ClayByGumminesWV: Summer is here. Wyap Summer JAM!!!

Friday, June 08, 2007


Summer is here. Wyap Summer JAM!!!

# posted by George @ 9:25 AM

It's always nice to be the first one in.
I once heard this rumor about JB, don't know if its true but might be worth a try.

The rumor is that she has a little tiny button on her forehead and if you push it, she will automatically strip off her clothers, lay down and spread her legs. It is said to work well whether you are married, single, bisexual, in a serious relationship, etc. I once heard that she giggles when you push it. But who knows, I am not going to get close enough to find out.

Have a nice day.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:21 PM, June 08, 2007
JB? Butcher??
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:23 PM, June 08, 2007
If you are going to spread rumors,.....then please give more detail...names, etc. I hate not knowing who you are talking about......come on, give it up
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:44 PM, June 08, 2007
Third String is AWESOME!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:55 PM, June 08, 2007
JB=Judy Blankenship
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:59 PM, June 08, 2007
what is wrong with you people have you no mercy or kindness for anything or anyone. Just asking what does this have to do with the summer jam. Moderator please take control of your blog, have you no mercy, are you the kind that would say these things about people or want them said about you. Positive forum and passing ones opinion on current issues but letting people degrade another. Get with it take them off. PLEASE
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:30 PM, June 08, 2007
you can see third string banjo player several time during the week HE IS THE PEPSI MAN
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:39 PM, June 08, 2007
I agree....stick with the topic
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:43 PM, June 08, 2007
look at all the jam goers, looks like they're having a great time. Don't mess with something so positive with your trash. Go elsewhere Make your own blog. Call it the people haters or the miserable poeple's blog. Leave the ones of us that still have a postive thought alone.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:57 PM, June 08, 2007
A thought would bust your head wide open who are you trying to fool?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:01 PM, June 08, 2007
I am sorry you have such a sad existence but even more surprised you have any thoughts at all given your IQ. Have a nice day
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:07 PM, June 08, 2007
the pepsi dude he is sooooo cute.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:38 PM, June 08, 2007
Lets go back to dawgs, cats and just one bite cures it was more interesting and had more comments. Nobody cares about jamming summers or old farts night out.
Like everything else in Clayberry its so old it farts dust and so far back in time its ancient.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:05 PM, June 10, 2007
nothing like a quiet Sunday. sit and watch the garden grow. watch the "butter" flies and the buzzards in the sky. watch the webcam. and occasionally hear a dog bark or a politician bray. this must be something like the life that Riley led.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:03 PM, June 10, 2007
more than 100 people thought jamming was cool enough to come out sat night
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:27 PM, June 10, 2007
If nobody cares they why make a comment. You must be a Bush man and like his leadership.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:44 PM, June 10, 2007
Bush and AW = 2 of a kind
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:56 AM, June 11, 2007
Pete and AW........two of a kind. They like to (aw!)get (aw!)together(aw!)whenever(aw!) they can mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! That was good.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:38 PM, June 11, 2007
Can't wait for the last of the summer whine.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:16 PM, June 11, 2007
At least they are doing something in and for the county unlike you who get a check for being crazy or lazy mabe both.

" Anonymous said...
Pete and AW........two of a kind. They like to (aw!)get (aw!)together(aw!)whenever(aw!) they can mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! That was good.

12:38 PM, June 11, 2007 "
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:30 AM, June 12, 2007
To Anon 12:30 AM, June 12, 2007:

At least they can spell. So you must get your check for stupidity.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:20 AM, June 12, 2007
And their grammer was correct to boot!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:21 AM, June 12, 2007
Whut did Grammer have to say about it?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:15 AM, June 12, 2007
don't know what grammer is like. but sitting here, dropped off to sleep. dreamed about Rose starring in a movie. she was doing a swan dive off "THE END OF THE WORLD" wearing only a thong, with a silver tongue in hot pursuit and Jack Coleman was waiting to catch her.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:50 AM, June 12, 2007
12:30 AM, June 12, 2007 What the heck are they doing for the county? Spending five dollars at Go-Mart so John Heaters can pack it off to Braxton county. Really benefiting the county to.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:35 AM, June 12, 2007
Go go go mart the only thing we got.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:09 PM, June 12, 2007
when life gets boring try exe4rcising. jump to conclusions. see who can jump to the ellection day wins.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:42 PM, June 12, 2007
Anybody hear who got electrocuted over around Indore? Was stealing copper off the high voltage line and got zapped.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:00 PM, June 12, 2007
Adam Nottingham.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:20 PM, June 12, 2007
is he going to be okay
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:21 PM, June 12, 2007
anyone know the results from town election
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:49 PM, June 12, 2007
With over 46,000 volts going through him and the loss of his toes or feet, use of his hands and being fried literally if he makes it he may be all right. Wonder if he learned his lessen for stealing?
Hope he lives to tell the story and can warn others about penalties of messing with electricity and stealing in general.
In other countries if they catch you stealing with your right hand they cut it off. If its the left it to is cut off. Not many handless people running around I bet, and not alot of stealing going on there.
Might be a good thing to adopt this solution to stealing as it is on the rise all over. Just about daily you hear of copper thieves being electrocuted but it will never happen to me "right"?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:13 AM, June 13, 2007
I heard his girlfriend had 3 days to turn herself in. She been arrested yet?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:04 PM, June 13, 2007
WOW what's with that, was she suppose to be helping
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:30 PM, June 13, 2007
I heard that it was soooooooo bad for Mr. Nottingham that the skin on his hands peeled backward, he may have been breaking the law, but we need to offer words of prayer.

that's pretty terrible to have happen to a person,
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:28 PM, June 13, 2007
Yep the GF was helping steal the copper so I heard and also the story was told that he got his foot caught in the wire while digging yellow root and thats what caused him being electrocuted. Wonder why he was wearing rubber gloves? Did he actually think they would stop 46,000 volts?
Sometimes on the spot justice is served then and there. How would you react if you went out to your outbuilding to find someone had stolen all the electric wiring? Or come home and find they had stolen all the wiring in the house by tearing out the sheet rock and ceiling? Is there nothing these thieves won't stoop to? Its happened, right here in Clayberry to.
Now over in KY they took out over $8000.00 of copper pipes from the local swimming pool. Winter time occupations.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:50 AM, June 14, 2007
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