ClayByGumminesWV: Courthouse Trees

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Courthouse Trees

# posted by George @ 9:51 PM
Look's like the architect or engineer did it without removing the trees. This is the offical drawing of the site so Mr. Lanham has said. So the trees don't need to be touched!!!! WOW
In this era of "global warming", I thought the "green" thing to do was to plant trees not to cut them down!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:11 AM, December 12, 2007
If you see Joe Lanham let him know I can make the evergreens forever brown and do it for free.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:43 AM, December 12, 2007
That memorial needs to leave more space for the living. The collection of monoliths is not attractive.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:42 AM, December 12, 2007
hmmmmmmmm Now what is a monolith?Living? Is that that bunch of dopeheads that hang out on that side of the street day in and out except when apple fest time comes around.
Somebody needs to tell Joe Lanham to have a Viet Nam flashback when he runs into Andy Waddell again. I would like to be around when that took place.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:34 AM, December 12, 2007
I wonder if anybody's polled any actual living veterans to see what their opinions might be?

While a memorial is a wonderful idea, that particular layout is horrifically ugly. It's got no character, it's not attractive at all ... in fact, it looks an awful lot like a cemetary.

Surely to goodness that's not the best we've got to offer our fallen vets??
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 5:23 PM, December 12, 2007
I agree, the proposed memorial looks very sure there is enough sadness that our Vets and their families have had to endure...why not a park??? Or a garden that shows some beauty we all hold near and dear and are willing to die for???
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:41 PM, December 12, 2007
Why not have maybe 2 new monuments on each side and a remembrance bench like at Montgomery that is very attractive.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:06 PM, December 12, 2007
I feel sure the big wigs will not let the general public have a say in any memorial that goes there.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:20 AM, December 13, 2007
Well, ya know, there's a reason the county commission meets at 10 a.m. when those of us who actually pay their salaries are *working*.

Which is proven over & over, when nobody shows up for their meetings.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 5:30 AM, December 13, 2007
As a vereran I can say looks is not what the memorial is about to begin with. As opposed to what is shown a nice wall with the names of all Clay County Veterans on it would be nice to have. As far as a park..... We live in a park in Clay County and we have that fine big Park over at Maysel that has cost enough money already to have built the most of the people here a nice warm home to live in. I was out there once.... Who the H*** stuck it out there one of the buddys? No road worth a spit going to it, visited by a few, most don't know where it is or would go out there to it. Parks are out if you want a place to sit the courthouse has some benches. Town of Clay is not safe to sit in with the druggies wandering the streets or lounging in front of the old courthouse. Have you ever took a look at that bunch of creeps sitting over there when you're in town?
Any memorial to veterans would be a welcome site for all those who served this country and county but stick it somewhere to hide it is pitiful.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:21 AM, December 13, 2007
I think a wall with some benches in front of it would be good. the topography there would make it easy to do, and would leave more space for people.
The current proposal looks like a cemetery.
The sad thing is- regarless of where the monument is placed, or what it looks like, it will be most used by the same punks, crackheads and derelicts that are polluting the area now.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:12 PM, December 13, 2007
Yeah but i have the right to loaf and loiter.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:15 PM, December 13, 2007
Lets make it a real war monument and put some land mines on it and string some barbed wire around it.

That will take care of the "pollution" problem
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:19 PM, December 13, 2007
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:45 PM, December 13, 2007
Well we sure don't wnt it in Town with the druggies wandering the streets or lounging in front of the old courthouse so why not put at vfw headquarters where it should be
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:13 AM, December 14, 2007
well there might be less druggies hanging out.dh is snitching on the murder mountain folk.seems he is real close to bailey.why was he arrested and let go?high street might get cleaned up now.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:50 PM, December 14, 2007
I agree put the thing at VFW hall they can do what they want down there. As for some of us vets we don't like the looks of that thing or of cutting down the evergreens for any kind of Stone
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:22 PM, December 14, 2007
If they are going to put up a memorial, I would love to see the names of EVERYONE from Clay that served in the wars. Not just the names of the ones that died in the war. As for the trees, I do not see any reason they should be cut down. The trees are beautiful. They need to stay. The memorial can be put there and save the trees.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:21 PM, December 14, 2007
Why don't some of you spineless worms craw off somewhere and stay hid. If not for our Veterans there would be no memorials,no old courthouse and probably not even a Clayberry Blog. You gripe about everything that there is to gripe about. Where were you when the wars were fought?
Just like always you were to spineless to serve this country or this county except for the spineless lip service of how things should be. The memorial is going to be put right out in front of the old courthouse and if you don't want it there get used to turning your head just like you turned your A$$ when the country needed you.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:11 PM, December 15, 2007
well now Anon 3:11pm, wasn't that just the sweetest, most dignified and respectable of comments. :-/

Bet our Honored Veterans are just sooo PROUD that you chose to be their spokesperson.(In case you missed it, that was not a 'gripe' just a statement.)

As for the memorial. MY opinion is that it should show our love and respect for our veterans in a graceful and Honored way. To me that would be in a peaceful, lovely park setting that you could quietly reflect on all the sacrifices our veterans have made for us. A park setting with trees and greenery would reflect that.
A park just across from the courthouse would also be a nice gathering spot at Apple Festivle time for our Honored older generation to gather and listen to the music without having the music blow out their hearing.
And maybe, if the county leaders would try creating a respectful and classy place (example: park setting) then the citizens of this county will start showing some pride in our county instead of tearing it down.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:18 PM, December 15, 2007
Thank you very much, Mr. Stover. You will have it your way, come hell or high water, for it's just another ploy to get the old court house restored, again your way.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:24 PM, December 15, 2007
I do appreciate the Veterans. No doubt about that. Not everyone was called to serve their country. Some people were not even alive then to serve. You can look at it this way:
1) Most Veterans are respectable people. They did what they had to do to protect this country. Who protects and charishes his family.
Then you have Veteran #2:
2) There are alot of Veterans around Clay that can show the bad side humanity. Take for instance the Veteran who molested his granddaughter, drinks everyday of his life, a man who mental and physically abuses wife. Which Vet would YOU want to honor with a memorial?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:43 PM, December 15, 2007
LOL Who'da thunk a coupla trees would cause so much controversy?

I wonder, Anon who thinks we're all spineless worms, what *you* have done for our country? Personally, I belong to the generation that, even if we served, didn't see much "war" time. I think that's something to be proud of, not b*tch about.

Vets are just like every other clumped together group of people - they're not all saints. You don't condemn them all based on a select few.

Regardless, the memorial as proposed is still ugly. Being ugly doesn't detract from the sentiment, though.
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 10:25 AM, December 16, 2007
I wonder, Anon who thinks we're all spineless worms, what *you* have done for our country?

Ain't done a thing that would be worth mentioning here.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:41 AM, December 16, 2007
Well it looks like Young Mr. Hanshaw will spend a little time away from home. WaHoooo CRJ WoHoooo!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:56 PM, December 18, 2007
I know I am very happy about that, he is nothing but a thug whoes mom has gotten him out of trouble his hole life.Why did he FINALLY end up at CRJ?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:05 PM, December 18, 2007
TY is in CRJ also,guess there is truth to the rumor that DH is a snitch.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:14 PM, December 18, 2007
May they both get "Oz"-ed.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:40 AM, December 19, 2007
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:06 AM, December 21, 2007
Is there anyone else who heard about moving the VFD building? Or is this just a rumor? Heard that there was someone already looking at the building to see if it can be moved.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:13 AM, December 21, 2007
Be just as easy to run a dozer through it and build a new one. Looks like a trash dump in there anyway.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:48 AM, December 21, 2007
trash dump, where. what vfd are we talking about?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:38 AM, December 21, 2007
What is magistrate Boggs intending to move the VFD closer to his
I hope we all remember that in Ivydale Boggs would rather have no VFD than a bigger one. Election is coming up and CLAY COUNTY needs a BIG change. Boggs has to go, he can ride out with Randy.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:10 PM, December 21, 2007
The VFW building in on school property and owned by the school system, Did anybody catch David Pierson driving Randy's cruiser on friday on I 79 I was at a meeting after Belt had his family wreck at maysel and thought the CCC made a ruling nobody rode in county vehicle unless you were county employee wonder if Pierson is a deputy.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:53 PM, December 21, 2007
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:12 AM, December 22, 2007
Maybe Randy lost it for a day, in a poker game. And maybe, just maybe, someone is just kissing someones ASS?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:30 AM, December 22, 2007
Randy owes him bigtime from last election. They are teaming up to run David for CCC against Peter so school system can control everything
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:14 AM, December 22, 2007
Jimmy Duffield for the CCC. Politions are allways promise'n pork. Jimmy can deliever.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:03 PM, December 22, 2007
Not only will David run against Peter Triplett but willwin the election hands down because noone votes but school officials, employees, bus drivers and cooks and will be told to vote that way or get another job. As for me and my house we will vote David Pierson CCC as noone tells him how or what to do and AW can't lead him around by the nose. Jimmy Duffield can run again Fran next time around and win.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:43 AM, December 23, 2007
Hey Hippy, Merry Christmas!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:36 PM, December 23, 2007
I heard that BOVFD might be moving their building.Wonder if Boggs is happy about that or not?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:19 AM, December 27, 2007
DH is back at CRJ
Bet he was missed there
he aint missed in Clay
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:22 PM, December 27, 2007
Hanshaw made bond, wonder what kind of special arangements were made. With 8 f's an 3 m's, the bond musta been pertty high or someone went pertty low!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:51 PM, December 29, 2007
Mom freaked when he was sent back to CRJ,She called in all her favors and dropped to her knees again I am sure.DH would have been "shafted" in CRJ if he stayed.But his days are numbered.Might just end up disappearing.Did TY get out too?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:43 PM, December 29, 2007
That was slick, look how's playing stupid!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:30 PM, December 29, 2007
Does that mean Mary's giving head or was she just praying?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:02 AM, December 30, 2007
Mary praying?Yeah guess again.If she were it would be the David didnt steal from her.She must be willing to do something RH's wife wont,sex.LOL
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:59 AM, December 30, 2007
I declair this blog dead, may it rest in peace!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:39 PM, January 02, 2008
In the name of the father,son, and the holy spirt, I sanitize this Cyber Space.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:52 PM, January 02, 2008
There's voodoo here - it dies & just keeps coming back.... LOL
# posted by Blogger ROSE : 10:28 AM, January 03, 2008
maybe not voodoo but we have witches...
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:08 AM, January 04, 2008
Do we have another blog in town? or any town.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:51 AM, January 06, 2008
DH was beaten up?Not sure if his face is improved. Still hiding at mommy's house. What a life,being a snitch, having to hide.Why not do YOUR time for what YOU did and stop wagging your lips.Its the RIGHT thing to do.We should NOT reward DH with freedom when HE broke the law too!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:47 AM, January 07, 2008
Work him over with a claw hammer, he might think it's safer in jail.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:52 PM, January 07, 2008
So true Jack....
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:15 AM, January 08, 2008
What happened at the High Street Apartments last night, does anyone know?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:48 AM, January 09, 2008
David Hanshaw and pet girlfriend can stay. Mean High Street Apartment manager Joyce told him no rent for 4 months been to court twice you are out one way or other. I will pad lock your apartment Wed 1-9-08 at 6 pm with your stuff in there, Mommy Mary went crying to Magistrate King he gave them another 2 months because David Could not move his stuff because he was in jail. poor poor david wonder how Mommy worked this out.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:39 PM, January 09, 2008
To make it fair to the ones who do pay rent, Magistrate King should have ordered Mommy to move the stuff!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:13 AM, January 10, 2008
No knob job that way.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:30 AM, January 10, 2008
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:30 AM, January 10, 2008
Mary getting a fuking life, thats what she has been doing all along.Everyone needs a good fuk, now an then. Even a bad one would do.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:33 PM, January 10, 2008
true but you need to disinfect your member afterwards
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:09 PM, January 10, 2008
You mean to tell there is people walking around Clay with the nasty, and we don't know about it? And by God a care giver at that. Who are these perpertratores?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:20 PM, January 10, 2008
I know I spelled nasty wrong.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:22 PM, January 10, 2008
Love each other
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:53 PM, January 10, 2008
Yep! Then wash up Dam good afterwards
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:51 AM, January 11, 2008
Yes wash up and wear a rubber, sex can kill now a days...
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:23 AM, January 11, 2008
Us hillbillys call'm roobers
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:05 PM, January 11, 2008
We don't worry about safe sex, we just keep it in the family!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:57 AM, January 12, 2008
Better take down those trees. Because some one else may sue the town, for pine cones..All the drugies due hang under the trees.. Also likes hiding and taking a pee once in a while..
Just like a couple weeks ago saw the town drunk hobo. Urinenating on the building on lower end of town in day light.Evey body had a birds of view of that.. Need those big trees on that end.
Go ahead and take them down, eye sore any way.. Plus it destroys the foundation to the wall and street.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:20 PM, January 13, 2008
Drill a 1/2 inch hole and pour them full of roundup they will be everbrowns then.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:00 AM, January 14, 2008

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