ClayByGumminesWV: Summer Time.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Summer Time.

# posted by George @ 6:33 AM
I was just wondering who painted the backdrop on the stage, it's very pretty
check it out great, new blog, click above on Code name V it takes you right there.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:32 PM, June 18, 2007
things get to hot on metal cleanup. the comments have disappeared.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:25 PM, June 18, 2007
There's only so many bad things you can say before nobody listens anymore.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:59 PM, June 18, 2007
High art dept I think
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:23 PM, June 18, 2007
You will find that when someone writes the truth here on this blog, and others it magically dissappears overnight. Funny how truth can't exist anymore as it might infringe on some right of someone.
Its hard to beleive that not one of the pictures posted on this site has the cam queen in them. Must have been the sun shining and not the flash bulbs going off kept her away.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:00 AM, June 19, 2007
Who is the cam queen?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:50 AM, June 19, 2007
Ms CCC herself.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:34 PM, June 19, 2007
All the comments gone? Remember the truth will set you free...
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:38 PM, June 19, 2007
So will not wearing underwear
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:17 PM, June 19, 2007
I was wondering, was the new porch and roof a community project. I certainly hope so and if I had known I would have loved to come along with my hammers and nails, that I can do, no sininging here but nailing them boards I love.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:05 PM, June 19, 2007
The ones in the picture share the $2500.00 Grant paid for by taxpayers and used by AW's cronies. Its called the Leach Brigade.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:21 AM, June 20, 2007
You can bet that AW's main man will be in the pictures.......Who is it??!! Well, it's (uh), (uh),
Don't (uh) stop (uh) Peter, (uh) it (uh) feels (uh) sooooooooo uh, uh, uh.......GOOD!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:14 PM, June 20, 2007
things of interest!!!!!!!!!!!!!
flowers on a chicory plant do not have the same number of petals.
measured a dandelion leaf in my yard. was 17" long.
a stalk for the flower was 27" long.
have you noticed that the worse a cheese smells the bettr it is.
there are other things with the same attribute.
my contribution to a new lie of thoughts.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:56 AM, June 23, 2007
Wonder why the paving job was not posted in the papers or bids were made on them? Typical Clayberry ethics. Where was the ace cub reporter? No mention of it anywhere. Just the good ole boys politics moving right along and thriving in Clayberry Land.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:02 PM, June 23, 2007
Do you have a paving company if so then you have a right to complain if not be quit.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:41 PM, June 23, 2007
The Health Board said at their last meeting that they wanted to take new bids. They said that Auxier was not charging enough.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:35 AM, June 24, 2007
hey George looks like Code V is kicking your serious a**
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:55 AM, June 24, 2007
I think that the Summer Jam is a VERY good community outreach. Way to go AW!
# posted by Blogger Anonymous : 2:18 PM, June 24, 2007
Auxiers not charging enough? Where have you checked their work at? What was the cost? What did Southern Paving or any of the other paving charge for the same amount of asphalt? The last time I checked it was almost $3000.00 more then southern charged so don't give me that crap. And besides if the job was not bidded in at the lowest bid it is not legal to hire anyone until it is. Its tax dollars being spent for the work and we have a right to have it bidded on.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:15 PM, June 24, 2007
no crap
Auxier bid less than $8000 and the health board said that wasn't enough. Did so at last meeting!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:18 AM, June 25, 2007
Isnt anything over$5000 bided out.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:53 AM, June 25, 2007
The bid size has nothing to do with it. All county, state, or federal jobs are supposed to be advertised and bidded out to all companys or individuals doing the work. It could be pressed to the point that union state pavers demand the pay for the job done since it was not bid and noone knowing it was to be done. Now wouldn't that choke the board into Ethical Pactices.
Two loads of asphalt will pave the parking lot with a cost of $660.00 per load and two hours work to put it down and an hour for delivery. 3 hours work for $8000.00 is pretty expensive pay seems to me. But that is what you get when you have idiots on boards that don't have a clue to what a job is worth or the work involved but its tax money waste all you can nobody in Clayberry will know and if you keep them in the dark and feed them BS they will stay Mushrooms for life.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:57 AM, June 25, 2007
Bids under a certain dollar amount can be secured with informal telephone bids
Prevaling wage doesn't count unless you are using federal monies
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:18 PM, June 25, 2007
And doesn't the company letting the bids out have the right to reject any and all bids?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:53 AM, June 26, 2007
Seems like you are going downhill since CODE NAME V came on the blog scene! Maybe next time you will rethink hiding all our comments. You can't handle the truth when it comes out. Let's see how long it is before this comment is deleted.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:23 AM, June 27, 2007
By narrow minded managers who are pro queer.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:10 AM, June 27, 2007
Pro-queer, hell!! Just down right QUEEER!!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:42 PM, June 27, 2007
That's fudge? I thought it was a beard.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:52 AM, June 28, 2007
pretty dull this morn. AWs news page is blank. had to read the ads. saw a crow fly over this morn. tried to sh*t on my auto; missed. musta been a young one.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:19 AM, June 28, 2007
Crows, Auxiers, Sh*t, and Aw all in the same category so can we now have a change of topics?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:56 AM, June 28, 2007
How bout we talk about some tight young panochea? They bloom this time of year, you know.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:32 PM, June 28, 2007
How 'bout somebody does a scanner report? I hate it when I walk by & they're saying something & I only get bits & pieces.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:45 PM, June 28, 2007
Have mercy Andy please change those colors on your site, what are you a 13 years old girl.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:04 PM, June 28, 2007
Real men wear pink.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:54 PM, June 28, 2007
the article about the burglary in Nicholas co. is interesting.
have you wondered how these four men got together and trusted each other enough to commit burglary together, especially sine they are so widely separated in living areas.

what is/was the common denominator?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:56 AM, June 29, 2007
They are all cousins and all are thieves and have stolen everything they can get their fingers on since they got big enough to steal.

Most of the stuff they steal is taken to Maryland to resale. All are out of jail on bond already and will not spend a day for their thieving ways. They have been caught in Clay many times and returned to the streets with the hopes that someone will shoot them and the Law Officials and Judges get big honors of putting some citizen in jail for life who has worked their life away to acquire their belongings only to have them taken by this band of thieves.
One instance of their stealing netted over $12,000.00 worth of tools that the Wv State Police were supposed to convict them on was thrown out of Clayberry Courts and no mention of it being made since then.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:27 AM, June 29, 2007
To borrow a quote from AW:

# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:49 AM, June 29, 2007
these things are easy to say but that is not proof. dates would be nice, when where and what ould be nice. cut out much research. although the search is interesting. so many untold and unknown items pop up about people who would rather be secret.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:01 AM, June 29, 2007
Talk to the Magistrates as they say the states bring them in one door and the feds take them out the back. You would think someone would do something besides protect this bunch of thieves.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:30 PM, June 29, 2007
Was one of the cousins found dead in his truck.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:54 PM, June 29, 2007
Who was responsible for the horrible sight of the dead deer south of Clay on Rt.16??? Shame, shame I know your name.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:34 AM, June 30, 2007
Yep one of the cousins found dead in a stolen truck a few weeks back and would also steal the pennies from a dead mans eyes.
Each community has its Murder Mountain Gang it seems.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:44 AM, June 30, 2007
it seems that Rose and Rose who is not Rose are both on vacation. hopefully they havn't over indulged and gotten flushed down the commode.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:09 PM, July 01, 2007
Hey! I'm Rose who is Rose (one of many, I'm sure) & nope, I'm not on vacation. But, boy, I sure do need one!

Who's running for county prosecutor next time??
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:13 PM, July 01, 2007
Flushed down the commode ... teeheehee ... did you know this is a HUGE fear of little potty-training boys??

Maybe that's why men rarely actually hit the toilet - they're afraid of (dare I say it??) p*ssing off the Toilet Monster!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA I slay me! LOL
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:15 PM, July 01, 2007
I read where Arthur handed over duties to the new mayor. I want to thank Arthur for the wonderful job he did while serving as mayor of Clay County. You're the best.
Mr Brown many wishes of luck to you also
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:25 PM, July 01, 2007
Yeah King Arthur done all the county a big favor by getting Clayberry on the map as the third highest water rate in the state. Now that lines have been laid to more communitys and noone signing on to the high costly water as old folks don't get enough money to live on to start with what good has it done?
We just orta be so proud of him for screwing the entire county. Maybe he can get on welfare to get a feel for how things work in the real world for real people.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:38 AM, July 02, 2007
Theres still people signing on the water system all over the county. Roane county too. Somebody needs to find out where the hell all those high water rate payements is going. Ask how many customers the plant was built to serve.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:06 AM, July 02, 2007
right let's live in the dark ages no city water, heck take away the electric. Any time any one (mayor or otherwise) helps the community there are some of you that will have a problem and then trash those that have helped. If you cannot pay for the water then keep your well, should be a fun time for you.... NO RAIN.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:36 PM, July 02, 2007
does anyone know where we can buy the lawn art that was pictured on AW home page last week.
Thanks to anyone letting me know
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:37 PM, July 02, 2007
If you cannot pay for the water then keep your well, should be a fun time for you.... NO RAIN.

Well lets not trash people for robbing, leagal without a gun if your a potlicker right.
Raise that glass of city water high and praise all those little particles of human waste, dead animals, waste from the funeral homes, every type waste known to man from all the sawmills and factorys, coal mines and car garage from the head of Elk River right to your kitchen sink. While you are drinking that glass of the finest water money can buy just remember what is in there. Running it over two turds and a rock don't purify it either, nor does adding chemicals marked (Not for human consumption, POISON) make it clean to drink. At least getting a from my well is more sanitizing and when the well goes dry, I can always go to the spring and get it. Compliments of nature as it was meant to be. Drinking from a cow track used to be the way of life and not one cent was paid for it. THINK
Moral of the story, Eat Sh*t don't drink it after being processed, along with dead cats and dogs, humans,and anything man or beast can put into your glass. Thank you but I will keep my well anyway.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:51 AM, July 03, 2007
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:50 PM, July 03, 2007
seriously dude who really reads these blogs, I think the same ole dozen or so people.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:39 PM, July 03, 2007
boo freakin who to you
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:06 PM, July 04, 2007
HAPPY 4th everyone let there be PEACE
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:32 PM, July 04, 2007
wonder how these new BDA officers got their positions.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:26 AM, July 06, 2007
Hand picked and selected by the previous BDA but don't worry Cam Queen will bring a new light on things. May be the lights of TV Cam but a new light.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:03 AM, July 06, 2007
I Would like to know where you get your info about the Town's water bills being the 3rd highest in the state???? If you had any brains you would know that the Town's water bills are one of the 10 LOWEST IN THE STATE !!!!!!!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:05 PM, July 07, 2007
I hear the CCC is going to start looking for people to serve on Business development board and housing board if interested call County Clerk and give them your name and number and which board. 587-4259
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:04 AM, July 10, 2007
to 12:05 PM, July 07, 2007


MUN CLAY, TOWN OF (COUNCIL) 24.18 12.28 CLA 141
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:49 PM, July 12, 2007
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:51 PM, July 12, 2007
What has happened to the race track at Obrion?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:33 PM, July 12, 2007

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