....hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:18 PM, May 15, 2007
What about Mary Holcomb's family? I guess that is why she won't retire she has to take care of everyone.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:19 PM, May 15, 2007
Your not saying there is nepotism in clay are you? Who would have thought that!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:03 PM, May 15, 2007
The practice of giving promotions, basic employment, higher earnings, and other benefits to employees who are relatives of management.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:00 PM, May 15, 2007
The bitching is over back room hirings of family members
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:09 AM, May 16, 2007
In answer to Andy's Mystery #3, the guy must have shot his image in the mirror.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:16 AM, May 16, 2007
Poor Fran!!! She gets caught with her hand in the cookie jar for THE THIRD TIME and what does she do??? Does she drop her head and walk away with what little dignity he has left and hope the voters soon forget? Nope! She makes is worse!! How smart is Fran? Not very!! She uses the blog to attack the sheriff, the magistrates, her co worker, the Taylor family and the board of education. Fran is consistent with one thing.....the better you get to know her, the less you like her.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:18 AM, May 16, 2007
Is Fran smarter than a 5th grader??? What do you think? Me to.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:19 AM, May 16, 2007
The question to the voters of Clayberry is how many times must you be given examples of back door policy to bring you into the 21st Century.
Its already been stated long ago that PT, and FK would be one termers for thier veiw of things in the county. I for one don't care if Encore posted the position or not as it would not have mattered to the result of the hirings.
A job should be posted and ALL applicants be interviewed and the winner get the job on their own MERITS or RESUME for that job. When only one applicant is interviewed, well you know the rest of the story. BACKDOOR POLICY (CLAYBERRY AT ITS BEST)
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:45 PM, May 16, 2007
You know what? You voted her nepotism loving ass in there, so now you got to deal with her for the next few years.

However there is a state code that says if an elected official is caught committing adultery, they can immediately be removed from that post. Maybe we should follow a few elected ones around here with a camera and watch them like a hawk.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:16 PM, May 16, 2007
I think single people can't committe adultery there iss only one out of the three that is somewhat married
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:57 PM, May 16, 2007
Only one person uses the word ass in every post and knows state code - Hi, Melissa!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:18 PM, May 16, 2007
Hi anonymous....

Doesn't matter is the official is single, can still commit adultery if the person they are seeing is married. Awww..You got to love all those sweet forgotten state codes.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:27 PM, May 16, 2007
6-6-7(a) Any person holding any county, school district or municipal office, including the office of a member of a board of education and the office of magistrate, the term or tenure of which office is fixed by law, whether the office be elective or appointive, except judges of the circuit courts, may be removed from such office in the manner provided in this section for official misconduct, malfeasance in office, incompetence, neglect of duty or gross immorality or for any of the causes or on any of the grounds provided by any other statute.

§6-6-1. Definitions.
The term "neglect of duty," or the term "official misconduct," as used in this article, shall include the willful waste of public funds by any officer or officers, or the appointment by him or them of an incompetent or disqualified person to any office or position and the retention of such person in office, or in the position to which he was appointed, after such incompetency or disqualification is made to appear, when it is in the power of such officer to remove such incompetent or disqualified person. The term "incompetence," as used in this article, shall include the wasting or misappropriation of public funds by any officer, habitual drunkenness, habitual addiction to the use of narcotic drugs, adultery, neglect of duty, or gross immorality, on the part of any officer. The term "incompetent person," as used in this section, shall include any appointee or employee of any officer or officers, including county court, municipal bodies or officers, and boards of education, who willfully wastes or misappropriates public funds, or who is guilty of habitual drunkenness, habitual addiction to the use of narcotic drugs, adultery, neglect of duty or gross immorality
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:17 PM, May 16, 2007
Beware of driveway Pavers as they are the newest Scam Artist working the area according to Darrell McGraws news flash. If they don't have a written contract do not hire. Its your only protection against these predators.
They show up with equipment and leftover asphalt from a job just down the street and offer a discount price and when the job is done they demand an astronomical fee because the job cost more then foreseen. They are slicksters and can talk their way out of anything. Buyers Beware!!!!!!!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:21 AM, May 17, 2007
In that state code quote up there,

"habitual drunkenness, habitual addiction to the use of narcotic drugs, adultery, neglect of duty or gross immorality ."

Does the term -habitual- apply only to drunkenness and addiction to narcotics,
to adultery, neglect of duty and gross immorality as well?

If so, then that would allow for intermittent adultery, neglect of duty, and gross immorality.

MP, could you provide an interpretation here?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:51 AM, May 17, 2007
Adultery itself is a misdemeanor that can be prosecuted for according to code. The fine listed in the code is $20, but add court costs to that and boy could Clay clean up in money.

So I guess one could assume that based on the definations, adultery could stand alone or be habitual.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:21 AM, May 17, 2007
So am I under arrest or not?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:13 AM, May 17, 2007
Andy wouldnt make a pimple on a real reporters ass!!! Maybe 1800 copies printed, but I see a lot of copies left on the counter every printing.So pat yourself on the back Andy, you have printed enough
"BULL!@#$" that you actually beleive it!! Lets not forget the extremely wide margin that Andy was DEFEATED with in the big push for CCC a couple years ago, where was the outpouring of support for his idiological views then,sorry Andy but the real truth hurts.It is hard for me to understand how much better off Clay county would be with Andy at the wheel.Or maybe he is just sore that his landlord that gives him such a good deal on his lot rent for that radio station didnt get the job, HMMMM I smell that fish!!
The only fault with Fran is that she doesnt tell Andy to kiss her ass!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:41 PM, May 17, 2007
Well i see dumb asses ar work again sounds like a clay county person check and see who owns the lot at radio station it a great man and was a good county commissioner.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:10 PM, May 17, 2007
You arent doing anyone any good showing support in such a stupid looking entry.
Makes it look like he is favored by illiterati.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:54 PM, May 17, 2007
RT is a good man and him and Laura owns the lot
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:14 PM, May 17, 2007
1:41 is so obviously Fran, I mean come on, who else would pat her on the back besides herself or the family she gives jobs too?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:19 PM, May 17, 2007
RT is a good man and him and Laura owns the lot

The only problem is there is no market for a good man!!!!!!!
RT SUX always did always will. RT was for RT as a CCC and filled his pockets as all greedy people do. PUT a head TAX on all Claberry Citizens plus all that owned anything in Clay County. The blind will lead the blind and they both fall in the same gutter.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:34 AM, May 18, 2007
on a different note (sort of) i heard on the scanner last night that the deputies caught that slippery little jimmy stone, and without randy's help, how is that possible? and by the way, fran's sister in law couldn't have been hired without randy's permission, just ask him. isn't he in charge of the courthouse? he-he
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:51 AM, May 21, 2007
I would like to comment on the Anonymous blog you put on here...The person who stated I work for an attorney, in fact I technically am on West Virginia Works Program for which I get 301.00 a month. The attorney is my work site provider and does NOT deserve to be "slammed" as the person did. Sad, but am very sure that the attorney and myself, even helped anonymous get out of their legal trouble. I am working to provide a better life for my son. I am NOT like most of the tenants of High Street Apartments. I work, pay my rent in FULL and on TIME. I work for EVERYTHING I have, unlike those at High Street who like to steal from their neighbors, connect illegally to cable(my line in fact) and cheat the system. As for the comment about me "hanging out on the landing smoking pot" what bullsh**. Sad that someone has to use this blog to spread their hatred. I went through the correct channels ie:Encore Management in reguards to my "guest". I have NEVER had anyone thrown out of their homes, they did that to themselves by not paying rent, following the rules or even just being honest. Sad that the anonymous person lied yet again to you. I work, pay my rent and bills on time as all good citizens do, this is why I still have a home and your anonymous person does not. Maybe the person should reflect on why they have been thrown out and correct their life and stop trying to hurt others who have. Sorry that anonymous feels I am mean, there are countless others in this very community who I have personally helped and who feel I am a nice person. Am a single mom, who follows the rules and is doing her best to make sure others who like me, who need and appreciate having a home, can have a safe home. I NEVER claimed that the handicap parking space is MINE. Handicap parking is there for those who need it, not for those who are too lazy to walk up steps with their groceries. So citizens, I guess it shows the mentality of these people who feel it is ok to vandalize other people's property, lie, cheat the system, hurt an innocent child and be rude are what Clay has to offer, how sad. I myself love Clay, and made the choice to live here and I want others to feel the same. And by the's Lisa Heidebrecht
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:49 AM, May 21, 2007

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